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Use PHP to implement an efficient and secure ftp server (2), PHP to implement ftp server_PHP tutorial

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Use PHP to implement an efficient and secure ftp server (2), PHP implements ftp server

Continue from the previous article.

1. Implement user class CUser.

Users are stored in text form, and the user array is json-encoded. ​

 </span>* <span>array</span><span>(
 </span>*         'user1' => <span>array</span><span>(
 </span>*             'pass'=>'',
 *             'group'=>'',
 *             'home'=>'/home/ftp/', <span>//</span><span>ftp主目录</span>
 *             'active'=><span>true</span>,
 *             'expired=>'2015-12-12'<span>,
 *             </span>'description'=>''<span>,
 *             </span>'email' => ''<span>,
 *             </span>'folder'<span>=>array(
 *                     //可以列出主目录下的文件和目录,但不能创建和删除,也不能进入主目录下的目录
 *                     //前1-5位是文件权限,6-9是文件夹权限,10是否继承(inherit)
 *                     array(</span>'path'=>'/home/ftp/','access'=>'RWANDLCNDI'<span>),
 *                     //可以列出/home/ftp/a/下的文件和目录,可以创建和删除,可以进入/home/ftp/a/下的子目录,可以创建和删除。
 *                     array(</span>'path'=>'/home/ftp/a/','access'=>'RWAND-----'<span>),
 *             ),
 *             </span>'ip'<span>=>array(
 *                 </span>'allow'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...),//支持*通配符: 192.168.0.*
 *                 </span>'deny'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...)
 *             )
 *         ) 
 * )
 * 组文件格式:
 * array(
 *         </span>'group1'<span>=>array(
 *             </span>'home'=>'/home/ftp/dept1/'<span>,
 *             </span>'folder'<span>=>array(
 *             ),
 *             </span>'ip'<span>=>array(
 *                 </span>'allow'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...),
 *                 </span>'deny'<span>=>array(ip1,ip2,...)
 *            )
 *         )
 * )</span>
Copy after login

Permission description of folders and files:

 * 文件权限 
 * R读 : 允许用户读取(即下载)文件。该权限不允许用户列出目录内容,执行该操作需要列表权限。 
 * W写: 允许用户写入(即上传)文件。该权限不允许用户修改现有的文件,执行该操作需要追加权限。
 * A追加: 允许用户向现有文件中追加数据。该权限通常用于使用户能够对部分上传的文件进行续传。 
 * N重命名: 允许用户重命名现有的文件。
 * D删除: 允许用户删除文件。 
 * 目录权限 
 * L列表: 允许用户列出目录中包含的文件。
 * C创建: 允许用户在目录中新建子目录。 
 * N重命名: 允许用户在目录中重命名现有子目录。
 * D删除: 允许用户在目录中删除现有子目录。注意: 如果目录包含文件,用户要删除目录还需要具有删除文件权限。
 * 子目录权限
 * I继承: 允许所有子目录继承其父目录具有的相同权限。继承权限适用于大多数情况,但是如果访问必须受限于子文件夹,例如实施强制访问控制(Mandatory Access Control)时,则取消继承并为文件夹逐一授予权限。
Copy after login

The implementation code is as follows:


