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Use PHP to implement WeChat shake peripheral red envelopes and peripheral red envelopes_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-12 09:01:36
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Using PHP to implement WeChat shake red envelopes, peripheral red envelopes

I recently took on a project, and there was a need to implement the shake red envelope function, and I searched online for a long time , I couldn’t find the source code, so I had no choice but to write it automatically. The editor will share the results of my labor with you for your reference. This article is not well written. I also ask all heroes to provide valuable opinions and learn and make progress together.

The official description of WeChat is as follows

Instructions for shaking the red envelope

Function Description

Shake the surrounding red envelope interface is a red envelope issuing function provided for offline merchants. Users can receive red envelopes issued by merchants by shaking their surroundings in offline places such as merchant stores. Online forwarding and sharing are invalid.

Developers can develop the shake red envelope function through the interface. Features include:
1. You can choose to use the template loading page or the custom Html5 page to call up the WeChat native red envelope page (see the use_template field in the red envelope creation activity for details, 1 is to use the template, 2 is to use the custom Html5 page)
2. To open red envelopes on the native red envelope page, there is no need to send them through public account messages
3. Provide the ability to follow public accounts, users can choose whether to follow them (not valid when sharing fission red envelopes)
4. The completed page can be configured with a jump link, which can jump to other customized Html5 pages of the merchant
5. The same user can only receive one red envelope in a single red envelope event

User-side interaction process

Red envelope component interface calling process

1. Apply for the red envelope interface permission: log in to the backend of Shake and shake surrounding merchants at https://zb.weixin.qq.com, enter developer support, and apply to open the Shake and shake red envelope component interface;
2. Red envelope pre-ordering: Call the WeChat payment API to place a red envelope pre-order, inform the amount of red envelopes to be distributed, the number of people, and generate a red envelope ticket;
3. Create an event and enter red envelope information: Call the API of the Shake Peripheral Platform to create a red envelope activity and enter information, and pass in the red envelope ticket generated when placing an order;
4. Call jsapi to draw a red envelope: Call jsapi to draw a red envelope on the page that is shaken out. The user who wins the red envelope can open the red envelope;
5. When calling the above interface, the public account requirements of the red envelope provider and the red envelope issuing merchant are consistent.


Red envelope provider: the merchant represented by the parameter wxappid passed in through the red envelope pre-ordering interface
Merchants that issue red envelopes: call the red envelope interface to create red envelope activities, enter red envelope information, and issue red envelope merchant public accounts. So the steps should be ① Create a red envelope activity ② Pre-place an order ③ Enter the red envelope. Find out the previously organized classes and write them down 1. Create an event

Interface Description

Create a red envelope activity, set the validity period of the red envelope activity, red envelope activity switch and other basic information, and return the activity id

Interface calling instructions

Server-side call

http request method: POST
URL: https://api.weixin.qq.com/shakearound/lottery/addlotteryinfo?access_token=ACCESSTOKEN&use_template=1&logo_url=LOGO_URL

Request parameter description

Request example

 Content-Type: application/json Post Body:
 "title": "title",              
 "desc": "desc",               
 "onoff": 1,                 
 "begin_time": 1428854400,              
 "expire_time": 1428940800,              
 "sponsor_appid": "wxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
 "total": 10,
 "jump_url": JUMP_URL,   
 "key": "keyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy"              
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Return data description


