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Function | Description | PHP |
array() | Create an array. | 3 |
array_change_key_case() | Returns an array whose keys are all uppercase or lowercase. | 4 |
array_chunk() | Split an array into new array blocks. | 4 |
array_combine() | Create a new array by merging two arrays. | 5 |
array_count_values() | Used to count the number of occurrences of all values in the array. | 4 |
array_diff() | Returns the difference array of two arrays. | 4 |
array_diff_assoc() | Compare the key name and key value, and return the difference array of the two arrays. | 4 |
array_diff_key() | Compare key names and return the difference array of the two arrays. | 5 |
array_diff_uassoc() | Calculate the difference set of arrays by doing index checking through the callback function provided by the user. | 5 |
array_diff_ukey() | Use the callback function to compare the key names and calculate the difference set of the array. | 5 |
array_fill() | Fills the array with the given values. | 4 |
array_filter() | Use callback function to filter the elements in the array. | 4 |
array_flip() | Swap the keys and values in the array. | 4 |
array_intersect() | Calculate the intersection of arrays. | 4 |
array_intersect_assoc() | Compare the key name and key value and return the intersection array of the two arrays. | 4 |
array_intersect_key() | Calculate the intersection of arrays using key name comparison. | 5 |
array_intersect_uassoc() | Calculate the intersection of arrays with index checking, and use callback functions to compare the indices. | 5 |
array_intersect_ukey() | Use the callback function to compare key names to calculate the intersection of arrays. | 5 |
array_key_exists() | Checks whether the given key or index exists in the array. | 4 |
array_keys() | Returns all key names in the array. | 4 |
array_map() | Apply the callback function to the cells of the given array. | 4 |
array_merge() | Combine one or more arrays into one array. | 4 |
array_merge_recursive() | Recursively merge one or more arrays. | 4 |
array_multisort() | Sort multiple arrays or multidimensional arrays. | 4 |
array_pad() | Pall the array to the specified length with values. | 4 |
array_pop() | Pop the last element of the array (pop off the stack). | 4 |
array_product() | Calculate the product of all values in an array. | 5 |
array_push() | Push one or more cells (elements) to the end of the array (push). | 4 |
array_rand() | Randomly select one or more elements from the array and return it. | 4 |
array_reduce() | Use a callback function to iteratively reduce the array to a single value. | 4 |
array_reverse() | Reverse the order of elements in the original array, create a new array and return it. | 4 |
array_search() | Search for the given value in the array and return the corresponding key name if successful. | 4 |
array_shift() | Deletes the first element in the array and returns the value of the deleted element. | 4 |
array_slice() | Retrieve a value from the array based on the condition and return it. | 4 |
array_splice() | Remove part of the array and replace it with other values. | 4 |
array_sum() | Calculate the sum of all values in an array. | 4 |
array_udiff() | Use callback function to compare data to calculate the difference of arrays. | 5 |
array_udiff_assoc() | Calculate the difference set of arrays with index checking, and use callback functions to compare data. | 5 |
array_udiff_uassoc() | With index check, calculate the difference set of the array, and use the callback function to compare the data and index. | 5 |
array_uintersect() | Calculate the intersection of arrays and use callback functions to compare data. | 5 |
array_uintersect_assoc() | Calculate the intersection of arrays with index checking and use callback functions to compare data. | 5 |
array_uintersect_uassoc() | Calculate the intersection of arrays with index checking, and use callback functions to compare data and indexes. | 5 |
