To be honest, this is my first time building a website, so I directly chose ThinkPHP, an open source framework. Reasons for choosing this framework. . . I don’t remember anymore
It seems that this was the only one I knew at the time, and other better frameworks were learned later in this graduation project. When I think about it, I feel relatively
As I use Java to develop web, I feel that the direct parsability of PHP is more convenient for development and can save me a lot of work = =Then I started to learn PHP by myself (
I gave the front end to my classmate, luckily).
When I first started developing, according to my previous object-oriented understanding, I placed the method in the Controller and called it directly. Then I found that it was not possible and I had to
Place the method (public) in the function.php file of the Public module or its own Model, or you can create a new one to call it.
In the Thinkphp framework, since the framework itself will parse the html file, this will allow you to customize tags. You can use
For example:
<span>1</span> <span><</span><span>include </span><span>file</span><span>="Temp/temp_leftmenu"</span> <span>/></span>
<span>1</span> <span><</span><span>switch </span><span>name</span><span>="file.type"</span><span>></span> <span>2</span> <span><</span><span>case </span><span>value</span><span>="dir"</span><span>><</span><span>a </span><span>href</span><span>="{:U('Other/material',array('dir' => urlencode($file['name'])))}"</span><span>></span>{$file['filename']}<span></</span><span>a</span><span>></</span><span>case</span><span>></span> <span>3</span> <span><</span><span>case </span><span>value</span><span>="pdf|html|jpeg|png|mp4"</span><span>><</span><span>a </span><span>id</span><span>="{:hash('md5',$file['name'])}"</span><span>></span>{$file['filename']}<span></</span><span>a</span><span>></</span><span>case</span><span>></span> <span>4</span> <span><</span><span>default </span><span>/></span><span>{$file['filename']} </span><span>5</span> <span></</span><span>switch</span><span>></span>
This makes me, who is not very familiar with the web, very happy.
It’s really a long time ago. . . I have forgotten a lot of things, so I will write this much first.
There is really little information online, so the official website documents are of great help to me.