This article describes the plug-in format of Symfony2. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
A bundle is similar to plugins in other frameworks, but performs better than plugins. The main difference from other frameworks is that everything in Symfony2 is a bundle, including core framework functions and all application code you write. In Symfony2, bundles are first-class citizens. This gives you more flexibility to use content packages developed by other third parties or distribute your own bundles. You can easily choose what to apply to your program and what not to optimize them according to your ideas.
A bundle is a directory, which has a very good structure and can store anything from classes to controllers and web resources.
A bundle is just a structured collection of file directories that implements a single content.
You can create a BlogBundle, a ForumBundle or a bundle that implements user management (it seems that there are already many such open source bundles). Each bundle directory contains everything related to the implementation content, including PHP files, templates, style sheets, javascript files, test content, and anything else related. All aspects of the content to be implemented are kept in a bundle.
An application is composed of all bundles defined in the registerBundles() method in the AppKernel class.
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Here you can use this method to uniformly control and manage your application composition.
A bundle can be stored in any directory and can be automatically loaded by configuring the autoloader in the app/autoload.php file.
Create a bundle
Symfony2 standard version has prepared a full-featured bundle creation tool file for you. You can run it to create all the contents of the bundle, and of course you can
Choose to create it yourself. Now we create an AcmeTestBundle and make it work in our application. Note that Acme here is a fake provider name. You can completely replace it with the name of your own organization or company.
First, create a src/Acme/TestBundle/ directory and add a new file AcmeTestBundle.php
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Next, to make it available in your application, you need to add it in the registerBundles() method in the AppKernel class.
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Although it doesn't do anything now, it becomes part of your application.
We can also use the command line tools provided by Symfony2 to create:
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If you use the command line tool above, the created bundle will be automatically registered in the appKernel class.
Bundle directory structure
Look at the directory structure of the Demo bundle that comes with our Symfony2:
The directory structure of the bundle is simple and flexible, as you can see from the screenshot above:
Controller/ contains all controllers files of the bundle, such as HelloController.php.
DependencyInjection/ holds specific dependency injection extension classes that may import service configurations, register compiler transports, or more. This directory is not required.
Resources/config/ stores configuration files, including routing configuration (for example: routing.yml).
Resources/views/ All templates are divided into folders according to the names of the corresponding controllers and saved here. For example Hello/index.html.twig.
Resources/public/ All accessible web resources (images, style sheets, etc.) and the contents copied or asynchronously linked to the project web/ directory through the assets:install console command.
Tests/ saves all tests in the bundle
The following are some standard rules for bundles recommended by Symfony2:
Bundle name:
A bundle is also a PHP namespace. Namespaces must comply with PHP5.3's internal technical standards for namespaces and class names. Use the provider name at the beginning, followed by the classification segment (can be omitted), and finally the abbreviated name of the namespace, and the name must be suffixed with Bundle. To turn a namespace into a bundle, you only need to add a bundle class to the namespace.
Bundle class naming:
Only numbers, letters and underscores
Use camelCase naming
Use a descriptive and concise name (no more than two words)
Use vendor name as prefix (optional category namespace)
Add Bundle as name suffix
For example:
Namespace => Bundle class name
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The getName() method when defining the bundle class should return the class name.
Each bundle has an alias, which is the abbreviated version of the bundle name in lowercase characters, separated by underscores. For example, the original name of acme_hello's bundle is AcmeHelloBundle, and acme_social_blog is an instance of AcmeSocialBlogBundle.
The alias must be unique within a bundle.
Bundle directory structure: Basic directory structure of HelloBundle
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上面的XXX/... 映射到该bundle的命名空间。其中下面的文件是必备的:
Resources/meta/LICENSE: 全文的许可代码;
Resources/doc/index.rst: bundle说明的根目录文件。
使用类的子文件夹的深度应该保持到最小(2级是极限)。如果更多级可以定义为非静态,不过很少使用。bundle的目录是只读的。如果你需要修改临时文件,把它们保存到主应用程序的cache/ 或者 log/ 目录下。
类型 VS 目录
Commands VS Command/
Controllers VS Controller/
Service Container Extensions VS /DependencyInjection/
Event Listeners VS EventListener/
Configuration VS Resources/config
Web Resources VS Resources/public
Translation files VS Resources/translations/
Templates VS Resources/views
Unit and Functional Test VS Tests/
bundle的目录结构是被用来当作命名空间层级的。比如HelloController类保存在 Bundle/HelloBundle/Controller/HelloController.php文件中。
所以类的完全限定名是 Bundle\HelloBundle\Controller\HelloController 。 一些类被看作是装饰,应该越短越好,比如Commands,Helpers, Listeners 和Controllers等,一般都会被当作后缀。
一个bundle应该有一个使用PHPUnit的测试单元并把它存储在Tests/ 目录下。
测试套件必须能够被一个简单的phpunit 命令从一个简单的应用程序中执行。
如果bundle提供路由,他们必须使用bundle的别名为前缀,比如一个AcmeBlogBundle实例,所有的路由名必须是acme_blog_ 开头。
如果bundle提供模板,它必须使用Twig。 bundle不必低通一个主布局文件,如果你的bundle是一个完整的应用程序除外。
为了提供更大的灵活性,一个bundle可以使用Symfony2的内建机制提供配置设置。对于简单的设置,依赖于默认的Symfony2的parameters配置入口。 Symfony2参数都是简单的 key/value 对。值可以是任意的合法的PHP值。 每个参数名应该以讹bundle的别名开始,这只是一个最佳的建议。参数名其余部分用点号(.)分割,比如
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