array_unique() | Remove duplicate values from the array. | 4 |
array_unshift() | Insert one or more elements at the beginning of the array. | 4 |
array_values() | Returns all values in the array. | 4 |
array_walk() | Apply a user function to each member of the array. | 3 |
array_walk_recursive() | Apply the user function recursively to each member of the array. | 5 |
arsort() | Reverse sort the array and maintain index relationship. | 3 |
asort() | Sort the array and maintain index relationship. | 3 |
compact() | Create an array including variable names and their values. | 4 |
count() | Count the number of elements in an array or the number of attributes in an object. | 3 |
current() | Returns the current element in the array. | 3 |
each() | Returns the current key/value pair in the array and moves the array pointer forward one step. | 3 |
end() | Point the internal pointer of the array to the last element. | 3 |
extract() | Import variables from the array into the current symbol table. | 3 |
in_array() | Checks whether the specified value exists in the array. | 4 |
key() | Get the key name from the associative array. | 3 |
krsort() | Sort the array in reverse order by key name. | 3 |
ksort() | Sort the array by key name. | 3 |
list() | Assign the values in the array to some variables. | 3 |
natcasesort() | Sort the array in a case-insensitive manner using the "natural sorting" algorithm. | 4 |
natsort() | Sort the array using the "natural sorting" algorithm. | 4 |
next() | Move the internal pointer in the array forward one position. | 3 |
pos() | An alias for current(). | 3 |
prev() | Rewind the internal pointer of the array by one bit. | 3 |
range() | Create an array containing elements in the specified range. | 3 |
reset() | Point the internal pointer of the array to the first element. | 3 |
rsort() | Sort the array in reverse order. | 3 |
shuffle() | Rearrange the elements in the array in random order. | 3 |
sizeof() | An alias for count(). | 3 |
sort() | Sort the array. | 3 |
uasort() | Use user-defined comparison functions to sort values in an array and maintain index association. | 3 |
uksort() | Use user-defined comparison function to sort the keys in the array. | 3 |
usort() | Sort the values in an array using a user-defined comparison function. | 3 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
cal_days_in_month() | 针对指定的年份和日历,返回一个月中的天数。 | 4 |
cal_from_jd() | 把儒略日计数转换为指定日历的日期。 | 4 |
cal_info() | 返回有关给定日历的信息。 | 4 |
cal_to_jd() | 把日期转换为儒略日计数。 | 4 |
easter_date() | 返回指定年份的复活节午夜的 Unix 时间戳。 | 3 |
easter_days() | 返回指定年份的复活节与 3 月 21 日之间的天数。 | 3 |
FrenchToJD() | 将法国共和历法转换成为儒略日计数。 | 3 |
GregorianToJD() | 将格利高里历法转换成为儒略日计数。 | 3 |
JDDayOfWeek() | 返回日期在周几。 | 3 |
JDMonthName() | 返回月的名称。 | 3 |
JDToFrench() | 把儒略日计数转换为法国共和国历法。 | 3 |
JDToGregorian() | 把儒略日计数转换为格利高里历法。 | 3 |
jdtojewish() | 把儒略日计数转换为犹太历法。 | 3 |
JDToJulian() | 把儒略日计数转换为儒略历。 | 3 |
jdtounix() | 把儒略日计数转换为 Unix 时间戳。 | 4 |
JewishToJD() | 把犹太历法转换为儒略日计数。 | 3 |
JulianToJD() | 把儒略历转换为儒略日计数。 | 3 |
unixtojd() | 把 Unix 时间戳转换为儒略日计数。 | 4 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
checkdate() | 验证格利高里日期。 | 3 |
date_default_timezone_get() | 返回默认时区。 | 5 |
date_default_timezone_set() | 设置默认时区。 | 5 |
date_sunrise() | 返回给定的日期与地点的日出时间。 | 5 |
date_sunset() | 返回给定的日期与地点的日落时间。 | 5 |
date() | 格式化本地时间/日期。 | 3 |
getdate() | 返回日期/时间信息。 | 3 |
gettimeofday() | 返回当前时间信息。 | 3 |
gmdate() | 格式化 GMT/UTC 日期/时间。 | 3 |
gmmktime() | 取得 GMT 日期的 UNIX 时间戳。 | 3 |
gmstrftime() | 根据本地区域设置格式化 GMT/UTC 时间/日期。 | 3 |
idate() | 将本地时间/日期格式化为整数 | 5 |
localtime() | 返回本地时间。 | 4 |
microtime() | 返回当前时间的微秒数。 | 3 |
mktime() | 返回一个日期的 Unix 时间戳。 | 3 |
strftime() | 根据区域设置格式化本地时间/日期。 | 3 |
strptime() | 解析由 strftime 生成的日期/时间。 | 5 |
strtotime() | 将任何英文文本的日期或时间描述解析为 Unix 时间戳。 | 3 |
time() | 返回当前时间的 Unix 时间戳。 | 3 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
chdir() | 改变当前的目录。 | 3 |
chroot() | 改变当前进程的根目录。 | 4 |
dir() | 打开一个目录句柄,并返回一个对象。 | 3 |
