This example describes how PHP reads the background color of the flash file’s height and width frames. Share it with everyone for your reference.
The specific implementation method is as follows:
The code is as follows:
$file = '/data/ad_files/5/5.swf';
$flash = new flash();
$flash = $flash->getswfinfo($file);
echo "
The width and height of the file are: ".$flash["width"].":".$info["height"];
echo "
The file version is ".$flash["version"];
echo "
The number of file frames is ".$flash["framecount"];
echo "
The file frame rate is ".$flash["framerate"];
echo "
The file background color is ".$flash["bgcolor"];
class flash
// Whether to return the background color
public $need_back_color = false ;
//Whether to return version
public $need_version = false ;
// Whether to return the frame rate
public $need_framerate = false ;
// Whether to return the number of frames
public $need_framecount = false ;
public function __construct()
public function getswfinfo( $filename )
if ( file_exists($filename) ) {
//echo "File modification time:".date("m d y h:i:s.", filemtime($filename))."
} else {
//echo "The target file does not exist!";
return array( "error" => $filename ) ;
//Open file
$rs = fopen($filename,"r");
//Read file data
$str = fread( $rs , filesize( $filename ) ) ;
if($str[0] == "f")
//echo "
The file is an unzipped file: ";
} else {
$first = substr($str,0,8);
$last = substr($str,8);
$last = gzuncompress($last);
$str = $first . $last ;
$str[0] = "f";
//echo "
Decompressed file information: ";
$info = $this->getinfo( $str );
fclose ( $rs ) ;
return $info;
private function mydecbin($str,$index)
$fbin = decbin(ord($str[$index]));
return $fbin;
private function colorhex($data)
$tmp = dechex($data);
if ( strlen($tmp)<2 ) {
$tmp='0' . $tmp ;
return $tmp;
private function getinfo( $str )
//Convert to binary
$fbin = $this->mydecbin( $str , 8 ) ;
// Calculate the unit length of rec
$slen = bindec( substr( $fbin , 0 , 5 ) );
// Calculate the byte where rec is located
$recsize = $slen * 4 5 ;
$recsize = ceil( $recsize / 8 ) ;
//rec binary
$recbin = $fbin;
for( $i = 9; $i < $recsize 8; $i )
$recbin .= $this->mydecbin( $str ,$i );
//rec data
$rec = array();
for( $i = 0 ; $i < 4 ; $i )
$rec[] = bindec( substr( $recbin , 5 $i * $slen , $slen ) ) / 20;
if ( $this->need_back_color ) {
//Background color
for( $i = $recsize 12; $i < strlen ( $str ) ; $i )
if ( ord( $str[$i] ) == 67 && ord( $str[$i 1] ) == 2 )
$bgcolor = $this->colorhex(ord($str[$i 2])).$this->colorhex(ord($str[$i 3])).$this->colorhex (ord($str[$i 4]));
if ( $this->need_version ) {
$version = ord( $str[3] );
if ( $this->need_framerate ) {
// Frame rate
$framerate = ord( $str[$recsize 8] ) / 256 ord( $str[$recsize 9] ) ;
if ( $this->need_framecount ) {
// Frame number
$framecount = ord( $str[$recsize 11] ) * 256 ord( $str[$recsize 10] );
return array ( "bgcolor" => $bgcolor ,
"version" => $version ,
"framerate" => $framerate ,
"framecount" => $framecount ,