Use PHP to implement an efficient and secure ftp server (2), PHP to implement ftp server_PHP tutorialclass User{ const I = 1; // inherit const FD = 2; // folder delete const FN = 4; // folder rename const FC = 8; // folder create const FL = 16; // folder list const D = 32; // file delete const N = 64; // file rename const A = 128; // file append const W = 256; // file write (upload) const R = 512; // file read (download) private $hash_salt = ''; private $user_file; private $group_file; private $users = array(); private $groups = array(); private $file_hash = ''; public function __construct(){ $this->user_file = BASE_PATH.'/conf/users'; $this->group_file = BASE_PATH.'/conf/groups'; $this->reload(); } /** * 返回权限表达式 * @param int $access * @return string */ public static function AC($access){ $str = ''; $char = array('R','W','A','N','D','L','C','N','D','I'); for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i ){ if($access & pow(2,9-$i))$str.= $char[$i];else $str.= '-'; } return $str; } /** * 加载用户数据 */ public function reload(){ $user_file_hash = md5_file($this->user_file); $group_file_hash = md5_file($this->group_file); if($this->file_hash != md5($user_file_hash.$group_file_hash)){ if(($user = file_get_contents($this->user_file)) !== false){ $this->users = json_decode($user,true); if($this->users){ //folder排序 foreach ($this->users as $user=>$profile){ if(isset($profile['folder'])){ $this->users[$user]['folder'] = $this->sortFolder($profile['folder']); } } } }if(($group = file_get_contents($this->group_file)) !== false){ $this->groups = json_decode($group,true); if($this->groups){ //folder排序 foreach ($this->groups as $group=>$profile){ if(isset($profile['folder'])){ $this->groups[$group]['folder'] = $this->sortFolder($profile['folder']); } } } } $this->file_hash = md5($user_file_hash.$group_file_hash); } } /** * 对folder进行排序 * @return array */ private function sortFolder($folder){ uasort($folder, function($a,$b){ return strnatcmp($a['path'], $b['path']); }); $result = array(); foreach ($folder as $v){ $result[] = $v; } return $result; } /** * 保存用户数据 */ public function save(){ file_put_contents($this->user_file, json_encode($this->users),LOCK_EX); file_put_contents($this->group_file, json_encode($this->groups),LOCK_EX); } /** * 添加用户 * @param string $user * @param string $pass * @param string $home * @param string $expired * @param boolean $active * @param string $group * @param string $description * @param string $email * @return boolean */ public function addUser($user,$pass,$home,$expired,$active=true,$group='',$description='',$email = ''){ $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user]) || empty($user)){ return false; } $this->users[$user] = array( 'pass' => md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$pass), 'home' => $home, 'expired' => $expired, 'active' => $active, 'group' => $group, 'description' => $description, 'email' => $email, ); return true; } /** * 设置用户资料 * @param string $user * @param array $profile * @return boolean */ public function setUserProfile($user,$profile){ $user = strtolower($user); if(is_array($profile) && isset($this->users[$user])){ if(isset($profile['pass'])){ $profile['pass'] = md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$profile['pass']); }if(isset($profile['active'])){ if(!is_bool($profile['active'])){ $profile['active'] = $profile['active'] == 'true' ? true : false; } } $this->users[$user] = array_merge($this->users[$user],$profile); return true; } return false; } /** * 获取用户资料 * @param string $user * @return multitype:|boolean */ public function getUserProfile($user){ $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ return $this->users[$user]; } return false; } /** * 删除用户 * @param string $user * @return boolean */ public function delUser($user){ $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ unset($this->users[$user]); return true; } return false; } /** * 获取用户列表 * @return array */ public function getUserList(){ $list = array(); if($this->users){ foreach ($this->users as $user=>$profile){ $list[] = $user; } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * 添加组 * @param string $group * @param string $home * @return boolean */ public function addGroup($group,$home){ $group = strtolower($group); if(isset($this->groups[$group])){ return false; } $this->groups[$group] = array( 'home' => $home ); return true; } /** * 设置组资料 * @param string $group * @param array $profile * @return boolean */ public function setGroupProfile($group,$profile){ $group = strtolower($group); if(is_array($profile) && isset($this->groups[$group])){ $this->groups[$group] = array_merge($this->groups[$group],$profile); return