closedir() | 关闭目录句柄。 | 3 |
getcwd() | 返回当前目录。 | 4 |
opendir() | 打开目录句柄。 | 3 |
readdir() | 返回目录句柄中的条目。 | 3 |
rewinddir() | 重置目录句柄。 | 3 |
scandir() | 列出指定路径中的文件和目录。 | 5 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
debug_backtrace() | 生成 backtrace。 | 4 |
debug_print_backtrace() | 输出 backtrace。 | 5 |
error_get_last() | 获得最后发生的错误。 | 5 |
error_log() | 向服务器错误记录、文件或远程目标发送一个错误。 | 4 |
error_reporting() | 规定报告哪个错误。 | 4 |
restore_error_handler() | 恢复之前的错误处理程序。 | 4 |
restore_exception_handler() | 恢复之前的异常处理程序。 | 5 |
set_error_handler() | 设置用户自定义的错误处理函数。 | 4 |
set_exception_handler() | 设置用户自定义的异常处理函数。 | 5 |
trigger_error() | 创建用户自定义的错误消息。 | 4 |
user_error() | trigger_error() 的别名。 | 4 |
Function | Description | PHP |
basename() | Returns the filename portion of the path. | 3 |
chgrp() | Change file group. | 3 |
chmod() | Change file mode. | 3 |
chown() | Change file owner. | 3 |
clearstatcache() | Clear file status cache. | 3 |
copy() | Copy the file. | 3 |
delete() | See unlink() or unset(). | |
dirname() | Returns the directory name portion of the path. | 3 |
disk_free_space() | Returns the available space of the directory. | 4 |
disk_total_space() | Returns the total disk capacity of a directory. | 4 |
diskfreespace() | An alias for disk_free_space(). | 3 |
fclose() | Close open files. | 3 |
feof() | Test whether the file pointer reaches the end of the file. | 3 |
ffflush() | Output buffered contents to an open file. | 4 |
fgetc() | Return characters from an open file. | 3 |
fgetcsv() | Parse a line from an open file and validate CSV fields. | 3 |
fgets() | Returns a line from an open file. | 3 |
fgetss() | Read a line from an open file and filter out HTML and PHP tags. | 3 |
file() | Read the file into an array. | 3 |
file_exists() | Check if the file or directory exists. | 3 |
file_get_contents() | Read file into string. | 4 |
file_put_contents() | Write a string to a file. | 5 |
fileatime() | Returns the last access time of the file. | 3 |
filectime() | Returns the last time the file was changed. | 3 |
filegroup() | Returns the group ID of the file. | 3 |
fileinode() | Returns the inode number of the file. | 3 |
filemtime() | Returns the last modification time of the file. | 3 |
fileowner() | The user ID (owner) of the file. | 3 |
fileperms() | Returns the permissions of the file. | 3 |
filesize() | Returns the file size. | 3 |
filetype() | Return the file type. | 3 |
flock() | Lock or release files. | 3 |
fnmatch() | Match filenames or strings based on the specified pattern. | 4 |
fopen() | Open a file or URL. | 3 |
fpassthru() | Read data from the open file until EOF and write the result to the output buffer. | 3 |
fputcsv() | Format rows to CSV and write to an open file. | 5 |
fputs() | An alias for fwrite(). | 3 |
fread() | Read the open file. | 3 |
fscanf() | Parse the input according to the specified format. | 4 |
fseek() | Locate within the open file. | 3 |
fstat() | Returns information about an open file. | 4 |
ftell() | Returns the read/write position of the file pointer | 3 |
ftruncate() | Truncate the file to the specified length. | 4 |
fwrite() | Write to file. | 3 |
glob() | Returns an array containing filenames/directories matching the specified pattern. | 4 |
is_dir() | Determine whether the specified file name is a directory. | 3 |
is_executable() | Determine whether the file is executable. | 3 |
is_file() | Determine whether the specified file is a regular file. | 3 |
is_link() | Determine whether the specified file is a connection. | 3 |
is_readable() | Determine whether the file is readable. | 3 |
is_uploaded_file() | Determine whether the file was uploaded via HTTP POST. | 3 |
is_writable() | Determine whether the file is writable. | 4 |
is_writeable() | An alias for is_writable(). | 3 |
link() | Create a hard link. | 3 |
linkinfo() | Returns information about a hard link. | 3 |
lstat() | Returns information about the file or symbolic link. | 3 |
mkdir() | Create a directory. | 3 |
