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Share a complete list of commonly used PHP tools in your own projects, share a complete list of PHP tools_PHP Tutorial

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Share a complete list of commonly used PHP tools in your own projects, share a complete list of PHP tools

Php code Share a complete list of commonly used PHP tools in your own projects, share a complete list of PHP tools_PHP Tutorial
  1. /**
  2. * Helper class
  3. * @author www.shouce.ren
  4. *
  5. */
  6. class Helper
  7. {
  8. /**
  9. * Determine the current server system
  10. * @return string
  11. */
  12. public static function getOS(){
  13. if(PATH_SEPARATOR == ':'){
  14.          return 'Linux'; 
  15. }else{
  16. return 'Windows';
  17. }  
  18.  } 
  19. /**
  20. * Current microsecond number
  21. * @return number
  22. */
  23. public static function microtime_float() {
  24. list ( $usec, $sec ) = explode ( " ", microtime () );
  25. return (( float ) $usec ( float ) $sec);
  26. }  
  27.     /**
  28. * Cut a string in utf-8 format (one Chinese character or character occupies one byte)
  29. *
  30. * @author zhao jinhan
  31. * @version v1.0.0
  32. *
  33. */  
  34.     public static function truncate_utf8_string($string, $length, $etc = '...') {  
  35.         $result = '';  
  36.         $string = html_entity_decode ( trim ( strip_tags ( $string ) ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );  
  37.         $strlen = strlen ( $string );  
  38.         for($i = 0; (($i $strlen) && ($length > 0)); $i  ) {  
  39.             if ($number = strpos ( str_pad ( decbin ( ord ( substr ( $string, $i, 1 ) ) ), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ), '0' )) {  
  40.                 if ($length 
  41.                     break;  
  42.                 }  
  43.                 $result .= substr ( $string, $i, $number );  
  44.                 $length -= 1.0;  
  45.                 $i  = $number - 1;  
  46.             } else {  
  47.                 $result .= substr ( $string, $i, 1 );  
  48.                 $length -= 0.5;  
  49.             }  
  50.         }  
  51.         $result = htmlspecialchars ( $result, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8' );  
  52.         if ($i $strlen) {  
  53.             $result .= $etc;  
  54.         }  
  55.         return $result;  
  56.     }  
  57.     /**
  58. * Traverse folders
  59. * @param string $dir
  60. * @param boolean $all true means recursive traversal
  61. * @return array
  62. */  
  63.     public static function scanfDir($dir='', $all = false, &$ret = array()){  
  64.         if ( false !== ($handle = opendir ( $dir ))) {  
  65.             while ( false !== ($file = readdir ( $handle )) ) {  
  66.                 if (!in_array($file, array('.', '..', '.git', '.gitignore', '.svn', '.htaccess', '.buildpath','.project'))) {  
  67.                     $cur_path = $dir . '/' . $file;  
  68.                     if (is_dir ( $cur_path )) {  
  69.                         $ret['dirs'][] =$cur_path;  
  70.                         $all && self::scanfDir( $cur_path, $all, $ret);  
  71.                     } else {  
  72.                         $ret ['files'] [] = $cur_path;  
  73.                     }  
  74.                 }  
  75.             }  
  76.             closedir ( $handle );  
  77.         }  
  78.         return $ret;  
  79.     }
  80. /** 
  81.      * 邮件发送 
  82.      * @param string $toemail 
  83.      * @param string $subject 
  84.      * @param string $message 
  85.      * @return boolean 
  86.      */
  87. public static function sendMail($toemail = '', $subject = '', $message = '') {
  88. $mailer = Yii::createComponent ( 'application.extensions.mailer.EMailer' );
  89. //Email configuration
  90. $mailer->SetLanguage('zh_cn');
  91. $mailer->Host = Yii::app()->params['emailHost']; //Sending mail server
  92. $mailer->Port = Yii::app()->params['emailPort']; //Mail port
  93. $mailer->Timeout = Yii::app()->params['emailTimeout'];//Email sending timeout
  94.  $mailer->ContentType = 'text/html';//Set html format
  95. $mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
