This article describes the method of integrating smarty and adodb in Codeigniter. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
To write your own library in CodeIgniter, you need to write two files. One is the init_myclass.php file under application/init (if there is no init directory, create it yourself). The other is to create the myclass.php file in the application/libraries directory.
Here myclass is your class name. You can just read the manual for some rules. I will just explain the steps here.
1) Create mysmarty.php and adodb.php respectively under application/libraries
The contents of the mysmarty.php file are as follows:
<?php // load Smarty library require('Smarty/Smarty.class.php'); // The setup.php file is a good place to load // required application library files, and you // can do that right here. An example: // require('guestbook/guestbook.lib.php'); class MySmarty extends Smarty { function MySmarty() { // Class Constructor. // These automatically get set with each new instance. $this->Smarty(); $basedir=dirname(__FILE__); $this->template_dir = "$basedir/templates/"; $this->compile_dir = "$basedir/templates_c/"; $this->config_dir = "$basedir/configs/"; $this->cache_dir = "$basedir/cache/"; //$this->compile_check = true; //this is handy for development and debugging;never be used in a production environment. //$smarty->force_compile=true; $this->debugging = false; $this->cache_lifetime=30; $this->caching = 0; // lifetime is per cache //$this->assign('app_name', 'Guest Book'); } } ?>
The file path is modified according to the specific situation. The file path starts relative to the main directory of your website, not the current directory of the current file. For example, the above require('Smarty/Smarty.class.php'); is not Relative to the application/libraries directory, but relative to the $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] directory.
The content of the adodb.php file is as follows:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Adodb { function Adodb() { //$dsn="dbdriver://username:password@server/database" $dsn = 'mysql://user:password@localhost/xxxx'; require_once("adodb/".EXT); $this->adodb =& ADONewConnection($dsn); $this->adodb->Execute("set NAMES 'utf8'"); } } ?>
2) Create init_adodb.php and init_mysmarty.php respectively in the application/init directory.
The content of the init_adodb.php file is as follows:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); $obj =& get_instance(); $obj->adodb = new Adodb($obj); $obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'adodb';
The content of the init_mysmarty.php file is as follows:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); if ( ! class_exists('MySmarty')) { require_once(APPPATH.'libraries/mysmarty'.EXT); } $obj =& get_instance(); $obj->mysmarty = new MySmarty(); $obj->ci_is_loaded[] = 'mysmarty'; ?>
3) Use them
Create a file you need in the application/controllers directory. You can use adodb and smarty like this.
<?php class Test extends Controller { function Test() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->library('mysmarty'); $this->load->library('adodb'); } function index() { $this->load->library('adodb'); $row = $this->adodb->adodb->getrow('SELECT * FROM admin'); $this->mysmarty->assign("row",$row); $this->mysmarty->display("test.tpl"); } } ?>
I don’t know why adodb is needed twice here. According to the official method, it should only be needed once, but his method is wrong here. Maybe it's because I don't know much about CodeIgniter yet. I'll see if there is a solution if I dig deeper. But at least this one works for now.
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I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.