move_uploaded_file() | Move uploaded files to a new location. | 4 |
parse_ini_file() | Parse a configuration file. | 4 |
pathinfo() | Returns information about the file path. | 4 |
pclose() | Close the process opened by popen(). | 3 |
popen() | Open a process. | 3 |
readfile() | Read a file and output to the output buffer. | 3 |
readlink() | Returns the target of the symbolic link. | 3 |
realpath() | Returns the absolute pathname. | 4 |
rename() | A file or directory with the same name. | 3 |
rewind() | Rewind the position of the file pointer. | 3 |
rmdir() | Delete empty directories. | 3 |
set_file_buffer() | Set the buffer size for open files. | 3 |
stat() | Returns information about the file. | 3 |
symlink() | Create a symbolic link. | 3 |
tempnam() | Create a unique temporary file. | 3 |
tmpfile() | Create temporary files. | 3 |
touch() | Set file access and modification time. | 3 |
umask() | Change the file permissions of a file. | 3 |
unlink() | Delete files. | 3 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
filter_has_var() | 检查是否存在指定输入类型的变量。 | 5 |
filter_id() | 返回指定过滤器的 ID 号。 | 5 |
filter_input() | 从脚本外部获取输入,并进行过滤。 | 5 |
filter_input_array() | 从脚本外部获取多项输入,并进行过滤。 | 5 |
filter_list() | 返回包含所有得到支持的过滤器的一个数组。 | 5 |
filter_var_array() | 获取多项变量,并进行过滤。 | 5 |
filter_var() | 获取一个变量,并进行过滤。 | 5 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
ftp_alloc() | 为要上传到 FTP 服务器的文件分配空间。 | 5 |
ftp_cdup() | 把当前目录改变为 FTP 服务器上的父目录。 | 3 |
ftp_chdir() | 改变 FTP 服务器上的当前目录。 | 3 |
ftp_chmod() | 通过 FTP 设置文件上的权限。 | 5 |
ftp_close() | 关闭 FTP 连接。 | 4 |
ftp_connect() | 打开 FTP 连接。 | 3 |
ftp_delete() | 删除 FTP 服务器上的文件。 | 3 |
ftp_exec() | 在 FTP 上执行一个程序/命令。 | 4 |
ftp_fget() | 从 FTP 服务器上下载一个文件并保存到本地一个已经打开的文件中。 | 3 |
ftp_fput() | 上传一个已打开的文件,并在 FTP 服务器上把它保存为一个文件。 | 3 |
ftp_get_option() | 返回当前 FTP 连接的各种不同的选项设置。 | 4 |
ftp_get() | 从 FTP 服务器下载文件。 | 3 |
ftp_login() | 登录 FTP 服务器。 | 3 |
ftp_mdtm() | 返回指定文件的最后修改时间。 | 3 |
ftp_mkdir() | 在 FTP 服务器创建一个新目录。 | 3 |
ftp_nb_continue() | 连续获取/发送文件 (non-blocking)。 | 4 |
ftp_nb_fget() | 从FTP服务器上下载文件并保存到本地已经打开的文件中(non-blocking) | 4 |
ftp_nb_fput() | 上传已打开的文件,并在FTP服务器上把它保存为文件(non-blocking)。 | 4 |
ftp_nb_get() | 从 FTP 服务器下载文件 (non-blocking)。 | 4 |
ftp_nb_put() | 把文件上传到服务器 (non-blocking)。 | 4 |
ftp_nlist() | 返回指定目录的文件列表。 | 3 |
ftp_pasv() | 返回当前 FTP 被动模式是否打开。 | 3 |
ftp_put() | 把文件上传到服务器。 | 3 |
ftp_pwd() | 返回当前目录名称。 | 3 |
ftp_quit() | ftp_close() 的别名。 | 3 |
ftp_raw() | 向 FTP 服务器发送一个 raw 命令。 | 5 |
ftp_rawlist() | 返回指定目录中文件的详细列表。 | 3 |
ftp_rename() | 重命名 FTP 服务器上的文件或目录。 | 3 |
ftp_rmdir() | 删除 FTP 服务器上的目录。 | 3 |
ftp_set_option() | 设置各种 FTP 运行时选项。 | 4 |
ftp_site() | 向服务器发送 SITE 命令。 | 3 |
ftp_size() | 返回指定文件的大小。 | 3 |
ftp_ssl_connect() | 打开一个安全的 SSL-FTP 连接。 | 4 |
ftp_systype() | 返回远程 FTP 服务器的系统类型标识符。 | 3 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
header() | 向客户端发送原始的 HTTP 报头。 | 3 |
headers_list() | 返回已发送的(或待发送的)响应头部的一个列表。 | 5 |
headers_sent() | 检查 HTTP 报头是否发送/已发送到何处。 | 3 |
setcookie() | 向客户端发送一个 HTTP cookie。 | 3 |
setrawcookie() | 不对 cookie 值进行 URL 编码,发送一个 HTTP cookie。 | 5 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
libxml_clear_errors() | 清空 libxml 错误缓冲。 | 5 |
libxml_get_errors() | 检索错误数组。 | 5 |
libxml_get_last_error() | 从 libxml 检索最后的错误。 | 5 |
libxml_set_streams_context() | 为下一次 libxml 文档加载或写入设置流环境。 | 5 |
libxml_use_internal_errors() | 禁用 libxml 错误,允许用户按需读取错误信息。 | 5 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
ezmlm_hash() | 计算 EZMLM 邮件列表系统所需的散列值。 | 3 |
mail() | 允许您从脚本中直接发送电子邮件。 | 3 |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
abs() | 绝对值。 | 3 |
acos() | 反余弦。 | 3 |
acosh() | 反双曲余弦。 | 4 |
asin() | 反正弦。 | 3 |
asinh() | 反双曲正弦。 | 4 |
atan() | 反正切。 | 3 |
atan2() | 两个参数的反正切。 | 3 |
atanh() | 反双曲正切。 | 4 |
base_convert() | 在任意进制之间转换数字。 | 3 |
bindec() | 把二进制转换为十进制。 | 3 |
ceil() | 向上舍入为最接近的整数。 | 3 |
cos() | 余弦。 | 3 |
cosh() | 双曲余弦。 | 4 |
decbin() | 把十进制转换为二进制。 | 3 |
dechex() | 把十进制转换为十六进制。 | 3 |
decoct() | 把十进制转换为八进制。 | 3 |
deg2rad() | 将角度转换为弧度。 | 3 |
