No need to recurse to achieve infinite classification. After a simple test, the performance is slightly better than recursion, but the writing is too complicated. Recursion is simpler and more convenient
<code class="hljs xml"><!--?php $list = array( array('id'=-->1, 'pid'=>0, 'deep'=>0, 'name'=>'test1'), array('id'=>2, 'pid'=>1, 'deep'=>1, 'name'=>'test2'), array('id'=>3, 'pid'=>0, 'deep'=>0, 'name'=>'test3'), array('id'=>4, 'pid'=>2, 'deep'=>2, 'name'=>'test4'), array('id'=>5, 'pid'=>2, 'deep'=>2, 'name'=>'test5'), array('id'=>6, 'pid'=>0, 'deep'=>0, 'name'=>'test6'), array('id'=>7, 'pid'=>2, 'deep'=>2, 'name'=>'test7'), array('id'=>8, 'pid'=>5, 'deep'=>3, 'name'=>'test8'), array('id'=>9, 'pid'=>3, 'deep'=>2, 'name'=>'test9'), ); function resolve($list) { $newList = $manages = $deeps = $inDeeps = array(); foreach ($list as $row) { $newList[$row['id']] = $row; } $list = null; foreach ($newList as $row) { if (! isset($manages[$row['pid']]) || ! isset($manages[$row['pid']]['children'][$row['id']])) { if ($row['pid'] > 0 && ! isset($manages[$row['pid']]['children'])) $manages[$row['pid']] = $newList[$row['pid']]; $manages[$row['pid']]['children'][$row['id']] = $row; } if (! isset($inDeeps[$row['deep']]) || ! in_array($row['id'], $inDeeps[$row['deep']])) { $inDeeps[$row['deep']][] = array($row['pid'], $row['id']); } } krsort($inDeeps); array_shift($inDeeps); foreach ($inDeeps as $deep => $ids) { foreach ($ids as $m) { // 存在子栏目的进行转移 if (isset($manages[$m[1]])) { $manages[$m[0]]['children'][$m[1]] = $manages[$m[1]]; $manages[$m[1]] = null; unset($manages[$m[1]]); } } } return $manages[0]['children']; }</code>
Recursive implementation
<code class="hljs php">function resolve2(& $list, $pid = 0) { $manages = array(); foreach ($list as $row) { if ($row['pid'] == $pid) { $manages[$row['id']] = $row; $children = resolve2($list, $row['id']); $children && $manages[$row['id']]['children'] = $children; } } return $manages; }</code>