This article mainly summarizes and introduces two commonly used PHP image processing classes (watermark, proportional scaling, fixed height and width), very useful Simple and practical, friends in need can refer to it
Commonly used PHP image processing classes (watermark, proportional scaling, fixed height and width) sharing
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//PHP adds watermark & proportional thumbnail & fixed height & fixed width classes. class Image_process{ public $source; //Original image public $source_width; //Original image width public $source_height; //Height of original image public $source_type_id; public $orign_name; public $orign_dirname;
//Input the original image path public function __construct($source){ $this->typeList = array(1=>'gif',2=>'jpg',3=>'png'); $ginfo = getimagesize($source); $this->source_width = $ginfo[0]; $this->source_height = $ginfo[1]; $this->source_type_id = $ginfo[2]; $this->orign_url = $source; $this->orign_name = basename($source); $this->orign_dirname = dirname($source); }
//Determine the format of the image file and return the encoding recognized by PHP public function judgeType($type,$source){ if($type == 1){ return imagecreatefromgif($source); //gif }else if($type == 2){ return imagecreatefromjpeg($source); //jpg }else if($type == 3){ return imagecreatefrompng($source); //png }else{ return false; } }
//Generate watermark image public function waterMakeImage($logo){ $linfo = getimagesize($logo); $logo_width = $linfo[0]; $logo_height = $linfo[1]; $logo_type_id = $linfo[2]; $sourceHandle = $this->judgeType($this->source_type_id,$this->orign_url); $logoHandle = $this->judgeType($logo_type_id,$logo); if(!$sourceHandle || !$logoHandle){ return false; } $x = ($this->source_width - $logo_width)/2; $y = ($this->source_height - $logo_height)/2; imagecopy($sourceHandle,$logoHandle,$x,$y,0,0,$logo_width,$logo_height); $newPic = $this->orign_dirname.'water_'.time().'.'.$this->typeList[$this->source_type_id]; if($this->saveImage($sourceHandle,$newPic)){ imagedestroy($sourceHandle); imagedestroy($logoHandle); } }
//固定高度宽度 public function fixSizeImage($width,$height){ if($width > $this->source_width) $this->source_width; if($height > $this->source_height) $this->source_height; if($width === false){ $width = floor($this->source_width / ($this->source_height / $height)); } if($height === false){ $height = floor($this->source_height / ($this->source_width / $width)); } $this->tinyImage($width,$height); }
//等比例缩放图片 public function scaleImage($scale){ $width = floor($this->source_width * $scale); $height = floor($this->source_height * $scale); $this->tinyImage($width, $height); }
//创建缩略图 public function tinyImage($width,$height){ $tinyImage = imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height); $handle = $this->judgeType($this->source_type_id,$this->orign_url); if(function_exists('imagecopyresampled')){ imagecopyresampled($tinyImage, $handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $this->source_width, $this->source_height); }else{ imagecopyresized($tinyImage, $handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $this->source_width, $this->source_height); } $newPic = $this->orign_dirname.'thumb_'.time().'_'.$width."_".$height.".".$this->typeList[$this->source_type_id]; if($this->saveImage($tinyImage,$newPic)){ imagedestroy($tinyImage); imagedestroy($handle); } } //保存图片 private function saveImage($image,$url){ if(imagejpeg($image,$url)){ return true; } } } $imgHandle = new Image_process('D:AppServwwwtestgetimg14061907445601.jpg'); //$imgHandle->waterMakeImage('D:AppServwwwtestgetimgshougongke.png'); //生成水印图片 //$imgHandle->fixSizeImage(200,150); //固定长度图片 $imgHandle->scaleImage(0.2); //等比例缩放 ?> |
Example 2:
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/** * * Image processing class * @author FC_LAMP * @internal functions include: watermark, thumbnail */ class Img { //图片格式 private $exts = array ('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp', 'png' );
/** * * * @throws Exception */ public function __construct() { if (! function_exists ( 'gd_info' )) { throw new Exception ( '加载GD库失败!' ); } }