 * 摇一摇红包 创建活动
 * @author jiosen
class addlotteryinfo_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub
  var $code;//code码,用以获取openid
  var $openid;//用户的openid
  function __construct($access_token,$logo)
    $this->url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/shakearound/lottery/addlotteryinfo?access_token=".$access_token."&use_template=1&logo_url=".$logo;
    $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT;
   * 生成接口参数 json
  function createJson()
      if($this->parameters["title"] == null)
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少抽奖活动名称title!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["desc"] == null ) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少抽奖活动描述desc!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["begin_time"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少活动开始时间 begin_time!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["expire_time"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少活动结束时间 expire_time!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["total"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少红包总数total!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["jump_url"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少红包关注跳转连接jump_url!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["key"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少红包key!"."<br>");
      $this->parameters["title"] = urlencode($this->parameters["title"]);
      $this->parameters["desc"] = urlencode($this->parameters["desc"]);
      $this->parameters["onoff"] = '1';//开启活动
      $this->parameters["sponsor_appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//公众账号ID
      //echo json_encode($this->parameters);
      return json_encode($this->parameters);
    }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e)
  function hbpreorder()
    $data = $this->createJson();
    $result = $this->curl_post($this->url,urldecode($data));
    $result = json_decode($result);
    return $result;
  function curl_post($url,$data)
    $curl = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);//发送一个常规的Post请求
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);//Post提交的数据包
    $rv = curl_exec($curl);//输出内容
    return $rv;
   * 作用:生成可以获得code的url
  function createOauthUrlForCode($redirectUrl)
    $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;
    $urlObj["redirect_uri"] = "$redirectUrl";
    $urlObj["response_type"] = "code";
    $urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base";
    $urlObj["state"] = "STATE"."#wechat_redirect";
    $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false);
    return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize&#63;".$bizString;
   * 作用:生成可以获得openid的url
  function createOauthUrlForOpenid()
    $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;
    $urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPSECRET;
    $urlObj["code"] = $this->code;
    $urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code";
    $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false);
    return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token&#63;".$bizString;
   * 作用:通过curl向微信提交code,以获取openid
  function getOpenid()
    $url = $this->createOauthUrlForOpenid();
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $this->curl_timeout);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $res = curl_exec($ch);
    $data = json_decode($res,true);
    $this->openid = $data['openid'];
    return $this->openid;
   * 作用:设置code
  function setCode($code_)
    $this->code = $code_;
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Please note that the submitted data is json, not xml

Just make the front-end page

php code

$title = $_POST['title'];
 $file = $_FILES['img'];
 $tools = new Tools(); //这是一个文件上传类 随意选择一样你喜欢的上传方式
 $logo_url = $tools->_upload_award("poll_img", $file, time()); 
 $description = $_POST['description'];
 $total = $_POST['total'];
 $jump_url = $_POST['jump_url'];
 $token = getAccessToken();  //这里是我封装的一个获取 token的 方法 做了时间限制 防止超出调用次数
   $Redpack = new addlotteryinfo_pub($token,SITE_URL.$logo_url);
   $time = time();
   $end = time()+60*24*60*60;//两个月 这里的开始和结束时间我固定了 
  $key = $Redpack->createNoncestr(); //key
 $Redpack->setParameter('title', $title);
$Redpack->setParameter('desc', $description);
$Redpack->setParameter('begin_time', $time);
$Redpack->setParameter('expire_time', $end); 
$Redpack->setParameter('total', $total);
$Redpack->setParameter('jump_url', $jump_url);
$Redpack->setParameter('key', $key);
$result = $Redpack->hbpreorder();
$result = (array)$result; 
   $lottery_id = $result['lottery_id'];
  $page_id = $result['page_id'];
  //echo '创建活动失败:'.$result['errmsg'];
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2. Pre-order

Interface Description

Set the amount, type, etc. of a single red envelope and generate red envelope information. After the pre-order is placed, jsapi needs to be called within 72 hours to complete the operation of drawing red envelopes. (After the red envelope expires, the funds will be returned to the merchant’s Tenpay account.)

Interface calling instructions

Server-side call

http request method: POST


POST data format: XML

Merchant certificate required

Request parameter description


<wishing><![CDATA[恭喜发财 ]]></wishing>   
<act_name><![CDATA[ 新年红包 ]]></act_name>   
<remark><![CDATA[新年红包 ]]></remark>   
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以下字段在return_code 和result_code都为SUCCESS的时候有返回