exp() | 返回 Ex 的值。 | 3 |
expm1() | 返回 Ex - 1 的值。 | 4 |
floor() | 向下舍入为最接近的整数。 | 3 |
fmod() | 返回除法的浮点数余数。 | 4 |
getrandmax() | 显示随机数最大的可能值。 | 3 |
hexdec() | 把十六进制转换为十进制。 | 3 |
hypot() | 计算直角三角形的斜边长度。 | 4 |
is_finite() | 判断是否为有限值。 | 4 |
is_infinite() | 判断是否为无限值。 | 4 |
is_nan() | 判断是否为合法数值。 | 4 |
lcg_value() | 返回范围为 (0, 1) 的一个伪随机数。 | 4 |
log() | 自然对数。 | 3 |
log10() | 以 10 为底的对数。 | 3 |
log1p() | 返回 log(1 number)。 | 4 |
max() | 返回最大值。 | 3 |
min() | 返回最小值。 | 3 |
mt_getrandmax() | 显示随机数的最大可能值。 | 3 |
mt_rand() | 使用 Mersenne Twister 算法返回随机整数。 | 3 |
mt_srand() | 播种 Mersenne Twister 随机数生成器。 | 3 |
octdec() | 把八进制转换为十进制。 | 3 |
pi() | 返回圆周率的值。 | 3 |
pow() | 返回 x 的 y 次方。 | 3 |
rad2deg() | 把弧度数转换为角度数。 | 3 |
rand() | 返回随机整数。 | 3 |
round() | 对浮点数进行四舍五入。 | 3 |
sin() | 正弦。 | 3 |
sinh() | 双曲正弦。 | 4 |
sqrt() | 平方根。 | 3 |
srand() | 播下随机数发生器种子。 | 3 |
tan() | 正切。 | 3 |
tanh() | 双曲正切。 | 4 |
Function | Description | PHP |
mysql_affected_rows() | Get the number of record rows affected by the previous MySQL operation. | 3 |
mysql_change_user() | Disapprove. Change logged in user in active connection | 3 |
mysql_client_encoding() | Returns the name of the currently connected character set | 4 |
mysql_close() | Close non-persistent MySQL connections. | 3 |
mysql_connect() | Open a non-persistent MySQL connection. | 3 |
mysql_create_db() | Disapprove. Create a new MySQL database. Use mysql_query() instead. | 3 |
mysql_data_seek() | Move the record pointer. | 3 |
mysql_db_name() | Return the database name from a call to mysql_list_dbs(). | 3 |
mysql_db_query() |
Disapprove. Send a MySQL query. Use mysql_select_db() and mysql_query() instead. |
3 |
mysql_drop_db() |
Disapprove. Drop (delete) a MySQL database. Use mysql_query() instead. |
3 |
mysql_errno() | Returns the numeric encoding of the error message in the previous MySQL operation. | 3 |
mysql_error() | Returns the text error message generated by the previous MySQL operation. | 3 |
mysql_escape_string() |
Disapprove. Escape a string for use with mysql_query. Use mysql_real_escape_string() instead. |
4 |
mysql_fetch_array() | Get a row from the result set as an associative array, a numeric array, or both. | 3 |
mysql_fetch_assoc() | Get a row from the result set as an associative array. | 4 |
mysql_fetch_field() | Get column information from the result set and return it as an object. | 3 |
mysql_fetch_lengths() | Get the length of the content of each field in the result set. | 3 |
mysql_fetch_object() | Get a row from the result set as an object. | 3 |
mysql_fetch_row() | Get a row from the result set as an array of numbers. | 3 |
mysql_field_flags() | Get the flag associated with the specified field from the result. | 3 |
mysql_field_len() | Returns the length of the specified field. | 3 |
mysql_field_name() | Get the field name of the specified field in the result. | 3 |
mysql_field_seek() | Sets the pointer in the result set to the specified field offset. | 3 |
mysql_field_table() | Get the table name where the specified field is located. | 3 |
mysql_field_type() | Get the type of the specified field in the result set. | 3 |
mysql_free_result() | Release result memory. | 3 |
mysql_get_client_info() | Get MySQL client information. | 4 |
mysql_get_host_info() | Get MySQL host information. | 4 |
mysql_get_proto_info() | Get MySQL protocol information. | 4 |
mysql_get_server_info() | Get MySQL server information. | 4 |
mysql_info() | Get the latest query information. | 4 |
mysql_insert_id() | Get the ID generated by the previous INSERT operation. | 3 |
mysql_list_dbs() | List all databases in MySQL server. | 3 |
mysql_list_fields() |
Disapprove. List fields in MySQL results. Use mysql_query() instead. |
3 |
mysql_list_processes() | List MySQL processes. | 4 |
mysql_list_tables() |
Disapprove. List tables in a MySQL database. Use Use mysql_query() instead. |
3 |
mysql_num_fields() | Get the number of fields in the result set. | 3 |
mysql_num_rows() | Get the number of rows in the result set. | 3 |