  96. $mailer->Username = Yii::app()->params['emailUserName'];
  97. $mailer->Password = Yii::app()->params['emailPassword'];
  98. $mailer->IsSMTP ();
  99.  $mailer->From = $mailer->Username; // Sender’s email address
  100. $mailer->FromName = Yii::app()->params['emailFormName']; // Sender’s name
  101. $mailer->AddReplyTo ( $mailer->Username );
  102. $mailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
  103.  //Add email log 
  104. $modelMail = new MailLog ();
  105. $modelMail->accept = $toemail;
  106. $modelMail->subject = $subject;
  107. $modelMail->message = $message;
  108.         $modelMail->send_status = 'waiting';  
  109.         $modelMail->save ();  
  110.         // 发送邮件  
  111.         $mailer->AddAddress ( $toemail );  
  112.         $mailer->Subject = $subject;  
  113.         $mailer->Body = $message;  
  114.         if ($mailer->Send () === true) {  
  115.             $modelMail->times = $modelMail->times   1;  
  116.             $modelMail->send_status = 'success';  
  117.             $modelMail->save ();  
  118.             return true;  
  119.         } else {  
  120.             $error = $mailer->ErrorInfo;  
  121.             $modelMail->times = $modelMail->times   1;  
  122.             $modelMail->send_status = 'failed';  
  123.             $modelMail->error = $error;  
  124.             $modelMail->save ();  
  125.             return false;  
  126.         }  
  127.     }
  128. /**
  129. * Determine whether the string is utf-8 or gb2312
  130. * @param unknown $str
  131. * @param string $default
  132. * @return string
  133. */
  134. public static function utf8_gb2312($str, $default = 'gb2312')
  135. {
  136.  $str = preg_replace("/[x01-x7F] /", "", $str);
  137. if (emptyempty($str)) return $default;
  138. $preg = array(
  139.                                                                                                                                                                                conditions), this range actually includes Traditional Chinese characters
  140. ); if ($default == 'gb2312') {
  141.                                                                                              }  else {                                                                                               }  
  142. if (!preg_match($preg[$default], $str)) {
  143.         return $option; 
  144. }  
  145. $str = @iconv($default, $option, $str);
  146. //Cannot be converted to $option, indicating that the original one is not $default
  147. if (
  148. empty
  149. empty(
  150. $str)) {         return $option; 
  151. }  
  152. return $default; }  
  153.     /**
  154. * UTF-8 and gb2312 automatic conversion
  155. * @param unknown $string
  156. * @param string $outEncoding
  157. * @return unknown|string
  158. */  
  159.     public static function safeEncoding($string,$outEncoding = 'UTF-8')  
  160.     {  
  161.         $encoding = "UTF-8";  
  162.         for($i = 0; $i strlen ( $string ); $i  ) {  
  163.             if (ord ( $string {$i} ) 
  164.                 continue;  
  165.             if ((ord ( $string {$i} ) & 224) == 224) {  
  166.                 // 第一个字节判断通过  
  167.                 $char = $string {  $i};  
  168.                 if ((ord ( $char ) & 128) == 128) {  
  169.                     // 第二个字节判断通过  
  170.                     $char = $string {  $i};  
  171.                     if ((ord ( $char ) & 128) == 128) {  
  172.                         $encoding = "UTF-8";  
  173.                         break;  
  174.                     }  
  175.                 }  
  176.             }  
  177.             if ((ord ( $string {$i}) & 192) == 192) {
  178.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               $char =
  179. $string {
  180. $i};                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ​ 
  182.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              }  
  183. if (strtoupper ( $encoding) ==
  184. strtoupper (
  185. $outEncoding))
  186.            return 
  187. $string; 
  189. else 
  190.  return @iconv ($encoding, $outEncoding, $string); 
  191.  } 
  192. /**
  193. * Returns all values ​​of a key name in the two-dimensional array
