This program implements web page source code capture, image link acquisition, analysis, and merging of the same image links. Implemented image capture function. Use PHP's powerful network content processing function to grab all the images on the specified website and save them in the current directory. The following is the code:
<?php /*完成网页内容捕获功能*/ function get_img_url($site_name){ $site_fd = fopen($site_name, "r"); $site_content = ""; while (!feof($site_fd)) { $site_content .= fread($site_fd, 1024); } /*利用正则表达式得到图片链接*/ $reg_tag = '/<img.*?\"([^\"]*(jpg|bmp|jpeg|gif)).*?>/'; $ret = preg_match_all($reg_tag, $site_content, $match_result); fclose($site_fd); return $match_result[1]; } /* 对图片链接进行修正 */ function revise_site($site_list, $base_site){ foreach($site_list as $site_item) { if (preg_match('/^http/', $site_item)) { $return_list[] = $site_item; }else{ $return_list[] = $base_site."/".$site_item; } } return $return_list; } /*得到图片名字,并将其保存在指定位置*/ function get_pic_file($pic_url_array, $pos){ $reg_tag = '/.*\/(.*?)$/'; $count = 0; foreach($pic_url_array as $pic_item){ $ret = preg_match_all($reg_tag,$pic_item,$t_pic_name); $pic_name = $pos.$t_pic_name[1][0]; $pic_url = $pic_item; print("Downloading ".$pic_url." "); $img_read_fd = fopen($pic_url,"r"); $img_write_fd = fopen($pic_name,"w"); $img_content = ""; while(!feof($img_read_fd)){ $img_content .= fread($img_read_fd,1024); } fwrite($img_write_fd,$img_content); fclose($img_read_fd); fclose($img_write_fd); print("[OK] "); } return 0; } function main(){ /* 待抓取图片的网页地址 */ $site_name = ""; $img_url = get_img_url($site_name); $img_url_revised = revise_site($img_url, $site_name); $img_url_unique = array_unique($img_url_revised); //unique array get_pic_file($img_url_unique,"./"); } main(); ?>
The thing that still needs to be improved in this program is that if the pictures are in different directories on the website server but the file names are the same, the pictures may be different at this time, but when they are finally saved, the pictures obtained later will be The previously saved pictures will be overwritten. The solution is to search whether the file name already exists in the current directory before each save. If so, rename the picture to be saved. That’s it.
The above is a method to share with you how to capture and save website images in PHP, as well as how to correct the imperfections in the program during practice. I hope this article will be helpful to everyone's learning.