mysql_pconnect() | Open a persistent connection to the MySQL server. | 3 |
mysql_ping() | Ping a server connection and reconnect if there is no connection. | 4 |
mysql_query() | Send a MySQL query. | 3 |
mysql_real_escape_string() | Escape special characters in strings used in SQL statements. | 4 |
mysql_result() | Get result data. | 3 |
mysql_select_db() | Select MySQL database. | 3 |
mysql_stat() | Get the current system status. | 4 |
mysql_tablename() | Disapprove. Get the table name. Use mysql_query() instead. | 3 |
mysql_thread_id() | Returns the ID of the current thread. | 4 |
mysql_unbuffered_query() | Send a SQL query to MySQL (without getting/caching the results). | 4 |
Function | Description |
mysqli_affected_rows() | Returns the number of affected rows from the previous Mysql operation. |
mysqli_autocommit() | Turn on or off the automatic submission of database modifications. |
mysqli_change_user() | Change the user for the specified database connection. |
mysqli_character_set_name() | Returns the default character set for database connections. |
mysqli_close() | Close the previously opened database connection. |
mysqli_commit() | Commit the current transaction. |
mysqli_connect_errno() | Returns the error code of the last connection call. |
mysqli_connect_error() | Returns the error description of the last connection error. |
mysqli_connect() | Open a new connection to the Mysql server. |
mysqli_data_seek() | Adjust the result pointer to an arbitrary row in the result set. |
mysqli_debug() | Perform debugging operations. |
mysqli_dump_debug_info() | Dump debugging information to the log. |
mysqli_errno() | Returns the error code generated by the most recent function call. |
mysqli_error_list() | Returns a list of errors generated by the most recent function call. |
mysqli_error() | Returns the error code generated by the most recent function call described by a string. |
mysqli_fetch_all() | Fetch all result rows and return the result set as associative data, numerically indexed array, or both. |
mysqli_fetch_array() | Fetch a row of results as an associative array, a numeric index array, or both. |
mysqli_fetch_assoc() | Fetch a row of results as an associative array. |
mysqli_fetch_field_direct() | Return the metadata of a single field in the result set as an object. |
mysqli_fetch_field() | Returns the next field in the result set as an object. |
mysqli_fetch_fields() | Returns an array of objects representing the fields in the result set. |
mysqli_fetch_lengths() | Returns the column length of the current row in the result set. |
mysqli_fetch_object() | Returns the current row of the result set as an object. |
mysqli_fetch_row() | Grabs a row from the result set and returns it as an enum array. |
mysqli_field_count() | Returns the number of columns obtained by the latest query. |
mysqli_field_seek() | Sets the field pointer to a specific field start position. |
mysqli_field_tell() | Returns the position of the field pointer. |
mysqli_free_result() | Release the memory associated with a result set. |
mysqli_get_charset() | Returns the character set object. |
mysqli_get_client_info() | Returns the Mysql client version information in string type. |
mysqli_get_client_stats() | Return statistics for each client process. |
mysqli_get_client_version() | Returns the Mysql client version information in integer type. |
mysqli_get_connection_stats() | Returns client connection statistics. |
mysqli_get_host_info() | Returns the MySQL server hostname and connection type. |
mysqli_get_proto_info() | Returns the MySQL protocol version. |
mysqli_get_server_info() | Returns the MySQL server version. |
mysqli_get_server_version() | Returns the MySQL server version information in integer type. |
mysqli_info() | Returns the retrieved information of the most recently executed query. |
mysqli_init() | Initialize mysqli and return a resource type used by mysqli_real_connect(). |