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 * 摇一摇红包预下单 
 * @author jiosen
class Yhb_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub
  var $code;//code码,用以获取openid
  var $openid;//用户的openid
  function __construct()
    $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/mmpaymkttransfers/hbpreorder";
    $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT;
   * 生成接口参数xml
  function createXml()
      if($this->parameters["mch_billno"] == null)
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数mch_billno!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["send_name"] == null ) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数send_name!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["total_amount"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数total_amount!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["total_num"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数total_num!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["wishing"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数wishing!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["act_name"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数act_name!"."<br>");
      }elseif ($this->parameters["remark"] == null) {
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少发红包接口必填参数remark!"."<br>");
      $this->parameters["wxappid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//公众账号ID
      $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//商户号
      $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//随机字符串
      //$this->parameters["re_openid"] = $this->openid;//用户openid
      $this->parameters["hb_type"] = 'NORMAL';//红包类型 NORMAL-普通红包;GROUP-裂变红包(可分享红包给好友,无关注公众号能力)。 
      $this->parameters["auth_mchid"] = '1000052601';//摇周边商户号
      $this->parameters["auth_appid"] = 'wxbf42bd79c4391863';//摇周边 appid
      $this->parameters["risk_cntl"] = 'NORMAL';//风控设置
      $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//签名
      return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters);
    }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e)
  function hbpreorder()
    $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response);
    return $this->result;
   * 作用:生成可以获得code的url
  function createOauthUrlForCode($redirectUrl)
    $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;
    $urlObj["redirect_uri"] = "$redirectUrl";
    $urlObj["response_type"] = "code";
    $urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base";
    $urlObj["state"] = "STATE"."#wechat_redirect";
    $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false);
    return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize&#63;".$bizString;
   * 作用:生成可以获得openid的url
  function createOauthUrlForOpenid()
    $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;
    $urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPSECRET;
    $urlObj["code"] = $this->code;
    $urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code";
    $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false);
    return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token&#63;".$bizString;
   * 作用:通过curl向微信提交code,以获取openid
  function getOpenid()
    $url = $this->createOauthUrlForOpenid();
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $this->curl_timeout);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $res = curl_exec($ch);
    $data = json_decode($res,true);
    $this->openid = $data['openid'];
    return $this->openid;
   * 作用:设置code
  function setCode($code_)
    $this->code = $code_;
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这里需要注意的是 auth_mchid 和 auth_appid 要填摇周边平台给出的appid 和商户号
调用 (这里不贴前端页面了)

$Redpack = new \Yhb_pub(); 
 $Redpack->setParameter('mch_billno', WxPayConf_pub::MCHID.date('YmdHis').rand(1000, 9999));
 $Redpack->setParameter('send_name', "商户名称");
 $Redpack->setParameter('total_amount', 100); //单位分
 $Redpack->setParameter('amt_type', "ALL_RAND");
 $Redpack->setParameter('total_num', 1);
 $Redpack->setParameter('wishing', "摇一摇送红包");
 $Redpack->setParameter('act_name', "摇一摇送红包");
 $Redpack->setParameter('remark', "摇一摇送红包 备注");
 $result = $Redpack->hbpreorder();
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在调用"创建红包活动"接口之后,调用此接口录入红包信息。注意,此接口每次调用,都会向某个活动新增一批红包信息,如果红包数少于100 个,请通过一次调用添加所有红包信息。如果红包数大于100,可以多次调用接口添加。请注意确保多次录入的红包ticket总的数目不大于创建该红包活动 时设置的total值。



http请求方式: POST




 Content-Type: application/json Post Body:
"lottery_id": "xxxxxxllllll",   
"mchid": "10000098",   
"sponsor_appid": "wx8888888888888888",  
"prize_info_list": [     
  "ticket": "v1|ZiPs2l0hpMBp3uwGI1rwp45vOdz/V/zQ/00jP9MeWT+e47/q1FJjwCIP34frSjzOxAEzJ7k2CtAg1pmcShvkChBWqbThxPm6MBuzceoHtj79iHuHaEn0WAO+j4sXnXnbGswFOlDYWg1ngvrRYnCY3g=="
  "ticket": "v1|fOhNUTap1oepSm5ap0hx1gmATM\/QX\/xn3sZWL7K+5Z10sbV5\/mZ4SwxwxbK2SPV32eLRvjd4ww1G3H5a+ypqRrySi+4oo97y63KoEQbRCPjbkyQBY8AYVyvD40V2b9slTQCm2igGY98mPe+VxZiayQ=="

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"ticket": "v1|ZiPs2l0hpMBp3uwGI1rwp45vOdz/V/zQ/00jP9MeWT+e47/q1FJjwCIP34frSjzOxAEzJ7k2CtAg1pmcShvkChBWqbThxPm6MBuzceoHtj79iHuHaEn0WAO+j4sXnXnbGswFOlDYWg1ngvrRYnCY3g=="            
"ticket":"v1|ZiPs2l0zzXCsdfwe45dxCdHiukOdz/V/zQ/89xcnC5XnT+e47/q1FJjwCO4frSjzOxAEzJ7k2CtAg1pmcShvkChBWzc45dDGC32Dcxx4DGxczjDCGsdjowe9iHuaEn0WAO+GswFOlDYWg1ngvrRYnCY3g=="     }   

