1. Set the maximum execution time in PHP:
In the PHP.ini file in PHP, the max_execution_time item specifies the maximum execution time of PHP. The default is 30 seconds. There are two options to modify it:
1. Modify the value of max_execution_time directly in the PHP.ini file. However, this modification method requires the permission to modify the configuration file. Generally, modifications on the server require administrator permission.
2. If you do not have permission, you can use ini_set("max_execution_time", "0"), to set it in the PHP program, where 0 means there is no execution time limit.
2. pathinfo() function: This function returns file path information in the form of an array. The usage is:
pathinfo(path, process_sections)
Where path is a required parameter, which is the path to be checked, process_sections is an optional parameter, the default value is all, possible values:
PATHINFO_DIRNAME only returns dirname
PATHINFO_BASENAME only returns basename
PATHINFO_EXTENSION only returns extension
By default, this function returns an array containing path information: [dirname] [basename] [extension]. If you do not want to obtain all the information, pathinfo() returns the string
3. PHP server forbidden to access type error:
This type of error is caused by access denied possibly being set in the configuration file. Find the corresponding