Linux Samba server construction
1. Samba: SMB (Server Messages Block) in English is a communication protocol for sharing files and printers on a LAN.
It provides sharing services for files, printers and other resources between different computers in the local area network.
2. Install samba server: sudo apt-get install samba;
3. Configure samba server: sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf;
Follow [printers] and add the following image after it For the content in the red box shown, the configured user name is smb, and the
shared folder is the home directory

4. Add an access user (that is, add the user who needs to log in to access the home directory in ubuntu from windows User name and password)
(1) Add smb system user:
Command: sudo useradd smb
(2) Set smb user login password:
Command: sudo smbpasswd –a smb
5. Samba service: start, stop and restart
Enter the commands in the terminal, respectively:
Start the samba service: sudo /etc/init.d/smbd start
Stop the samba service: sudo /etc/init .d/ smbd stop
Restart the samba service: sudo /etc/init.d/ smbd restart
6. After Samba is configured, restart the samba service: sudo /etc/init.d/ smbd restart;
7. Access the ubuntu shared directory home from win7
Enter the IP address of ubuntu in the start search // Samba server construction 1. Samba: The English name is SMB (Server Messages Block, Message Service Block). A communication protocol for sharing files and printers on a local area network. It is a local...