 * 摇一摇红包 录入红包
 * @author jiosen
class lottery_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub
  var $code;//code码,用以获取openid
  var $openid;//用户的openid
  function __construct($access_token)
    $this->url = "https://api.weixin.qq.com/shakearound/lottery/setprizebucket&#63;access_token=".$access_token;
    $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT;
   * 生成接口参数 json
  function createJson()
      if($this->parameters["lottery_id"] == null)
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少抽奖活动id lottery_id !"."<br>");
      }else if(empty($this->parameters["prize_info_list"])){
        throw new SDKRuntimeException("缺少抽奖活动红包 prize_info_list !"."<br>");
      $this->parameters["mchid"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//授权商户号
      $this->parameters["sponsor_appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//授权上号appid
      return json_encode($this->parameters);
      //echo json_encode($this->parameters);die;
    }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e)
  function setJsonArray($parameter, $parameterValue){
    $this->parameters[$this->trimString($parameter)] = $parameterValue;
  function hbpreorder()
    $data = $this->createJson();
    $result = $this->curl_post($this->url,$data);
    $result = json_decode($result);
    return $result;
  function curl_post($url,$data)
    $curl = curl_init($url);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);//发送一个常规的Post请求
    curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);//Post提交的数据包
    $rv = curl_exec($curl);//输出内容
    return $rv;
   * 作用:生成可以获得code的url
  function createOauthUrlForCode($redirectUrl)
    $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;
    $urlObj["redirect_uri"] = "$redirectUrl";
    $urlObj["response_type"] = "code";
    $urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base";
    $urlObj["state"] = "STATE"."#wechat_redirect";
    $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false);
    return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize&#63;".$bizString;
   * 作用:生成可以获得openid的url
  function createOauthUrlForOpenid()
    $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;
    $urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPSECRET;
    $urlObj["code"] = $this->code;
    $urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code";
    $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false);
    return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token&#63;".$bizString;
   * 作用:通过curl向微信提交code,以获取openid
  function getOpenid()
    $url = $this->createOauthUrlForOpenid();
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $this->curl_timeout);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    $res = curl_exec($ch);
    $data = json_decode($res,true);
    $this->openid = $data['openid'];
    return $this->openid;
   * 作用:设置code
  function setCode($code_)
    $this->code = $code_;
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<br>    $token = getAccessToken();<br>    $Redpack = new \lottery_pub($token);<br>    $lottery_id = ''; //这里读取数据库取出创建活动时返回的 lottery_id
 $Redpack->setParameter('lottery_id', $lottery_id);
  $prize_info_list =array(array('ticket'=>'这里取出预下单返回的sp_ticket'));
  $Redpack->setJsonArray('prize_info_list', $prize_info_list);
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抢红包页面 php

function getshakeinfo($access_token,$ticket){
      $data=array('ticket' =>$ticket);
      echo 'access_token null';
     return $jo;
    $ticket=$_GET['ticket'];//获叏设备信息,包括 U UID 、 major 、 minor ,以及距离、 openID 等信息
    $token = getAccessToken();
    $jsapi = new Common_util_pub(); 
    $noncestr = $jsapi->createNoncestr();
    $parameters = array(
        'lottery_id' =>'创建活动时候返回的活动ID',
    $signStr = $jsapi->formatBizQueryParaMap($parameters,false);
    $key = '创建活动时候的key';
    $sign = strtoupper(md5($signStr));
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<script type="text/javascript" src="http://zb.weixin.qq.com/app/shakehb/BeaconShakehbJsBridge.js">
<script type="text/javascript">
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   * 事件处理
   * @param unknown $object
   * @return string
  public function handleEvent($object) {
    // Event是事件类型(subscribe,LOCATION)
    $oneEvent = $object->Event;
    // EventKey是菜单事件的key值
    $key = $object->EventKey;
    // 关注事件
    if ($oneEvent == "subscribe" || $oneEvent == "SCAN") {
      if(!empty($object->Ticket)) {
      } else {
    }else if($oneEvent=="ShakearoundLotteryBind"){
    }else if.......其他的事件......
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 完毕了.时间比较匆忙 也没时间做优化 大神经过顺便指导12  我好搓的英文基础