true; } return false; } /** * 获取组资料 * @param string $group * @return multitype:|boolean */ public function getGroupProfile($group){ $group = strtolower($group); if(isset($this->groups[$group])){ return $this->groups[$group]; } return false; }/** * 删除组 * @param string $group * @return boolean */ public function delGroup($group){ $group = strtolower($group); if(isset($this->groups[$group])){ unset($this->groups[$group]); foreach ($this->users as $user => $profile){ if($profile['group'] == $group) $this->users[$user]['group'] = ''; } return true; } return false; } /** * 获取组列表 * @return array */ public function getGroupList(){ $list = array(); if($this->groups){ foreach ($this->groups as $group=>$profile){ $list[] = $group; } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * 获取组用户列表 * @param string $group * @return array */ public function getUserListOfGroup($group){ $list = array(); if(isset($this->groups[$group]) && $this->users){ foreach ($this->users as $user=>$profile){ if(isset($profile['group']) && $profile['group'] == $group){ $list[] = $user; } } } sort($list); return $list; } /** * 用户验证 * @param string $user * @param string $pass * @param string $ip * @return boolean */ public function checkUser($user,$pass,$ip = ''){ $this->reload(); $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ if($this->users[$user]['active'] && time() <= strtotime($this->users[$user]['expired']) && $this->users[$user]['pass'] == md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$pass)){ if(empty($ip)){ return true; }else{ //ip验证 return $this->checkIP($user, $ip); } }else{ return false; } } return false; }/** * basic auth * @param string $base64 */ public function checkUserBasicAuth($base64){ $base64 = trim(str_replace('Basic ', '', $base64)); $str = base64_decode($base64); if($str !== false){ list($user,$pass) = explode(':', $str,2); $this->reload(); $user = strtolower($user); if(isset($this->users[$user])){ $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; if($group == 'admin' && $this->users[$user]['active'] && time() <= strtotime($this->users[$user]['expired']) && $this->users[$user]['pass'] == md5($user.$this->hash_salt.$pass)){ return true; }else{ return false; } } } return false; } /** * 用户登录ip验证 * @param string $user * @param string $ip * * 用户的ip权限继承组的IP权限。* Matching rules: * 1. Perform group allow list matching; * 2. As if passed, perform group rejection list matching; * 3. Perform user permission matching * 4. If passed, perform user rejection matching * */ public function checkIP($user,$ip){ $pass = false; //Perform group verification first $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; //Group allows matching if(isset($this->groups[$group]['ip']['allow' ])){ foreach ($this->groups[$group]['ip']['allow'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = true; break; } } } //If allowed, deny matching if($pass){ if(isset($this->groups[$group]['ip']['deny' ])){ foreach ($this->groups[$group]['ip']['deny'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = false; break; } } } } if(isset($this->users[$user]['ip']['allow' ])){ foreach ($this->users[$user]['ip']['allow'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = true; break; } } } if($pass){ if(isset($this->users[$user]['ip']['deny' ])){ foreach ($this->users[$user]['ip']['deny'] as $addr){ $pattern = '/'.str_replace('*','d ',str_replace('.', '.', $addr)).'/'; if(preg_match($pattern, $ip) && !empty( $addr)){ $pass = false; break; } } } } echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [debug]tIP ACCESS: ".' '.($pass? 'true':'false')."n"; return $pass; } /** * Get the user's home directory * @param string $user * @return string */ public function getHomeDir($user){ $user = strtolower($user); $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; $dir = ''; if($group){ if(isset($this->groups[$group]['home']))$dir = $this->groups[$group]['home']; }$dir = !empty($this->users[$user]['home'])?$this->users[$user]['home']:$dir; return $dir; } //文件权限判断 public function isReadable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][0] == 'R'; }else{ return $result['access'][0] == 'R' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isWritable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][1] == 'W'; }else{ return $result['access'][1] == 'W' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isAppendable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][2] == 'A'; }else{ return $result['access'][2] == 'A' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isRenamable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][3] == 'N'; }else{ return $result['access'][3] == 