composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist
2. First use composer to globally download to the main directory of composer, then enter the superior directory of the website project and run laravel new project-name to install. The commands are:
composer global require <span>"</span><span>laravel/installer=~1.1</span><span>"</span>
laravel new project-name
3. Download the laravel installer installation package and extract it to the specified directory, or design your own composer.json file and put it in the specified directory, and then enter the directory to run the installation:
composer <span>install</span>
laravel new blog
Note that in this place, it will usually prompt that the laravel command cannot be found. The official document mentions that ~/.composer/vendor/bin should be placed in the PATH variable of the system. This is a pitfall. There are many People don't know where this is, but it is actually in the composer's home directory. The composer's home directory can be viewed through composer config. For win8 systems, this directory is in C:UsersMyUserNameAppDataRoamingComposevendorbin by default.
After typing the above command, in many cases it will be very slow, and the prompt line will always display a short message such as application crafting.... Please be patient and wait. Generally, the installation can be successful.
The fourth method does not require installation, but you have to run the following code in the project root directory to generate a KEY to access the system homepage.php artisan generate:key
3. For all the above methods, after the installation is completed, if your system is placed in the htdocs subdirectory blog, it can be accessed through http://localhost/blog/public.
php -S localhost:<span>8888</span> -t public
Then you can access the homepage by entering http://localhost:8888 in your browser. This purpose can also be achieved through the following command:
php artisan serve
This command sets the port to 8000 by default and automatically sets the website root directory to public, so you can access the homepage through http://localhost:8000.
Some people think that it is inconvenient to always bring a port. It would be great if it could be changed to a domain name. There is no problem. The method is as follows. First, add a virtual host through apache (UPUPW is recommended). Note Be sure to set the public directory to the directory of the website, and set a virtual domain name (if it is to point to it, and then find the system hosts file. For win8.1, the file is located under: C: windowssystem32driversetc, and add it inside One item is as follows:
If nothing else goes wrong, you can see laravel’s welcome page by visiting!
However, many people find errors after reaching this step. There are two situations, one is a blank page, and the other is an error message. At this time, you will find that other PHP codes in the public directory can be accessed, such as, but the laravel welcome page cannot be displayed. There is really a pit here. There is a blank space, which means that the server's error information is not displayed, but it was previously accessible through http://localhost/blog/public! But this is indeed the case after I tried it. Change the
in php.inidisplay_errors = Off
changed to:
display_errors = On
In this way, you can see that the blank page has turned into an error message page, and you will see the following error message: Warning: require(): open_basedir restriction in effect.
Enter the http.conf file or http.vhosts.conf file to modify the value of open_basedir. Many LAMP components will set open_basedir to match the website by default
The root directory is the same, but laravel is a bit abnormal. It must be set to the upper-level directory, which is the blog directory here. After the settings are completed, restart apache and the error is finally eliminated.
At this point, the installation of laravel5 has been completed and the use of local virtual host has been implemented.
补充说说composer的几个坑: composer安装时,有两个方法,第一种是下载composer.setup.exe点击安装,此处不表,且看第二种方法,简单介绍如下: 先下载composer.phar到某个目录,运行如下代码:
php -r <span>"</span><span>readfile('');</span><span>"</span> | php
<span>echo</span> @php <span>"</span><span>%~dp0composer.phar</span><span>"</span> %*>composer.bat
生成一个composer的批处理文件,可以在任意地方直接通过composer这个命令来代替php composer.phar.
别忘了将此目录的路径写入系统的path变量中. 注意: 1.如果是直接点击安装composer.setup.exe文件,那么一般会在C:\ProgramData\ComposerSetup\bin目录下也会生成一个laravel.bat 这就会和installer造成冲突,最好的办法是把这个文件改个名字,比如laravel_start.bat,然后复制到wwwroot目录下,这样就不用每次CMD都从C盘开始了。 2.composer.phar将会被安装到默认的用户目录下,这本来就是composer的home目录。 3.不管怎么安装composer,其home目录在windows下都是用户的一个特定子目录,具体可以通过如下命令查看:composer config -l -g
运行如下代码,可以全局修改您的packagist目标服务器:composer config -g repositories.packagist composer http:<span>//</span><span> </span>
<span>"</span><span>repositories</span><span>"</span>: [ <br /> {<span>"</span><span>type</span><span>"</span>: <span>"</span><span>composer</span><span>"</span>, <span>"</span><span>url</span><span>"</span>: <span>"</span><span></span><span>"</span>}, <br /> {<span>"</span><span>packagist</span><span>"</span>: <span>false</span>} <br /> ]