下面贴上完整WxPayPubHelper 集成了所有支付类 配置可用

/*** WeChat payment help library
 * ================================================= ===
 * There are three types of interfaces:
 * [Request interface]--Wxpay_client_
 * Unified payment interface class--UnifiedOrder
 * Order query interface--OrderQuery
 * Refund application interface--Refund
 * Refund query interface--RefundQuery
 * Bill interface--DownloadBill
 * Short link conversion interface--ShortUrl
 * [Responsive interface]--Wxpay_server_
 * General notification interface--Notify
 * Native payment - Request merchants to obtain product information interface - NativeCall
 * 【other】
 * Static link QR code--NativeLink
 * JSAPI payment--JsApi
 * ================================================= ====
 *【CommonUtil】Commonly used tools:
 * trimString(), the character processing function needed when setting parameters
 * createNoncestr(), generates a random string, no longer than 32 bits
 * formatBizQueryParaMap(), format parameters, needed for the signature process
 * getSign(), generate signature
 * arrayToXml(), array to xml
 * xmlToArray(), xml to array
 * postXmlCurl(), submit xml to the corresponding interface url in post mode
 * postXmlSSLCurl(), uses the certificate to submit xml to the corresponding interface url in post mode*/
/*** Base class for all interfaces*/
class Common_util_pub
  function __construct() {
  function trimString($value)
    $ret = null;
    if (null != $value) 
      $ret = $value;
      if (strlen($ret) == 0) 
        $ret = null;
    return $ret;
  /*** Function: Generate a random string, no longer than 32 bits*/
  public function createNoncestr( $length = 32 ) 
    $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; 
    $str ="";
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i   ) { 
      $str.= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1), 1); 
    return $str;
  /*** Function: Formatting parameters, required for the signature process*/
  function formatBizQueryParaMap($paraMap, $urlencode)
    $buff = "";
    foreach ($paraMap as $k => $v)
        $v = urlencode($v);
      //$buff .= strtolower($k) . "=" . $v . "&";
      $buff .= $k . "=" . $v . "&";
    if (strlen($buff) > 0) 
      $reqPar = substr($buff, 0, strlen($buff)-1);
    return $reqPar;
  /*** Function: generate signature*/
  public function getSign($Obj)
    foreach ($Obj as $k => $v)
      $Parameters[$k] = $v;
    $String = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($Parameters, false);
    //echo '【string1】'.$String.'</br>';
    $String = $String."&key=".WxPayConf_pub::KEY;
    //echo "【string2】".$String."</br>";
    $String = md5($String);
    //echo "【string3】 ".$String."</br>";
    $result_ = strtoupper($String);
    //echo "【result】 ".$result_."</br>";
    return $result_;
  /*** Function: array to xml*/
  function arrayToXml($arr)
    $xml = "<xml>";
    foreach ($arr as $key=>$val)
       if (is_numeric($val))
    return $xml; 
  /*** Function: Convert xml to array*/
  public function xmlToArray($xml)
    $array_data = json_decode(json_encode(simplexml_load_string($xml, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA)), true);   
    return $array_data;
  /*** Function: Submit xml to the corresponding interface url in post mode*/
  public function postXmlCurl($xml,$url,$second=30)
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $second);
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, '');
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 8080);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $xml);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
      return $data;
      $error = curl_errno($ch);
      echo "curl error, error code: $error"."<br>";
      echo "<a href='http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html'>Error cause query</a></br>";
      return false;
  /*** Function: Use the certificate to submit xml to the corresponding interface url in post mode*/
  function postXmlSSLCurl($xml,$url,$second=30)
    $ch = curl_init();
    //Set the proxy here, if any
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, '');
    //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, 8080);
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    //Set header
    //Require the result to be a string and output it to the screen
    //Set certificate
    //Use certificate: cert and key belong to two .pem files respectively
    //The default format is PEM, which can be commented
// curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERTTYPE,'PEM');
// curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLCERT,WxPayConf_pub::SSLCERT_PATH );
// //The default format is PEM, which can be commented
// curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEYTYPE,'PEM');
// curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSLKEY, WxPayConf_pub::SSLKEY_PATH);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLCERT,WxPayConf_pub::SSLCERT_PATH);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSLKEY,WxPayConf_pub::SSLKEY_PATH);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, WxPayConf_pub::SSLCA_PATH); // CA root certificate (used to verify whether the website certificate is issued by the CA)
    //post submission method
    curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST, true);
    $data = curl_exec($ch);
    //return result
      return $data;
    else {
      $error = curl_errno($ch);
      echo "curl error, error code: $error"."<br>";
      echo "<a href='http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html'>Error cause query</a></br>";
      return false;
  /*** Function: Print array*/
  function printErr($wording='',$err='')
    print_r('<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">');
    echo $wording."</br>";