mysqli_insert_id() | Returns the auto-generated id used in the last query. |
mysql_kill() | Request the server to terminate a MySQL thread. |
mysqli_more_results() | Check whether a multi-statement query has other query result sets. |
mysqli_multi_query() | Execute one or more queries on the database. |
mysqli_next_result() | Prepare the next result set from mysqli_multi_query(). |
mysqli_num_fields() | Returns the number of fields in the result set. |
mysqli_num_rows() | Returns the number of rows in the result set. |
mysqli_options() | Set options. |
mysqli_ping() | Ping a server connection, or try to reconnect if that connection is lost. |
mysqli_prepare() | Prepare a SQL statement for execution. |
mysqli_query() | Execute queries on the database. |
mysqli_real_connect() | Open a new connection to the Mysql server. |
mysqli_real_escape_string() | Escape special characters in strings used in SQL statements. |
mysqli_real_query() | Execute SQL query. |
mysqli_reap_async_query() | Return the results of asynchronous query. |
mysqli_refresh() | Refresh tables or caches, or reset replication server information. |
mysqli_rollback() | Rollback the current transaction. |
mysqli_select_db() | Change the default database for connections. |
mysqli_set_charset() | Set the default client character set. |
mysqli_set_local_infile_default() | Clear user-defined handlers for the load local infile command. |
mysqli_set_local_infile_handler() | Set the callback function executed by the LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command. |
mysqli_sqlstate() | Returns the SQLSTATE error code of the previous Mysql operation. |
mysqli_ssl_set() | Use SSL to establish the installation connection. |
mysqli_stat() | Returns the current system status. |
mysqli_stmt_init() | Initializes a statement and returns an object used by mysqli_stmt_prepare(). |
mysqli_store_result() | Transmit the result set of the last query. |
mysqli_thread_id() | Returns the thread ID of the current connection. |
mysqli_thread_safe() | Returns whether thread safety is set. |
mysqli_use_result() | Initialize the retrieval of a result set. |
mysqli_warning_count() | Returns the number of warnings for the last query in the connection. |
函数 | 描述 | PHP |
__construct() | 创建一个新的 SimpleXMLElement 对象。 | 5 |
addAttribute() | 给 SimpleXML 元素添加一个属性。 | 5 |
addChild() | 给 SimpleXML 元素添加一个子元素。 | 5 |
asXML() | 从 SimpleXML 元素获取 XML 字符串。 | 5 |
attributes() | 获取 SimpleXML 元素的属性。 | 5 |
children() | 获取指定节点的子。 | 5 |
getDocNamespaces() | 获取 XML 文档的命名空间。 | 5 |
getName() | 获取 SimpleXML 元素的名称。 | 5 |
getNamespaces() | 从 XML 数据获取命名空间。 | 5 |
registerXPathNamespace() | 为下一次 XPath 查询创建命名空间语境。 | 5 |
simplexml_import_dom() | 从 DOM 节点获取 SimpleXMLElement 对象。 | 5 |
simplexml_load_file() | 从 XML 文档获取 SimpleXMLElement 对象。 | 5 |
simplexml_load_string() | 从 XML 字符串获取 SimpleXMLElement 对象。 | 5 |
xpath() | 对 XML 数据运行 XPath 查询。 | 5 |
Function | Description | PHP |
addcslashes() | Adds a backslash before the specified character. | 4 |
addslashes() | Adds a backslash before the specified predefined character. | 3 |
bin2hex() | Convert a string of ASCII characters to a hexadecimal value. | 3 |
chop() | An alias for rtrim(). | 3 |
chr() | Returns characters from the specified ASCII value. | 3 |
chunk_split() | Split the string into a series of smaller parts. | 3 |
convert_cyr_string() | Convert characters from one Cyrillic character to another. | 3 |
convert_uudecode() | Decode uuencoded strings. | 5 |
convert_uuencode() | Encode the string using uuencode algorithm. | 5 |
count_chars() | Returns information about the characters used in the string. | 4 |
crc32() | Calculate the 32-bit CRC of a string. | 4 |
crypt() | One-way string encryption (hashing). | 3 |
echo() | Output string. | 3 |
explode() | Break the string into an array. | 3 |
fprintf() | Write the formatted string to the specified output stream. | 5 |
get_html_translation_table() | Return to translation table. | 4 |
