OneThink’s database configuration file is ApplicationCommonConfconfig.php. Logically speaking, modify the database configuration here. I should be able to reconnect, but no matter how I change the password, it is always inconsistent with the one I set. I found a lot of information on the Internet but could not solve my problem. However, the word "cache" reminded me, so I changed all the cache directory files. After deletion, the printing configuration information was correct, but after commenting on the printing code, the previous configuration information appeared again, and then I found a solution in the entry file. It turns out that oneThink used the database connection user name and password entered during the previous installation as The cache is blocked so I can't connect. I decisively modified define('UC_DB_DSN','mysqli://root:123456@'); in the ApplicationUserConfconfig.php file. OK, everything is running normally! ! ! (Note: 123456 after root is the modified password)