'); } } /*** Base class of request interface*/ class Wxpay_client_pub extends Common_util_pub { var $parameters;//Request parameters, type is associative array public $response; //Response returned by WeChat public $result;//Return parameter, type is associative array var $url;//interface link var $curl_timeout;//curl timeout time /*** Function: Set request parameters*/ function setParameter($parameter, $parameterValue) { $this->parameters[$this->trimString($parameter)] = $this->trimString($parameterValue); } /*** Function: Set standard request parameters, generate signatures, and generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); } /*** Function: post request xml*/ function postXml() { $xml = $this->createXml(); $this->response = $this->postXmlCurl($xml,$this->url,$this->curl_timeout); return $this->response; } /*** Function: Use certificate post to request xml*/ function postXmlSSL() { $xml = $this->createXml(); $this->response = $this->postXmlSSLCurl($xml,$this->url,$this->curl_timeout); return $this->response; } /*** Function: Get results, certificate is not used by default*/ function getResult() { $this->postXml(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response); return $this->result; } } /*** Unified payment interface class*/ class UnifiedOrder_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { //Detect required parameters if($this->parameters["out_trade_no"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter out_trade_no of the unified payment interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["body"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter body of the unified payment interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_fee"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_fee of the unified payment interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["notify_url"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter notify_url of the unified payment interface!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["trade_type"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter trade_type of the unified payment interface!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["trade_type"] == "JSAPI" && $this->parameters["openid"] == NULL){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the unified payment interface, the required parameter openid is missing! When trade_type is JSAPI, openid is a required parameter!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["spbill_create_ip"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];//Terminal ip $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } /*** Get prepay_id*/ function getPrepayId() { $this->postXml(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response); $prepay_id = $this->result["prepay_id"]; return $prepay_id; } } /*** Order query interface*/ class OrderQuery_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { //Detect required parameters if($this->parameters["out_trade_no"] == null && $this->parameters["transaction_id"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the order query interface, fill in at least one out_trade_no and transaction_id!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } } /*** Refund application interface*/ class Refund_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { function __construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/secapi/pay/refund"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { //Detect required parameters if($this->parameters["out_trade_no"] == null && $this->parameters["transaction_id"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the refund application interface, fill in at least one out_trade_no and transaction_id!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["out_refund_no"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the refund application interface, the required parameter out_refund_no is missing!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["total_fee"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the refund application interface, the required parameter total_fee is missing!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["refund_fee"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the refund application interface, the required parameter refund_fee is missing!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["op_user_id"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the refund application interface, the required parameter op_user_id is missing!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } /*** Function: Get results and communicate using certificates*/ function getResult() { $this->postXmlSSL(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response); return $this->result; } } /*** Refund query interface*/ class RefundQuery_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { function __construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/refundquery"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { if($this->parameters["out_refund_no"] == null && $this->parameters["out_trade_no"] == null && $this->parameters["transaction_id"] == null && $this->parameters["refund_id "] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the refund query interface, one of the four parameters out_refund_no, out_trade_no, transaction_id, and refund_id is required!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } /*** Function: Get results and communicate using certificates*/ function getResult() { $this->postXmlSSL(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response); return $this->result; } } /*** Billing interface*/ class DownloadBill_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/downloadbill"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { if($this->parameters["bill_date"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the statement interface, the required parameter bill_date is missing!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } /*** Function: Get results, certificate is not used by default*/ function getResult() { $this->postXml(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->result_xml); return $this->result; } } /*** Short link conversion interface*/ class ShortUrl_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/tools/shorturl"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { if($this->parameters["long_url"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("In the short link conversion interface, the required parameter long_url is missing!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } /*** Get prepay_id*/ function getShortUrl() { $this->postXml(); $prepay_id = $this->result["short_url"]; return $prepay_id; } } /***Responsive interface base class*/ class Wxpay_server_pub extends Common_util_pub { public $data;//received data, type is associative array var $returnParameters; //Return parameters, type is associative array /*** Convert WeChat's request xml into an associative array to facilitate data processing*/ function saveData($xml) { $this->data = $this->xmlToArray($xml); } function checkSign() { $tmpData = $this->data; unset($tmpData['sign']); $sign = $this->getSign($tmpData);//Local signature if ($this->data['sign'] == $sign) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /*** Get WeChat request data*/ function getData() { return $this->data; } /*** Set the xml data returned to WeChat*/ function setReturnParameter($parameter, $parameterValue) { $this->returnParameters[$this->trimString($parameter)] = $this->trimString($parameterValue); } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { return $this->arrayToXml($this->returnParameters); } /*** Return xml data to WeChat*/ function returnXml() { $returnXml = $this->createXml(); return $returnXml; } } /*** Universal notification interface*/ class Notify_pub extends Wxpay_server_pub { } /*** Request merchants to obtain product information interface*/ class NativeCall_pub extends Wxpay_server_pub { /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { if($this->returnParameters["return_code"] == "SUCCESS"){ $this->returnParameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->returnParameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->returnParameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->returnParameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->returnParameters);//Signature } return $this->arrayToXml($this->returnParameters); } /*** Get product_id*/ function getProductId() { $product_id = $this->data["product_id"]; return $product_id; } } /*** Static link QR code*/ class NativeLink_pub extends Common_util_pub { var $parameters; //Static link parameters var $url;//Static link function__construct() { } /*** Set parameters*/ function setParameter($parameter, $parameterValue) { $this->parameters[$this->trimString($parameter)] = $this->trimString($parameterValue); } /*** Generate Native payment link QR code*/ function createLink() { try { if($this->parameters["product_id"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter product_id of the Native payment QR code link is missing!"."
"); } $this->parameters["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $time_stamp = time(); $this->parameters["time_stamp"] = "$time_stamp";//Timestamp $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($this->parameters, false); $this->url = "weixin://wxpay/bizpayurl?".$bizString; }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } /*** Return link*/ function getUrl() { $this->createLink(); return $this->url; } } /*** JSAPI payment - H5 web page calls up the payment interface*/ class JsApi_pub extends Common_util_pub { var $code;//code code to get openid var $openid;//user’s openid var $parameters;//jsapi parameters, the format is json var $prepay_id;//Prepayment id obtained using the unified payment interface var $curl_timeout;//curl timeout time function__construct() { //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Function: Generate the url where the code can be obtained*/ function createOauthUrlForCode($redirectUrl) { $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $urlObj["redirect_uri"] = "$redirectUrl"; $urlObj["response_type"] = "code"; $urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base"; $urlObj["state"] = "STATE"."#wechat_redirect"; $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false); return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?".$bizString; } /*** Function: Generate a url that can obtain openid*/ function createOauthUrlForOpenid() { $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPSECRET; $urlObj["code"] = $this->code; $urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code"; $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false); return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?".$bizString; } /*** Function: Submit code to WeChat through curl to obtain openid*/ function getOpenid() { $url = $this->createOauthUrlForOpenid(); //Initialize curl $ch = curl_init(); //Set timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $this->curl_timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //Run curl and the result is returned in the form of jason $res = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //Get openid $data = json_decode($res,true); $this->openid = $data['openid']; return $this->openid; } /*** Function: Set prepay_id*/ function setPrepayId($prepayId) { $this->prepay_id = $prepayId; } /*** Function: Set code*/ function setCode($code_) { $this->code = $code_; } /*** Function: Set the parameters of jsapi*/ public function getParameters() { $jsApiObj["appId"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $timeStamp = time(); $jsApiObj["timeStamp"] = "$timeStamp"; $jsApiObj["nonceStr"] = $this->createNoncestr(); $jsApiObj["package"] = "prepay_id=$this->prepay_id"; $jsApiObj["signType"] = "MD5"; $jsApiObj["paySign"] = $this->getSign($jsApiObj); $this->parameters = json_encode($jsApiObj); return $this->parameters; } } /*** Cash red envelope interface * @author gaoyl101*/ class Redpack_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { var $code;//code code to get openid var $openid;//user’s openid function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/mmpaymkttransfers/sendredpack"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { //Detect required parameters if($this->parameters["mch_billno"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter mch_billno for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["nick_name"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter nick_name for the red envelope sending interface!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["send_name"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter send_name for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_amount"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_amount for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif($this->parameters["min_value"] == null){ throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter min_value for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["max_value"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The max_value parameter required for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_num"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_num for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["wishing"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter wishing for the red envelope sending interface!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["act_name"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter act_name of the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["remark"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter remark for the red envelope sending interface!"."
