I just came across AJAX two days ago. I heard others say it is quite useful, and I feel it is necessary to learn it.
Let’s take an example of passing parameters to the php page through the get method:
<code class="hljs" xml=""> </code>
<input onclick="testcheck()" type="button" value="submit" />
<code class="hljs" javascript="">var xmlHttp; function GetXmlHttpObject(){ if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); }else{// code for IE6, IE5 xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject(Microsoft.XMLHTTP); } return xmlhttp; } // -----------ajax方法-----------// function testcheck(){ xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject(); if (xmlHttp==null){ alert('您的浏览器不支持AJAX!'); return; } var url=http://localhost/PHPTEST/index.php?isbn=110120;//这个地方一定要注意哦,刚开始的时候我在‘=’前面多了一个空格,结果造成了php页面获取不到参数,大家都一定要注意些哦 xmlHttp.open(GET,url,true); xmlHttp.onreadystatechange=getOkGet;//发送事件后,收到信息了调用函数 xmlHttp.send(); } function getOkGet(){ if(xmlHttp.readyState==1||xmlHttp.readyState==2||xmlHttp.readyState==3){ // 本地提示:加载中 } if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 && xmlHttp.status==200){ alert(xmlHttp.responseText); alert('123'); // 处理返回结果 } } </code>
<code class="hljs" xml=""><!--?php header('Content-type:text/html'); if(isset($_GET['isbn'])){ $isbn =$_GET['isbn']; if(!$isbn){ echo(abc); // print That request was not understood; }else if ($isbn ==110120) { echo($isbn); // print JavaScript step by step; } }else{ echo(aaa); } ?--> </code>
In addition, the url of test.js should be the path where your file is located, don’t make a mistake, hehe
Let me show you the running effect below