/** * * 裁剪压缩 * @param $src_img 图片 * @param $save_img 生成后的图片 * @param $option 参数选项,包括: $maxwidth 宽 $maxheight 高 * array('width'=>xx,'height'=>xxx) * @internal * Our general image compression method, the image generated when the image is too long or too wide * will be "squashed". To deal with this, the method of cropping first and then compressing proportionally */ public function thumb_img($src_img, $save_img = '', $option) {
if (empty ( $option ['width'] ) or empty ( $option ['height'] )) { return array ('flag' => False, 'msg' => 'The length and width of the original image cannot be less than 0' ); } $org_ext = $this->is_img ( $src_img ); if (! $org_ext ['flag']) { return $org_ext; }
//If there is a save path, determine whether the path is correct if (! empty ( $save_img )) { $f = $this->check_dir ( $save_img ); if (! $f ['flag']) { return $f; } }
//Get the corresponding method $org_funcs = $this->get_img_funcs ( $org_ext ['msg'] );
//Get the original size $source = $org_funcs ['create_func'] ( $src_img ); $src_w = imagesx ( $source ); $src_h = imagesy ( $source );
//Adjust the original image (keep the original shape of the image and crop the image) $dst_scale = $option ['height'] / $option ['width']; //Target image aspect ratio $src_scale = $src_h / $src_w; // Original image aspect ratio if ($src_scale >= $dst_scale) { // Too high $w = intval ( $src_w ); $h = intval ( $dst_scale * $w );
$x = 0; $y = ($src_h - $h) / 3; } else { // Too wide $h = intval ( $src_h ); $w = intval ( $h / $dst_scale );
$x = ($src_w - $w) / 2; $y = 0; } //Cut $croped = imagecreatetruecolor ( $w, $h ); imagecopy ( $croped, $source, 0, 0, $x, $y, $src_w, $src_h ); //Zoom $scale = $option ['width'] / $w; $target = imagecreatetruecolor ( $option ['width'], $option ['height'] ); $final_w = intval ( $w * $scale ); $final_h = intval ( $h * $scale ); imagecopyresampled ( $target, $croped, 0, 0, 0, 0, $final_w, $final_h, $w, $h ); imagedestroy ( $croped );
//Output (save) pictures if (! empty ( $save_img )) {
$org_funcs ['save_func'] ( $target, $save_img ); } else { header ( $org_funcs ['header'] ); $org_funcs ['save_func'] ( $target ); } imagedestroy ( $target ); return array ('flag' => True, 'msg' => '' ); }
/** * * Scale the image proportionally * @param $src_img original image * @param $save_img Where to save * @param $option parameter setting array('width'=>xx,'height'=>xxx) * */ function resize_image($src_img, $save_img = '', $option) { $org_ext = $this->is_img ( $src_img ); if (! $org_ext ['flag']) { return $org_ext; }
//If there is a save path, determine whether the path is correct if (! empty ( $save_img )) { $f = $this->check_dir ( $save_img ); if (! $f ['flag']) { return $f; } }
//Get the corresponding method $org_funcs = $this->get_img_funcs ( $org_ext ['msg'] );
//Get the original size $source = $org_funcs ['create_func'] ( $src_img ); $src_w = imagesx ( $source ); $src_h = imagesy ( $source );
if (($option ['width'] && $src_w > $option ['width']) || ($option ['height'] && $src_h > $option ['height'])) { if ($option ['width'] && $src_w > $option ['width']) { $widthratio = $option ['width'] / $src_w; $resizewidth_tag = true; }
if ($option ['height'] && $src_h > $option ['height']) { $heightratio = $option ['height'] / $src_h; $resizeheight_tag = true; }
if ($resizewidth_tag && $resizeheight_tag) { if ($widthratio < $heightratio) $ratio = $widthratio; else $ratio = $heightratio; }
if ($resizewidth_tag && ! $resizeheight_tag) $ratio = $widthratio; if ($resizeheight_tag && ! $resizewidth_tag) $ratio = $heightratio;
$newwidth = $src_w * $ratio; $newheight = $src_h * $ratio;
if (function_exists ( "imagecopyresampled" )) { $newim = imagecreatetruecolor ( $newwidth, $newheight ); imagecopyresampled ( $newim, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $src_w, $src_h ); } else { $newim = imagecreate ( $newwidth, $newheight ); imagecopyresized ( $newim, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $src_w, $src_h ); } } //输出(保存)图片 if (! empty ( $save_img )) {
$org_funcs ['save_func'] ( $newim, $save_img ); } else { header ( $org_funcs ['header'] ); $org_funcs ['save_func'] ( $newim ); } imagedestroy ( $newim ); return array ('flag' => True, 'msg' => '' ); }