'N' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isDeletable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][4] == 'D'; }else{ return $result['access'][4] == 'D' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } //目录权限判断 public function isFolderListable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][5] == 'L'; }else{ return $result['access'][5] == 'L' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isFolderCreatable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][6] == 'C'; }else{ return $result['access'][6] == 'C' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } }public function isFolderRenamable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][7] == 'N'; }else{ return $result['access'][7] == 'N' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } public function isFolderDeletable($user,$path){ $result = $this->getPathAccess($user, $path); if($result['isExactMatch']){ return $result['access'][8] == 'D'; }else{ return $result['access'][8] == 'D' && $result['access'][9] == 'I'; } } /** * 获取目录权限 * @param string $user * @param string $path * @return array * 进行最长路径匹配 * * 返回: * array( * 'access'=>目前权限 * ,'isExactMatch'=>是否精确匹配 * * ); * * 如果精确匹配,则忽略inherit. * 否则应判断是否继承父目录的权限, * 权限位表: * --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | * --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * | R | W | A | N | D | L | C | N | D | I | * --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- * | FILE | FOLDER | * ------------------- ------------------- */ public function getPathAccess($user,$path){ $this->reload(); $user = strtolower($user); $group = $this->users[$user]['group']; //去除文件名称 $path = str_replace(substr(strrchr($path, '/'),1),'',$path); $access = self::AC(0); $isExactMatch = false; if($group){ if(isset($this->groups[$group]['folder'])){ foreach ($this->groups[$group]['folder'] as $f){ //中文处理 $t_path = iconv('UTF-8','GB18030',$f['path']); if(strpos($path, $t_path) === 0){ $access = $f['access']; $isExactMatch = ($path == $t_path?true:false); } } } } if(isset($this->users[$user]['folder'])){ foreach ($this->users[$user]['folder'] as $f){ //中文处理 $t_path = iconv('UTF-8','GB18030',$f['path']); if(strpos($path, $t_path) === 0){ $access = $f['access']; $isExactMatch = ($path == $t_path?true:false); } } } echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." [debug]tACCESS:$access ".' '.($isExactMatch?'1':'0')." $pathn"; return array('access'=>$access,'isExactMatch'=>$isExactMatch); }/** * 添加在线用户 * @param ShareMemory $shm * @param swoole_server $serv * @param unknown $user * @param unknown $fd * @param unknown $ip * @return Ambigous > */ public function addOnline(ShareMemory $shm ,$serv,$user,$fd,$ip){ $shm_data = $shm->read(); if($shm_data !== false){ $shm_data['online'][$user.'-'.$fd] = array('ip'=>$ip,'time'=>time()); $shm_data['last_login'][] = array('user' => $user,'ip'=>$ip,'time'=>time()); //清除旧数据 if(count($shm_data['last_login'])>30)array_shift($shm_data['last_login']); $list = array(); foreach ($shm_data['online'] as $k =>$v){ $arr = explode('-', $k); if($serv->connection_info($arr[1]) !== false){ $list[$k] = $v; } } $shm_data['online'] = $list; $shm->write($shm_data); } return $shm_data; } /** * 添加登陆失败记录 * @param ShareMemory $shm * @param unknown $user * @param unknown $ip * @return Ambigous */ public function addAttempt(ShareMemory $shm ,$user,$ip){ $shm_data = $shm->read(); if($shm_data !== false){ if(isset($shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'])){ $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'] = 1; }else{ $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'] = 1; } $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['time'] = time(); //清除旧数据 if(count($shm_data['login_attempt'])>30)array_shift($shm_data['login_attempt']); $shm->write($shm_data); } return $shm_data; } /** * 密码错误上限 * @param unknown $shm * @param unknown $user * @param unknown $ip * @return boolean */ public function isAttemptLimit(ShareMemory $shm,$user,$ip){ $shm_data = $shm->read(); if($shm_data !== false){ if(isset($shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'])){ if($shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['count'] > 10 && time() - $shm_data['login_attempt'][$ip.'||'.$user]['time'] < 600){ return true; } } } return false; }/** * Generate random keys * @param int $len * @return Ambigous */ public static function genPassword($len){ $str = null; $strPol = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz@!#$%* -"; $max = strlen($strPol)-1; for($i=0;$i<$len;$i ){ $str.=$strPol[rand(0,$max)];//rand($min,$max) generates a random integer between min and max } return $str; } } View Code