hebrev() | Convert Hebrew text from right-to-left flow to left-to-right flow. | 3 |
hebrevc() | Same as above, and convert (n) to . |
3 |
html_entity_decode() | Convert HTML entities to characters. | 4 |
htmlentities() | Convert characters to HTML entities. | 3 |
htmlspecialchars_decode() | Convert some predefined HTML entities into characters. | 5 |
htmlspecialchars() | Convert some predefined characters into HTML entities. | 3 |
implode() | Combine array elements into a string. | 3 |
join() | An alias for implode(). | 3 |
levenshtein() | Returns the Levenshtein distance between two strings. | 3 |
localeconv() | Returns an array containing local number and currency information formats. | 4 |
ltrim() | Remove spaces or other predefined characters from the left side of a string. | 3 |
md5() | Compute the MD5 hash of a string. | 3 |
md5_file() | Compute the MD5 hash of the file. | 4 |
metaphone() | Compute the metaphone key of a string. | 4 |
money_format() | Format the string into a currency string. | 4 |
nl_langinfo() | Returns the specified local information. | 4 |
nl2br() | Insert an HTML newline character before each new line in the string. | 3 |
number_format() | Format numbers by thousands grouping. | 3 |
ord() | Returns the ASCII value of the first character of the string. | 3 |
parse_str() | Parse the query string into variables. | 3 |
print() | Output one or more strings. | 3 |
printf() | Output formatted string. | 3 |
quoted_printable_decode() | Decode quoted-printable strings. | 3 |
quotemeta() | Adds a backslash before certain predefined characters in the string. | 3 |
rtrim() | Remove whitespace characters or other predefined characters starting from the end of the string. | 3 |
setlocale() | Set regional information (regional information). | 3 |
sha1() | Compute the SHA-1 hash of a string. | 4 |
sha1_file() | Compute the SHA-1 hash of the file. | 4 |
similar_text() | Count the number of matching characters between two strings. | 3 |
soundex() | Compute the soundex keys of a string. | 3 |
sprintf() | Write the formatted string into a variable. | 3 |
sscanf() | Parses input from a string according to the specified format. | 4 |
str_ireplace() | Replace some characters in a string. (not case sensitive) | 5 |
str_pad() | Padding the string to the new length. | 4 |
str_repeat() | Repeat the string the specified number of times. | 4 |
str_replace() | Replace some characters in a string. (Case sensitive) | 3 |
str_rot13() | Perform ROT13 encoding of the string. | 4 |
str_shuffle() | Randomly shuffle all characters in the string. | 4 |
str_split() | Split the string into an array. | 5 |
str_word_count() | Count the number of words in a string. | 4 |
strcasecmp() | Compares two strings. (not case sensitive) | 3 |
strchr() | Search for the first occurrence of a string within another string. Alias for strstr() | 3 |
strcmp() | Compares two strings. (Case sensitive) | 3 |
strcoll() | Compares two strings (according to local settings). | 4 |
strcspn() | Returns the number of characters searched in a string before any specified character is found. | 3 |
strip_tags() | Strip HTML, XML and PHP tags. | 3 |
stripcslashes() | Remove backslashes added by addcslashes() function. | 4 |
stripslashes() | Remove backslashes added by addslashes() function. | 3 |
stripos() | Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string (case insensitive) | 5 |
stristr() | Find the first occurrence of a string in another string (case insensitive) | 3 |
strlen() | Returns the length of the string. | 3 |
strnatcasecmp() | Uses a "natural" algorithm to compare two strings (case insensitive) | 4 |
strnatcmp() | Uses a "natural" algorithm to compare two strings (case sensitive) | 4 |
strncasecmp() | String comparison of first n characters (case insensitive). | 4 |
strncmp() | String comparison of first n characters (case sensitive). | 4 |
strpbrk() | Search for any of the specified characters in the string. |