/** * * Generate watermark image * @param $org_img original image * @param $mark_img watermark image * @param $save_img When the directory does not exist, try to create the directory * @param array $option contains some basic settings for watermarks: * x: the horizontal position of the watermark, the default is the value minus the width of the watermark image * y: The vertical position of the watermark, the default is the value minus the height of the watermark * alpha: alpha value (controlling transparency), the default is 50 */ public function water_mark($org_img, $mark_img, $save_img = '', $option = array()) { //检查图片 $org_ext = $this->is_img ( $org_img ); if (! $org_ext ['flag']) { return $org_ext; } $mark_ext = $this->is_img ( $mark_img ); if (! $mark_ext ['flag']) { return $mark_ext; } //如果有保存路径,则确定路径是否正确 if (! empty ( $save_img )) { $f = $this->check_dir ( $save_img ); if (! $f ['flag']) { return $f; } }
//获取相应画布 $org_funcs = $this->get_img_funcs ( $org_ext ['msg'] ); $org_img_im = $org_funcs ['create_func'] ( $org_img );
$mark_funcs = $this->get_img_funcs ( $mark_ext ['msg'] ); $mark_img_im = $mark_funcs ['create_func'] ( $mark_img );
//拷贝水印图片坐标 $mark_img_im_x = 0; $mark_img_im_y = 0; //拷贝水印图片高宽 $mark_img_w = imagesx ( $mark_img_im ); $mark_img_h = imagesy ( $mark_img_im );
$org_img_w = imagesx ( $org_img_im ); $org_img_h = imagesx ( $org_img_im );
//合成生成点坐标 $x = $org_img_w - $mark_img_w; $org_img_im_x = isset ( $option ['x'] ) ? $option ['x'] : $x; $org_img_im_x = ($org_img_im_x > $org_img_w or $org_img_im_x < 0) ? $x : $org_img_im_x; $y = $org_img_h - $mark_img_h; $org_img_im_y = isset ( $option ['y'] ) ? $option ['y'] : $y; $org_img_im_y = ($org_img_im_y > $org_img_h or $org_img_im_y < 0) ? $y : $org_img_im_y;
//alpha $alpha = isset ( $option ['alpha'] ) ? $option ['alpha'] : 50; $alpha = ($alpha > 100 or $alpha < 0) ? 50 : $alpha;
//合并图片 imagecopymerge ( $org_img_im, $mark_img_im, $org_img_im_x, $org_img_im_y, $mark_img_im_x, $mark_img_im_y, $mark_img_w, $mark_img_h, $alpha );
//输出(保存)图片 if (! empty ( $save_img )) {
$org_funcs ['save_func'] ( $org_img_im, $save_img ); } else { header ( $org_funcs ['header'] ); $org_funcs ['save_func'] ( $org_img_im ); } //销毁画布 imagedestroy ( $org_img_im ); imagedestroy ( $mark_img_im ); return array ('flag' => True, 'msg' => '' );
/** * * Check pictures * @param unknown_type $img_path * @return array('flag'=>true/false,'msg'=>ext/error message) */ private function is_img($img_path) { if (! file_exists ( $img_path )) { return array ('flag' => False, 'msg' => "加载图片 $img_path 失败!" ); } $ext = explode ( '.', $img_path ); $ext = strtolower ( end ( $ext ) ); if (! in_array ( $ext, $this->exts )) { return array ('flag' => False, 'msg' => "图片 $img_path 格式不正确!" ); } return array ('flag' => True, 'msg' => $ext ); }
/** * * Return the correct image function * @param unknown_type $ext */ private function get_img_funcs($ext) { //选择 switch ($ext) { case 'jpg' : $header = 'Content-Type:image/jpeg'; $createfunc = 'imagecreatefromjpeg'; $savefunc = 'imagejpeg'; break; case 'jpeg' : $header = 'Content-Type:image/jpeg'; $createfunc = 'imagecreatefromjpeg'; $savefunc = 'imagejpeg'; break; case 'gif' : $header = 'Content-Type:image/gif'; $createfunc = 'imagecreatefromgif'; $savefunc = 'imagegif'; break; case 'bmp' : $header = 'Content-Type:image/bmp'; $createfunc = 'imagecreatefrombmp'; $savefunc = 'imagebmp'; break; default : $header = 'Content-Type:image/png'; $createfunc = 'imagecreatefrompng'; $savefunc = 'imagepng'; } return array ('save_func' => $savefunc, 'create_func' => $createfunc, 'header' => $header ); }
/** * * Check and try to create the directory * @param $save_img */ private function check_dir($save_img) { $dir = dirname ( $save_img ); if (! is_dir ( $dir )) { if (! mkdir ( $dir, 0777, true )) { return array ('flag' => False, 'msg' => "图片保存目录 $dir 无法创建!" ); } } return array ('flag' => True, 'msg' => '' ); } }
if (! empty ( $_FILES ['test'] ['tmp_name'] )) { //Example $img = new Img (); //Original image $name = explode ( '.', $_FILES ['test'] ['name'] ); $org_img = 'D:/test.' . end ( $name ); move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES ['test'] ['tmp_name'], $org_img ); $option = array ('width' => $_POST ['width'], 'height' => $_POST ['height'] ); if ($_POST ['type'] == 1) { $s = $img->resize_image ( $org_img, '', $option ); } else { $img->thumb_img ( $org_img, '', $option ); } unlink ( $org_img ); } |
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.