May 16, 2016 pm 08:10 PM
html5的websocket 实现了双向通信,折腾了几天弄了个聊天室,分享给大家
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ob_implicit_flush(); $sk=new Sock('',8000); $sk->run(); class Sock{ public $sockets; public $users; public $master; public function __construct($address, $port){ $this->master=$this->WebSocket($address, $port); $this->sockets=array('s'=>$this->master); } function run(){ while(true){ $changes=$this->sockets; socket_select($changes,$write=NULL,$except=NULL,NULL); foreach($changes as $sock){ if($sock==$this->master){ $client=socket_accept($this->master); //$key=uniqid(); $this->sockets[]=$client; $this->users[]=array( 'socket'=>$client, 'shou'=>false ); }else{ $len=socket_recv($sock,$buffer,2048,0); $k=$this->search($sock); if($len<7){ $name=$this->users[$k]['ming']; $this->close($sock); $this->send2($name,$k); continue; } if(!$this->users[$k]['shou']){ $this->woshou($k,$buffer); }else{ $buffer = $this->uncode($buffer); $this->send($k,$buffer); } } } } } function close($sock){ $k=array_search($sock, $this->sockets); socket_close($sock); unset($this->sockets[$k]); unset($this->users[$k]); $this->e("key:$k close"); } function search($sock){ foreach ($this->users as $k=>$v){ if($sock==$v['socket']) return $k; } return false; } function WebSocket($address,$port){ $server = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); socket_set_option($server, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1); socket_bind($server, $address, $port); socket_listen($server); $this->e('Server Started : '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->e('Listening on : '.$address.' port '.$port); return $server; } function woshou($k,$buffer){ $buf = substr($buffer,strpos($buffer,'Sec-WebSocket-Key:')+18); $key = trim(substr($buf,0,strpos($buf,"\r\n"))); $new_key = base64_encode(sha1($key."258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11",true)); $new_message = "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\r\n"; $new_message .= "Upgrade: websocket\r\n"; $new_message .= "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n"; $new_message .= "Connection: Upgrade\r\n"; $new_message .= "Sec-WebSocket-Accept: " . $new_key . "\r\n\r\n"; socket_write($this->users[$k]['socket'],$new_message,strlen($new_message)); $this->users[$k]['shou']=true; return true; } function uncode($str){ $mask = array(); $data = ''; $msg = unpack('H*',$str); $head = substr($msg[1],0,2); if (hexdec($head{1}) === 8) { $data = false; }else if (hexdec($head{1}) === 1){ $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],4,2)); $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],6,2)); $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],8,2)); $mask[] = hexdec(substr($msg[1],10,2)); $s = 12; $e = strlen($msg[1])-2; $n = 0; for ($i=$s; $i<= $e; $i+= 2) { $data .= chr($mask[$n%4]^hexdec(substr($msg[1],$i,2))); $n++; } } return $data; } function code($msg){ $msg = preg_replace(array('/\r$/','/\n$/','/\r\n$/',), '', $msg); $frame = array(); $frame[0] = '81'; $len = strlen($msg); $frame[1] = $len<16?'0'.dechex($len):dechex($len); $frame[2] = $this->ord_hex($msg); $data = implode('',$frame); return pack("H*", $data); } function ord_hex($data) { $msg = ''; $l = strlen($data); for ($i= 0; $i<$l; $i++) { $msg .= dechex(ord($data{$i})); } return $msg; } function send($k,$msg){ /*$this->send1($k,$this->code($msg),'all');*/ parse_str($msg,$g); $this->e($msg); $ar=array(); if($g['type']=='add'){ $this->users[$k]['ming']=$g['ming']; $ar['add']=true; $ar['nrong']='欢迎'.$g['ming'].'加入!'; $ar['users']=$this->getusers(); $key='all'; }else if($g['type']=='ltiao'){ $ar['nrong']=$g['nr']; $key=$g['key']; } $msg=json_encode($ar); $this->e($msg); $msg = $this->code($msg); $this->send1($k,$msg,$key); //socket_write($this->users[$k]['socket'],$msg,strlen($msg)); } function getusers(){ $ar=array(); foreach($this->users as $k=>$v){ $ar[$k]=$v['ming']; } return $ar; } function send1($k,$str,$key='all'){ if($key=='all'){ foreach($this->users as $v){ socket_write($v['socket'],$str,strlen($str)); } }else{ if($k!=$key) socket_write($this->users[$k]['socket'],$str,strlen($str)); socket_write($this->users[$key]['socket'],$str,strlen($str)); } } function send2($ming,$k){ $ar['remove']=true; $ar['removekey']=$k; $ar['nrong']=$ming.'退出聊天室'; $str = $this->code(json_encode($ar)); $this->send1(false,$str,'all'); } function e($str){ $path=dirname(__FILE__).'/log.txt'; $str=$str."\n"; error_log($str,3,$path); echo iconv('utf-8','gbk//IGNORE',$str); } } ?>
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