The prerequisite for using memcache is to configure the memcahche environment on the server first! After confirming that memcahce can be connected normally, you can use it in the program!
<?php /** * Memcache缓存操作 * @author hxm * @version 1.0 * @since 2015.05.04 */ class MCache extends Object implements CacheFace { private $mem = null; //Mem对象 private $sId = 1; //servier服务ID /** * 初始化Memcache * * @return Object */ public function __construct() { if ( !class_exists('Memcache') ) { throw new QException('PHP extension does not exist: Memcache'); } $this->mem = new Memcache(); } /** * 链接memcahce服务 * * @access private * @param string $key 关键字 * @param string $value 缓存内容 * @return array */ private function connect( $sid ) { $file = $this->CacheFile(); require $file; if(! isset($cache) ) { throw new QException('缓存配置文件不存在'.$file); } $server = $cache[$this->cacheId]; $sid = isset($sid) == 0 ? $this->sId : $sid;//memcache服务选择 if ( ! $server[$sid]) { throw new QException('当前操作的缓存服务器配置文件不存在'); } $host = $server[$sid]['host']; $port = $server[$sid]['port']; try { $this->mem->connect( $host , $port ); } catch (Exception $e) { exit('memecache连接失败,错误信息:'. $e->getMessage()); } } /** * 写入缓存 * * @access private * @param string $key 关键字 * @param string $value 缓存内容 * @return array */ public function set( $key , $value , $sid , $expire = 0) { $data = $this->get($key , $sid); //如果已经存在key值 if( $data ) { return $this->mem->set( $key , $value ,MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED , $expire); } else { return $this->mem->add( $key , $value ,MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED , $expire); } } /** * 读取缓存 * * @access private * @param string $key 关键字 * @param int $sid 选择第几台memcache服务器 * @return array */ public function get( $key , $sid) { $this->connect( $sid ); return $this->mem->get($key); } /** * 清洗(删除)已经存储的所有的元素 * * @access private * @return array */ public function flush() { $this->connect(); return $this->mem->flush(); } /** * 删除缓存 * * @access private * @param string $key 关键字 * @param int $sid 选择第几台memcache服务器 * @return array */ public function remove( $key , $sid) { $this->connect(); return $this->mem->delete($key); } /** * 析构函数 * 最后关闭memcache */ public function __destruct() { /*if(! $this->mem) { $this->mem->close(); }*/ } }
The above is the entire content of this article, I hope you all like it.