The examples in this article describe the declaration and instantiation of PHP classes, construction methods and destruction method. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:
<?php class human{ public static $leg=2; public $name = 'leo'; public $age = '25'; public function cry(){ } } $leo = new human(); print_r($leo); /*返回 human Object ( [name] => leo [age] => 25 ) */ //为什么没有leg呢? //是因为加了static,就变成了类的属性了,是属于所有 //通过这个类实例实例后的对象的 //public是权限修饰符,权限修饰符有public,protected,private //在PHP4经常用到var,这个现在不怎么也不推荐用,就相当于public //在PHP5中会把var解析成public ?>
Is there any way to change the properties of the object by passing parameters when creating a new object? Rather than being the same
Answer: You can define a constructor method in the class, that is, it will be executed when the object is initialized and can receive parameters
As shown below:
<?php class human{ public static $leg=2; public $name = 'leo'; public $age = '25'; public function __construct($name,$age){ $this->name=$name; $this->age=$age; } } $leo = new human('macro','23'); print_r($leo); /* 返回 human Object ( [name] => macro [age] => 23 ) 可以看到参数起作用了 __construct就是构造函数 */ ?>
Corresponding to the constructor is the destructor, which is executed when the object is destroyed
As shown below:
<?php class human{ public static $leg=2; public $name = 'leo'; public $age = '25'; public function __construct($name,$age){ $this->name=$name; $this->age=$age; echo $this->name."对象生成啦<br />"; } public function __destruct(){ echo $this->name."对象销毁啦<br />"; } } $leo = new human('macro','23'); $tim = new human('tim','18'); unset($leo); echo '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<br />'; /* 返回: macro对象生成啦 tim对象生成啦 macro对象销毁啦 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tim对象销毁啦 */ //__destruct是析构函数,即对象销毁的时候调用 //为什么$tim 没有unset 也执行了析构函数 //这是一个隐式销毁,unset是显式销毁 //当一个页面执行完成自动销毁 ?>
Readers who are interested in more object-oriented content related to PHP can check out the special topic of this site: "Introduction Tutorial on PHP Object-Oriented Programming"
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone in PHP programming.