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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-12 08:51:15
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The random thoughts of PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace

The test environment for the sample code in this article is APMServ (PHP5.2.6) under Windows

Brief description

As you may all know, there is a function in PHP called debug_backtrace, which can backtrace the calling information of the function, which can be said to be a debugging tool.

Okay, let’s review.

Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>function</span><span> one() {

</span><span>function</span><span> two() {

</span><span>function</span><span> three() {
    </span><span>print_r</span>( <span>debug_backtrace</span><span>() );

    [0] => Array
            [file] => D:\apmserv\www\htdocs\test\debug\index.php
            [line] => 10
            [function] => three
            [args] => Array


    [1] => Array
            [file] => D:\apmserv\www\htdocs\test\debug\index.php
            [line] => 6
            [function] => two
            [args] => Array


    [2] => Array
            [file] => D:\apmserv\www\htdocs\test\debug\index.php
            [line] => 3
            [function] => one
            [args] => Array


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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

By the way, a similar function: debug_print_backtrace, the difference is that it will directly print the backtrace information.

Come back and seedebug_backtrace. Judging from the name, the purpose is very clear. It is used by developers for debugging. Until one day I noticed that the file parameter it returned, file represents the calling script source of the function or method (in which script file used). Suddenly I thought, if the current script knows the calling source, can it implement some interesting functions based on the source, such as file permission management, dynamic loading, etc.

Practical combat

Implement magic function

Get the name of the current function or method

Although there are already __FUNCTION__ and __METHOD__ magic constants in PHP, I still want to introduce how to use debug_backtrace to get the current function or method name.

The code is as follows:

Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial
<span>echo</span><span> getFuncName();



<span>echo</span><span> getFuncName();

</span><span>function</span><span> printFuncName() {
    </span><span>echo</span><span> getFuncName();

</span><span>class</span> <span>Object</span><span> {
    </span><span>static</span> <span>function</span><span> printMethodName() {
        </span><span>echo</span><span> getFuncName();

 * 获取当前函数或者方法的名称
 * 函数名叫getFuncName,好吧,其实method也可以当做function,实在想不出好名字
 * @return string name
<span>function</span><span> getFuncName() {
    </span><span>$debug_backtrace</span> = <span>debug_backtrace</span><span>();
    <span>$ignore</span> = <span>array</span><span>(
    <span>$handle_func</span> = <span>$debug_backtrace</span>[1<span>];
    </span><span>if</span>( <span>isset</span>( <span>$handle_func</span>['function'] ) && !<span>in_array</span>( <span>$handle_func</span>['function'], <span>$ignore</span><span> ) ) {
        </span><span>return</span> <span>$handle_func</span>['function'<span>];
    </span><span>return</span> <span>null</span><span>;

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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

Looks like there’s no problem, it’s fine.

Load relative path file

If you want to load files with relative paths in the project, you must use native methods such as include or require, but now with debug_backtrace, I You can use custom functions to load relative path files.

Create a new project with the following directory structure:

I want to call a custom function in index.php and use relative paths to load package/package.php, and in package.php Use the same method to load _inc_func.php

The codes of the three files are as follows (note the code of index.php and package.php calling the import function):


Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

import( </span>'./package/package.php'<span> );

 * 加载当前项目下的文件
 * @param string $path 相对文件路径
<span>function</span> import( <span>$path</span><span> ) {
    <span>$debug_backtrace</span> = <span>debug_backtrace</span><span>();
    <span>$source</span> = <span>$debug_backtrace</span>[0<span>];

    <span>$source_dir</span> = <span>dirname</span>( <span>$source</span>['file'<span>] );
    </span><span>require</span> <span>realpath</span>( <span>$source_dir</span> . '/' . <span>$path</span><span> );

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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>echo</span> 'package'<span>;

import( </span>'./_inc_func.php'<span> );

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</span><span>echo</span> '_inc_func'<span>;

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Run index.php:

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As you can see, I succeeded.

Thoughts: I think this method is very powerful. In addition to relative paths, abstract features such as relative packages and relative modules can be derived based on this idea, which can enhance the role of modularity for some projects.

Manage file calling permissions

I have agreed on a standard: File names with an underscore in front of them can only be called by files in the current directory, which means that such files are "private" in the current directory, and files in other directories are not allowed to load them.

The purpose of this is very clear: to reduce code coupling. In projects, many times some files are only used in specific scripts. But what often happens is that some programmers find that these scripts have functions or classes they need to use, so they load it directly to achieve their own purposes. This approach is very bad. The original purpose of writing these scripts is only to assist in the implementation of certain interfaces, and they do not take other versatility into consideration. In case the interface needs to be refactored internally, these specific script files also need to be modified. However, after the modification, some scripts that seem to have nothing to do with the interface suddenly fail to run. Upon inspection, it turned out that the references to the document were confusing.







Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>header</span>("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"<span>);

<span>define</span>( 'APP_PATH', <span>dirname</span>( <span>__FILE__</span><span> ) );

import( APP_PATH </span>. '/package/package.php'<span> );

 * 加载当前项目下的文件
 * @param string $path 文件路径
<span>function</span> import( <span>$path</span><span> ) {
    <span>$real_path</span> = <span>realpath</span>( <span>$path</span><span> );
    </span><span>$in_app</span> = ( <span>stripos</span>( <span>$real_path</span>, APP_PATH ) === 0<span> );
    </span><span>if</span>( <span>empty</span>( <span>$real_path</span> ) || !<span>$in_app</span><span> ) {
        </span><span>throw</span> <span>new</span> <span>Exception</span>( '文件路径不存在或不被允许'<span> );
    </span><span>include</span> <span>$real_path</span><span>;

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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>function</span> _Package_PrintStr( <span>$string</span><span> ) {
    </span><span>echo</span> <span>$string</span><span>;

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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>define</span>( 'PACKAGE_PATH', <span>dirname</span>( <span>__FILE__</span><span> ) );

import( PACKAGE_PATH . '/_inc_func.php'<span> );

</span><span>function</span><span> Package_printInfo() {
    _Package_PrintStr( </span>'我是一个包。'<span> );

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index.php中更改import( APP_PATH . '/package/package.php' );处的代码,并运行:

Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial
import( APP_PATH . '/package/_inc_func.php'<span> );

_Package_PrintStr( </span>'我载入了/package/_inc_func.php脚本'<span> );

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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial
 * 加载当前项目下的文件
 * @param string $path 文件路径
<span>function</span> import( <span>$path</span><span> ) {
    <span>$real_path</span> = <span>realpath</span>( <span>$path</span><span> );
    </span><span>$in_app</span> = ( <span>stripos</span>( <span>$real_path</span>, APP_PATH ) === 0<span> );
    </span><span>if</span>( <span>empty</span>( <span>$real_path</span> ) || !<span>$in_app</span><span> ) {
        </span><span>throw</span> <span>new</span> <span>Exception</span>( '文件路径不存在或不被允许'<span> );
    </span><span>$path_info</span> = <span>pathinfo</span>( <span>$real_path</span><span> );
    <span>$is_private</span> = ( <span>substr</span>( <span>$path_info</span>['basename'], 0, 1 ) === '_'<span> );
    </span><span>if</span>( <span>$is_private</span><span> ) {
        <span>$debug_backtrace</span> = <span>debug_backtrace</span><span>();
        <span>$source</span> = <span>$debug_backtrace</span>[0<span>];
        <span>$source_dir</span> = <span>dirname</span>( <span>$source</span>['file'<span>] );
        </span><span>$target_dir</span> = <span>$path_info</span>['dirname'<span>];
        <span>if</span>( <span>$source_dir</span> !== <span>$target_dir</span><span> ) {
            </span><span>$relative_source_file</span> = <span>str_replace</span>( APP_PATH, '', <span>$source</span>['file'<span>] );
            </span><span>$relative_target_file</span> = <span>str_replace</span>( APP_PATH, '', <span>$real_path</span><span> );
            </span><span>$error</span> = <span>$relative_target_file</span> . '文件属于私有文件,' . <span>$relative_source_file</span> . '不能载入它。'<span>;
            </span><span>throw</span> <span>new</span> <span>Exception</span>( <span>$error</span><span> );
    </span><span>include</span> <span>$real_path</span><span>;
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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>function</span><span> import() {
    </span><span>print_r</span>( <span>debug_backtrace</span><span>() );

    [0] => Array
            [function] => import
            [args] => Array


    [1] => Array
            [file] => F:\www\test\test\index.php
            [line] => 3
            [function] => call_user_func
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => import


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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial

</span><span>function</span><span> import() {
    </span><span>$debug_backtrace</span> = <span>debug_backtrace</span><span>();
    </span><span>$backtrace</span> = <span>$debug_backtrace</span>[0<span>];
    </span><span>if</span>( !<span>isset</span>( <span>$backtrace</span>['file'<span>] ) ) {
        <span>$reflection_function</span> = <span>new</span> ReflectionFunction( <span>$backtrace</span>['function'<span>] );
        </span><span>$backtrace</span>['file'] = <span>$reflection_function</span>-><span>getFileName();
        </span><span>$backtrace</span>['line'] = <span>$reflection_function</span>-><span>getStartLine();

    [function] => import
    [args] => Array

    [file] => F:\www\test\test\index.php
    [line] => 5
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Random thoughts about PHP debug_backtrace, phpdebugbacktrace_PHP tutorial












www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/1131136.htmlTechArticlePHP debug_backtrace的胡思乱想,phpdebugbacktrace 本文示例代码测试环境是Windows下的APMServ(PHP5.2.6) 简述 可能大家都知道,php中有一个函数叫 d...
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