2. Shared memory operation class

This is relatively simple, just use the shmop extension of php.


Use PHP to implement an efficient and secure ftp server (2), PHP to implement ftp server_PHP tutorialclass ShareMemory{ private $mode = 0644; private $shm_key; private $shm_size; /** * 构造函数 */ public function __construct(){ $key = 'F'; $size = 1024*1024; $this->shm_key = ftok(__FILE__,$key); $this->shm_size = $size 1; } /** * 读取内存数组 * @return array|boolean */ public function read(){ if(($shm_id = shmop_open($this->shm_key,'c',$this->mode,$this->shm_size)) !== false){ $str = shmop_read($shm_id,1,$this->shm_size-1); shmop_close($shm_id); if(($i = strpos($str,"")) !== false)$str = substr($str,0,$i); if($str){ return json_decode($str,true); }else{ return array(); } } return false; } /** * 写入数组到内存 * @param array $arr * @return int|boolean */ public function write($arr){ if(!is_array($arr))return false; $str = json_encode($arr).""; if(strlen($str) > $this->shm_size) return false; if(($shm_id = shmop_open($this->shm_key,'c',$this->mode,$this->shm_size)) !== false){ $count = shmop_write($shm_id,$str,1); shmop_close($shm_id); return $count; } return false; } /** * 删除内存块,下次使用时将重新开辟内存块 * @return boolean */ public function delete(){ if(($shm_id = shmop_open($this->shm_key,'c',$this->mode,$this->shm_size)) !== false){ $result = shmop_delete($shm_id); shmop_close($shm_id); return $result; } return false; } } View Code