  194. * @param input $array * @param string $key * @return array
  195. */
  196. public static function array_key_values(
  197. $array =
  198. array(), $key='')
  199. {
  200. $ret =
  201. array();
  202.  foreach((array)$array as $k=>$v){ 
  204. $ret[$k] = $v[$key];
  205. }   return $ret; }  
  206.     /**
  207. * Determine whether the file/directory is writable (replacing the system's own is_writeable function)
  208. * @param string $file file/directory
  209. * @return boolean
  210. */  
  211.     public static function is_writeable($file) {  
  212.         if (is_dir($file)){  
  213.             $dir = $file;  
  214.             if ($fp = @fopen("$dir/test.txt", 'w')) {  
  215.                 @fclose($fp);  
  216.                 @unlink("$dir/test.txt");  
  217.                 $writeable = 1;  
  218.             } else {  
  219.                 $writeable = 0;  
  220.             }  
  221.         } else {  
  222.             if ($fp = @fopen($file, 'a ')) {  
  223.                 @fclose($fp);  
  224.                 $writeable = 1;  
  225.             } else {  
  226.                 $writeable = 0;  
  227.             }  
  228.         }  
  229.         return $writeable;  
  230.     }  
  231.     /**
  232. * Formatting unit
  233. */  
  234.     static public function byteFormat( $size, $dec = 2 ) {  
  235.         $a = array ( "B" , "KB" , "MB" , "GB" , "TB" , "PB" );  
  236.         $pos = 0;  
  237.         while ( $size >= 1024 ) {  
  238.             $size /= 1024;  
  239.             $pos  ;  
  240.         }  
  241.         return round( $size, $dec ) . " " . $a[$pos];  
  242.     }  
  243.     /**
  244. * Drop-down box, radio button automatic selection
  245. *
  246. * @param $string Input characters
  247. * @param $param Conditions
  248. * @param $type Type
  249. * selected checked
  250. * @return string
  251. */  
  252.     static public function selected( $string, $param = 1, $type = 'select' ) {  
  253.         $true = false;  
  254.         if ( is_array( $param ) ) {  
  255.             $true = in_array( $string, $param );  
  256.         }elseif ( $string == $param ) {  
  257.             $true = true;  
  258.         }  
  259.         $return='';  
  260.         if ( $true )  
  261.             $return = $type == 'select' ? 'selected="selected"' : 'checked="checked"';  
  262.         echo $return;  
  263.     }
  264. /**
  265. * Download remote images
  266. * @param string $url The absolute url of the image
  267. * @param string $filepath The full path of the file (such as /www/images/test). This function will automatically determine the suffix name of the image based on the image URL and http header information
  268. * @param string $filename The name of the file to be saved (excluding extension)
  269. * @return mixed Returns an array describing the image information if the download is successful, false if the download fails
  270. */
  271. static public function downloadImage($url, $filepath, $filename) {
  272. //Header information returned by the server
  273. $responseHeaders = array();
  274.  //Original picture name
  275. $originalfilename = '';
  276. //The suffix name of the picture
  277. $ext = '';
  278. $ch = curl_init($url);
  279. //Set the value returned by curl_exec to include the HTTP header
  280. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  281. //Set the value returned by curl_exec to include Http content
  282. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  283. //Set the page after crawling jump (http 301, 302)
  284. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  285. //Set the maximum number of HTTP redirects
  286. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 3);
  287. //Data returned by the server (including http header information and content)
  288. $html = curl_exec($ch);
  289. //Get relevant information about this crawl
  290. $httpinfo = curl_getinfo($ch);
  291. curl_close($ch);
  292. if ($html !== false) {
  293.                                                                                                        // Separate the header and body of the response. Since the server may use 302 jumps, the string needs to be separated into 2 substrings with the number of jumps