"); } $this->parameters["wxappid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["client_ip"] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];//Terminal ip $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["re_openid"] = $this->parameters["re_openid"]; //$this->openid;//User openid $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } function sendRedpack() { $this->postXmlSSL(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response); return $this->result; } /*** Function: Generate the url where the code can be obtained*/ function createOauthUrlForCode($redirectUrl) { $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $urlObj["redirect_uri"] = "$redirectUrl"; $urlObj["response_type"] = "code"; $urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base"; $urlObj["state"] = "STATE"."#wechat_redirect"; $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false); return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?".$bizString; } /*** Function: Generate a url that can obtain openid*/ function createOauthUrlForOpenid() { $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPSECRET; $urlObj["code"] = $this->code; $urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code"; $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false); return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?".$bizString; } /*** Function: Submit code to WeChat through curl to obtain openid*/ function getOpenid() { $url = $this->createOauthUrlForOpenid(); //Initialize curl $ch = curl_init(); //Set timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $this->curl_timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //Run curl and the result is returned in the form of jason $res = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //Get openid $data = json_decode($res,true); $this->openid = $data['openid']; return $this->openid; } /*** Function: Set code*/ function setCode($code_) { $this->code = $code_; } } /*** Red envelope payment interface * @author gaoyl101*/ class Groupredpack_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { var $code;//code code to get openid var $openid;//user’s openid function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/mmpaymkttransfers/sendgroupredpack"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { //Detect required parameters if($this->parameters["mch_billno"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter mch_billno for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["send_name"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter send_name for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_amount"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_amount for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_num"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_num for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["amt_type"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter amt_type for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["wishing"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter wishing for the red envelope sending interface!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["act_name"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter act_name of the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["remark"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter remark for the red envelope sending interface!"."
"); } $this->parameters["wxappid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID;//Public account ID $this->parameters["mch_id"] = WxPayConf_pub::MCHID;//Merchant ID $this->parameters["nonce_str"] = $this->createNoncestr();//Random string $this->parameters["re_openid"] = $this->openid;//User openid $this->parameters["sign"] = $this->getSign($this->parameters);//Signature return $this->arrayToXml($this->parameters); }catch (SDKRuntimeException $e) { die($e->errorMessage()); } } function sendRedpack() { $this->postXmlSSL(); $this->result = $this->xmlToArray($this->response); return $this->result; } /*** Function: Generate the url where the code can be obtained*/ function createOauthUrlForCode($redirectUrl) { $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $urlObj["redirect_uri"] = "$redirectUrl"; $urlObj["response_type"] = "code"; $urlObj["scope"] = "snsapi_base"; $urlObj["state"] = "STATE"."#wechat_redirect"; $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false); return "https://open.weixin.qq.com/connect/oauth2/authorize?".$bizString; } /*** Function: Generate a url that can obtain openid*/ function createOauthUrlForOpenid() { $urlObj["appid"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPID; $urlObj["secret"] = WxPayConf_pub::APPSECRET; $urlObj["code"] = $this->code; $urlObj["grant_type"] = "authorization_code"; $bizString = $this->formatBizQueryParaMap($urlObj, false); return "https://api.weixin.qq.com/sns/oauth2/access_token?".$bizString; } /*** Function: Submit code to WeChat through curl to obtain openid*/ function getOpenid() { $url = $this->createOauthUrlForOpenid(); //Initialize curl $ch = curl_init(); //Set timeout curl_setopt($ch, CURLOP_TIMEOUT, $this->curl_timeout); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST,FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); //Run curl and the result is returned in the form of jason $res = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //Get openid $data = json_decode($res,true); $this->openid = $data['openid']; return $this->openid; } /*** Function: Set code*/ function setCode($code_) { $this->code = $code_; } } /*** Shake the red envelope to place an order * @author jiosen*/ class Yhb_pub extends Wxpay_client_pub { var $code;//code code to get openid var $openid;//user’s openid function__construct() { //Set interface link $this->url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/mmpaymkttransfers/hbpreorder"; //Set curl timeout $this->curl_timeout = WxPayConf_pub::CURL_TIMEOUT; } /*** Generate interface parameter xml*/ function createXml() { try { //Detect required parameters if($this->parameters["mch_billno"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter mch_billno for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["send_name"] == null ) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter send_name for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_amount"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_amount for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["total_num"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter total_num for the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["wishing"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter wishing for the red envelope sending interface!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["act_name"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("The required parameter act_name of the red envelope sending interface is missing!"."
"); }elseif ($this->parameters["remark"] == null) { throw new SDKRuntimeException("Missing the required parameter remark for the red envelope sending interface!"."
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