Use PHP to implement an efficient and secure ftp server (2), PHP to implement ftp server_PHP tutorialclass CWebServer{ protected $buffer_header = array(); protected $buffer_maxlen = 65535; //Maximum POST size const DATE_FORMAT_HTTP = 'D, d-M-Y H:i:s T'; const HTTP_EOF = "rnrn"; const HTTP_HEAD_MAXLEN = 8192; //The maximum length of the http header shall not exceed 2k const HTTP_POST_MAXLEN = 1048576;//1m const ST_FINISH = 1; //Complete, enter the processing flow const ST_WAIT = 2; //Waiting for data const ST_ERROR = 3; //Error, discard this packet private $requsts = array(); private $config = array(); public function log($msg,$level = 'debug') { echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s').' ['.$level."]t" .$ msg."n"; } public function __construct($config = array()){ $this->config = array( 'wwwroot' => __DIR__.'/wwwroot/', 'index' => 'index.php', 'path_deny' => array('/protected/'), ); } public function onReceive($serv,$fd,$data){ $ret = $this->checkData($fd, $data); switch ($ret){ case self::ST_ERROR: $serv->close($fd); $this->cleanBuffer($fd); $this->log('Recevie error.'); break; case self::ST_WAIT: $this->log('Recevie wait.'); return; default: break; } //Start complete request $request = $this->requsts[$fd]; $info = $serv->connection_info($fd); $request = $this->parseRequest($request); $request['remote_ip'] = $info['remote_ip']; $response = $this->onRequest($request); $output = $this->parseResponse($request,$response); $serv->send($fd,$output); if(isset($request['head']['Connection']) && strtolower( $request['head']['Connection']) == 'close'){ $serv->close($fd); } unset($this->requsts[$fd]); $_REQUEST = $_SESSION = $_COOKIE = $_FILES = $_POST = $_SERVER = $_GET = array(); }/** * 处理请求 * @param array $request * @return array $response * * $request=array( * 'time'=> * 'head'=>array( * 'method'=> * 'path'=> * 'protocol'=> * 'uri'=> * //other http header * '..'=>value * ) * 'body'=> * 'get'=>(if appropriate) * 'post'=>(if appropriate) * 'cookie'=>(if appropriate) * * * ) */ public function onRequest($request){ if($request['head']['path'][strlen($request['head']['path']) - 1] == '/'){ $request['head']['path'] .= $this->config['index']; } $response = $this->process($request); return $response; } /** * 清除数据 * @param unknown $fd */ public function cleanBuffer($fd){ unset($this->requsts[$fd]); unset($this->buffer_header[$fd]); } /** * 检查数据 * @param unknown $fd * @param unknown $data * @return string */ public function checkData($fd,$data){ if(isset($this->buffer_header[$fd])){ $data = $this->buffer_header[$fd].$data; } $request = $this->checkHeader($fd, $data); //请求头错误 if($request === false){ $this->buffer_header[$fd] = $data; if(strlen($data) > self::HTTP_HEAD_MAXLEN){ return self::ST_ERROR; }else{ return self::ST_WAIT; } } //post请求检查 if($request['head']['method'] == 'POST'){ return $this->checkPost($request); }else{ return self::ST_FINISH; } } /** * 检查请求头 * @param unknown $fd * @param unknown $data * @return boolean|array */ public function checkHeader($fd, $data){ //新的请求 if(!isset($this->requsts[$fd])){ //http头结束符 $ret = strpos($data,self::HTTP_EOF); if($ret === false){ return false; }else{ $this->buffer_header[$fd] = ''; $request = array(); list($header,$request['body']) = explode(self::HTTP_EOF, $data,2); $request['head'] = $this->parseHeader($header); $this->requsts[$fd] = $request; if($request['head'] == false){ return false; } } }else{ //post 数据合并 $request = $this->requsts[$fd]; $request['body'] .= $data; } return $request; } /** * 解析请求头 * @param string $header * @return array * array( * 'method'=>, * 'uri'=> * 'protocol'=> * 'name'=>value,... * * * * } */ public function parseHeader($header){ $request = array(); $headlines = explode("rn", $header); list($request['method'],$request['uri'],$request['protocol']) = explode(' ', $headlines[0],3); foreach ($headlines as $k=>$line){ $line = trim($line); if($k && !empty($line) && strpos($line,':') !== false){ list($name,$value) = explode(':', $line,2); $request[trim($name)] = trim($value); } } return $request; } /** * 检查post数据是否完整 * @param unknown $request * @return string */ public function checkPost($request){ if(isset($request['head']['Content-Length'])){ if(intval($request['head']['Content-Length']) > self::HTTP_POST_MAXLEN){ return self::ST_ERROR; } if(intval($request['head']['Content-Length']) > strlen($request['body'])){ return self::ST_WAIT; }else{ return self::ST_FINISH; } } return self::ST_ERROR; } /** * 解析请求 * @param unknown $request * @return Ambigous */ public function parseRequest($request){ $request['time'] = time(); $url_info = parse_url($request['head']['uri']); $request['head']['path'] = $url_info['path']; if(isset($url_info['fragment']))$request['head']['fragment'] = $url_info['fragment']; if(isset($url_info['query'])){ parse_str($url_info['query'],$request['get']); } //parse post body if($request['head']['method'] == 'POST'){ //目前只处理表单提交 if (isset($request['head']['Content-Type']) && substr($request['head']['Content-Type'], 0, 33) == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' || isset($request['head']['X-Request-With']) && $request['head']['X-Request-With'] == 'XMLHttpRequest'){ parse_str($request['body'],$request['post']); } }//parse cookies if(!empty($request['head']['Cookie'])){ $params = array(); $blocks = explode(";", $request['head']['Cookie']); foreach ($blocks as $b){ $_r = explode("=", $b, 2); if(count($_r)==2){ list ($key, $value) = $_r; $params[trim($key)] = trim($value, "rn t""); }else{ $params[$_r[0]] = ''; } } $request['cookie'] = $params; } return $request; } public function parseResponse($request,$response){ if(!isset($response['head']['Date'])){ $response['head']['Date'] = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s T"); } if(!isset($response['head']['Content-Type'])){ $response['head']['Content-Type'] = 'text/html;charset=utf-8'; } if(!isset($response['head']['Content-Length'])){ $response['head']['Content-Length'] = strlen($response['body']); } if(!isset($response['head']['Connection'])){ if(isset($request['head']['Connection']) && strtolower($request['head']['Connection']) == 'keep-alive'){ $response['head']['Connection'] = 'keep-alive'; }else{ $response['head']['Connection'] = 'close'; } } $response['head']['Server'] = CFtpServer::$software.'/'.CFtpServer::VERSION; $out = ''; if(isset($response['head']['Status'])){ $out .= 'HTTP/1.1 '.$response['head']['Status']."rn"; unset($response['head']['Status']); }else{ $out .= "HTTP/1.1 200 OKrn"; } //headers foreach($response['head'] as $k=>$v){ $out .= $k.': '.$v."rn"; } //cookies if($_COOKIE){ $arr = array(); foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v){ $arr[] = $k.'='.$v; } $out .= 'Set-Cookie: '.implode(';', $arr)."rn"; } //End $out .= "rn"; $out .= $response['body']; return $out
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