  294.                                                                                                                        🎜>
  295.  //The penultimate paragraph is the http header of the server’s last response
  296.  $header = $httpArr[count($httpArr) - 2];
  297.  //The penultimate paragraph is the content of the server’s last response
  298.  $body = $httpArr[count($httpArr) - 1];
  299.        $header.="rn"; 
  300.  //Get the header information of the last response
  301. preg_match_all('/([a-z0-9-_] ):s*([^rn] )rn/i', $header, $matches);
  302.  if (!emptyempty($matches) && count($matches) == 3 && !emptyempty( $matches[1]) && !emptyempty($matches[1])) {
  303.           for ($i = 0; $i count($matches[1]); $i ) { 
  304.               if (array_key_exists($i, $matches[2])) { 
  305.                                                                                                                                   $responseHeaders[$matches[1][$i]] = $matches[2][$i]; >                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  309. if (0 '{(?:[^/\\] ).(jpg|jpeg|gif|png|bmp)$}i',
  310. $url ,
  311. $matches)) {
  312.             $originalfilename = $matches[0];             $ext =
  313. $matches[1];
  314. }  else {  
  315.            if (array_key_exists('Content-Type',
  316. $responseHeaders)) { 
  317.                                                                                                i', $responseHeaders['Content-Type'], $extmatches)) {
  319. //Save the file
  321. if (!
  322. empty
  323. empty(
  324. $ext)) {
  325.                 //If the directory does not exist, you must create the directory first            if(!is_dir(
  326. $filepath)){ 
  327.                   mkdir($filepath, 0777, true);                                                                                                  
  329. $filepath .= '/'.$filename.".$ext"; 
  330.             $local_file = fopen($filepath, 'w'); 
  331.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   fclose($local_file);                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ,
  332. 'height' =>
  333. $sizeinfo[1], 'orginalfilename' => >$filepath, PATHINFO_BASENAME));                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  335. }    return false; }  
  336.     /**
  337. * Find if the IP is in a certain rank
  338. * @param string $ip The IP to be queried
  339. * @param $arrIP Banned ip
  340. * @return boolean
  341. */  
  342.     public static function ipAccess($ip='', $arrIP = array()){  
  343.         $access = true;  
  344.         $ip && $arr_cur_ip = explode('.', $ip);  
  345.         foreach((array)$arrIP as $key=> $value){  
  346.             if($value == '*.*.*.*'){  
  347.                 $access = false; //禁止所有  
  348.                 break;  
  349.             }  
  350.             $tmp_arr = explode('.', $value);  
  351.             if(($arr_cur_ip[0] == $tmp_arr[0]) && ($arr_cur_ip[1] == $tmp_arr[1])) {  
  352.                 //前两段相同  
  353.                 if(($arr_cur_ip[2] == $tmp_arr[2]) || ($tmp_arr[2] == '*')){  
  354.                     //第三段为* 或者相同  
  355.                     if(($arr_cur_ip[3] == $tmp_arr[3]) || ($tmp_arr[3] == '*')){  
  356.                         //第四段为* 或者相同  
  357.                         $access = false; //在禁止ip列,则禁止访问  
  358.                         break;  
  359.                     }  
  360.                 }
  362. }  
  363. return $access;
  364.  } 
  365. /**
  366. * @param string $string Original text or cipher text
  367. * @param string $operation operation (ENCODE | DECODE), the default is DECODE
  368. * @param string $key key
  369. * @param int $expiry Ciphertext validity period, valid when encrypted, unit seconds, 0 means permanent validity
  370. * @return string The processed original text or the cipher text processed by base64_encode
  371. *
  372. * @example
  373. *
  374. * $a = authcode('abc', 'ENCODE', 'key');
  375. * $b = authcode($a, 'DECODE', 'key'); // $b(abc)
  376. *
  377. * $a = authcode('abc', 'ENCODE', 'key', 3600);
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