Recently tried to configure nginx php mysql under windows, summarize it here.
1. Download the windows version of nginx. Official website download address: After downloading, extract it to D:wnmp
2. Configure php
Download the windows version of php, official website download address:, php will run in cgi mode, unzip the downloaded php package, and go to the wnmp directory of the D drive (D :wnmp), rename the extracted folder to php5.
Enter the folder and modify the php.ini-development file to php.ini.
Open php.ini and find the following code
extension_dir =<span>"</span><span>./ext</span><span>"</span>更改为extension_dir =<span>"</span><span>D:/wnmp/php5/ext</span><span>"</span>。 <br />;extension=php_mysql.dll 去掉分号<br />;extension=php_mysqli.dll 去掉分号(打开数据库动态链接库)
Then copy the libmysql.dll file in the php5 directory to the C:Windows directory, or set the environment variable path, and then find the following code
;cgi.fix_pathinfo=0 去掉分号并改为 cgi.fix_pathinfo=<span>1</span>
3. Configure nginx
After decompression, open the nginx.conf file in the conf directory and find
location /<span> { root html; index index.html index.htm; } #error_page </span><span>404</span> /<span>404</span><span>.html; # redirect server error pages to the </span><span>static</span> page /<span>50x.html # error_page </span><span>500</span> <span>502</span> <span>503</span> <span>504</span> /<span>50x.html; location </span>= /<span>50x.html { root html; } # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on </span><span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>80</span><span> # #location </span>~<span> \.php$ { # proxy_pass http:</span><span>//</span><span>;</span> <span> #} # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on </span><span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>9000</span><span> # #location </span>~<span> \.php$ { # root html; # fastcgi_pass </span><span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>9000</span><span>; # fastcgi_index index.php; # fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME </span>/<span>scripts$fastcgi_script_name; # include fastcgi_params; #}</span>
changed to:
location /<span> { root <span>d:/www</span>; //自行设置目录 index index.html index.htm; } error_page </span><span>404</span> /<span>404</span><span>.html; redirect server error pages to the </span><span>static</span> page /<span>50x.html # error_page </span><span>500</span> <span>502</span> <span>503</span> <span>504</span> /<span>50x.html; location </span>= /<span>50x.html { root <span>d:/www</span>; } proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on </span><span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>80</span><span> location </span>~<span> \.php$ { proxy_pass http:</span><span>//</span><span>;</span> <span> } pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on </span><span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>9000</span><span> location </span>~<span> \.php$ { root <span>d:/www</span>; fastcgi_pass </span><span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>9000</span><span>; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME <span>$document_root</span></span><span>$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; }</span>
Save configuration file.
4. Run nginx and php
Enter command:
D:\wnmp\php5>php-cgi.exe -b <span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>9000</span> -c D:/wnmp/php5/php.ini
Run php in cgi mode and listen to the data sent by nginx from port 9000. Double-click nginx.exe to run nginx.
Quick startup settings: First download the file RunHiddenConsole.exe and put it into the nginx directory, then save the following code as start_nginx.bat
<span>@echo off </span><span>set</span> php_home=../php5/ <span>set</span> nginx_home=./<span> echo Starting PHP FastCGI... RunHiddenConsole </span>%php_home%/php-cgi.exe -b <span>127.0</span>.<span>0.1</span>:<span>9000</span> -c %php_home%/<span>php.ini echo Starting nginx... RunHiddenConsole </span>%nginx_home%/nginx.exe -p %nginx_home%<span> exit</span>
Save the following code as stop_nginx.bat
<span>@echo off echo Stopping nginx... taskkill </span>/F /IM nginx.exe ><span> nul echo Stopping PHP FastCGI... taskkill </span>/F /IM php-cgi.exe ><span> nul exit</span>
The final file looks like this. Double-click start_nginx.bat to start nginx and php.
5. Install and configure mysql Download mysql:, and then extract it to the D:/mnmp directory Found in my-default.ini
basedir=<span>C:\Program Files\MySQL\ </span>去掉#<span>(mysql所在目录)<br />datadir</span>=C:\Program Files\MySQL\data 去掉#(mysql所在目录\data)
Command line to enter the directory: cd C:Program FilesMySQLbin, enter the following command to install mysql: mysqld -install (can be found in the service after installation)
Start the service: net start mysql, close the service: net stop mysql. It can also be started or shut down in the service.
Add path variable: Add in Computer>Properties>Advanced System Settings>Environment Variables: F:phpenvmysqlbin Login command: mysql -h host ip -u username -p user password