The examples in this article describe the usage of Zend Framework paging class. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
1. Pagination class Pagination.php, it is best to put this class in the Zend directory
class XY_Pagination { private $_navigationItemCount = 10; //导航栏显示导航总页数 private $_pageSize = null; //每页项目数 private $_align = "right"; //导航栏显示位置 private $_itemCount = null; //总项目数 private $_pageCount = null; //总页数 private $_currentPage = null; //当前页 private $_front = null; //前端控制器 private $_PageParaName = "page"; //页面参数名称 private $_firstPageString = "|<<"; //导航栏中第一页显示的字符 private $_nextPageString = ">>"; //导航栏中前一页显示的字符 private $_previousPageString = "<<"; //导航栏中后一页显示的字符 private $_lastPageString = ">>|"; //导航栏中最后一页显示的字符 private $_splitString = " | "; //页数字间的间隔符 / public function __construct($itemCount, $pageSize) { if(!is_numeric($itemCount) || (!is_numeric($pageSize))) throw new Exception("Pagination Error:not Number"); $this->_itemCount = $itemCount; $this->_pageSize = $pageSize; $this->_front = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $this->_pageCount = ceil($itemCount/$pageSize); //总页数 $page = $this->_front->getRequest()->getParam($this->_PageParaName); if(empty($page) || (!is_numeric($page))) //为空或不是数字,设置当前页为1 { $this->_currentPage = 1; } else { if($page < 1) $page = 1; if($page > $this->_pageCount) $page = $this->_pageCount; $this->_currentPage = $page; } } /** * 返回当前页 * @param int 当前页 */ public function getCurrentPage() { return $this->_currentPage; } /** * 返回导航栏目 * @return string 导航html class="PageNavigation" */ public function getNavigation() { $navigation = ''; $pageCote = ceil($this->_currentPage / ($this->_navigationItemCount - 1)) - 1; //当前页处于第几栏分页 $pageCoteCount = ceil($this->_pageCount / ($this->_navigationItemCount - 1)); //总分页栏 $pageStart = $pageCote * ($this->_navigationItemCount -1) + 1; //分页栏中起始页 $pageEnd = $pageStart + $this->_navigationItemCount - 1; //分页栏中终止页 if($this->_pageCount < $pageEnd) { $pageEnd = $this->_pageCount; } $navigation .= "总共:{$this->_itemCount}条 {$this->_pageCount}页\n"; if($pageCote > 0) //首页导航 { $navigation .= '$this->_firstPageString "; } if($this->_currentPage != 1) //上一页导航 { $navigation .= '$this->_previousPageString "; } while ($pageStart <= $pageEnd) //构造数字导航区 { if($pageStart == $this->_currentPage) { $navigation .= "$pageStart".$this->_splitString; } else { $navigation .= '$pageStart".$this->_splitString; } $pageStart++; } if($this->_currentPage != $this->_pageCount) //下一页导航 { $navigation .= ' $this->_nextPageString "; } if($pageCote < $pageCoteCount-1) //未页导航 { $navigation .= '$this->_lastPageString "; } //添加直接导航框 //$navigation .= ''; //2008年8月27号补充输入非正确页码后出现的错误——begin $navigation .= ' '; //2008年8月27号补充输入非正确页码后出现的错误——end $navigation .= " "; return $navigation; } /** * 取得导航栏显示导航总页数 * * @return int 导航栏显示导航总页数 */ public function getNavigationItemCount() { return $this->_navigationItemCount; } /** * 设置导航栏显示导航总页数 * * @param int $navigationCount:导航栏显示导航总页数 */ public function setNavigationItemCoun($navigationCount) { if(is_numeric($navigationCount)) { $this->_navigationItemCount = $navigationCount; } } /** * 设置首页显示字符 * @param string $firstPageString 首页显示字符 */ public function setFirstPageString($firstPageString) { $this->_firstPageString = $firstPageString; } /** * 设置上一页导航显示字符 * @param string $previousPageString:上一页显示字符 */ public function setPreviousPageString($previousPageString) { $this->_previousPageString = $previousPageString; } /** * 设置下一页导航显示字符 * @param string $nextPageString:下一页显示字符 */ public function setNextPageString($nextPageString) { $this->_nextPageString = $nextPageString; } /** * 设置未页导航显示字符 * @param string $nextPageString:未页显示字符 */ public function setLastPageString($lastPageString) { $this->_lastPageString = $lastPageString; } /** * 设置导航字符显示位置 * @param string $align:导航位置 */ public function setAlign($align) { $align = strtolower($align); if($align == "center") { $this->_align = "center"; }elseif($align == "right") { $this->_align = "right"; }else { $this->_align = "left"; } } /** * 设置页面参数名称 * @param string $pageParamName:页面参数名称 */ public function setPageParamName($pageParamName) { $this->_PageParaName = $pageParamName; } /** * 获取页面参数名称 * @return string 页面参数名称 */ public function getPageParamName() { return $this->_PageParaName; } /** * 生成导航链接地址 * @param int $targetPage:导航页 * @return string 链接目标地址 */ private function createHref($targetPage = null) { $params = $this->_front->getRequest()->getParams(); $module = $params["module"]; $controller = $params["controller"]; $action = $params["action"]; $targetUrl = $this->_front->getBaseUrl()."/$module/$controller/$action"; foreach ($params as $key => $value) { if($key != "controller" && $key != "module" && $key != "action" && $key != $this->_PageParaName) { $targetUrl .= "/$key/$value"; } } if(isset($targetPage)) //指定目标页 $targetUrl .= "/$this->_PageParaName/$targetPage"; else $targetUrl .= "/$this->_PageParaName/"; return $targetUrl; } } ?>
2. Call in indexController Function in indexController.php:
require_once 'Zend/Pagination.php'; $Users = new Users(); //$rows = $Users->getAdapter()->fetchOne("select count(*) from users where `role`!='admin'"); //recorde count $rows = $Users->fetchAll("`role`!='admin'")->count(); //查询记录总数 $rowsPerPage = 5; //perPage recordes $curPage = 1; if($this->_request->getParam('page')) { $curPage = $this->_request->getParam('page'); } //search data and display $this->view->users = $Users->fetchAll("`role`!='admin'",'id desc',$rowsPerPage,($curPage-1)*$rowsPerPage)->toArray(); $Pager = new XY_Pagination($rows,$rowsPerPage); $this->view->pagebar = $Pager->getNavigation();
3. It is easier to call paging in the view.
or in case of smarty template
Readers who are interested in more zend-related content can check out the special topics of this site: "Zend FrameWork Framework Introductory Tutorial", "php Excellent Development Framework Summary", "Yii Framework Introduction and Summary of Common Techniques", "ThinkPHP Introductory Tutorial" , "php object-oriented programming introductory tutorial", "php mysql database operation introductory tutorial" and "php common database operation skills summary"
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming based on the Zend Framework framework.