This article mainly explains the advanced usage of session
Advanced session configuration in the php.ini configuration file:
session.save_path: session save address (original path: C:/Users/ADMINI~1/AppData/Local/Temp)
session_name: The name obtained by session
session.use_trans_sid: Enable SID support
session.gc_maxlifetime: Garbage collector, specifies the number of seconds after which data will be considered garbage and cleared
The combination of these two is the probability of starting the gc process management
During initialization (session_start())
session.use_cookie = 1: Whether to use cookies
session.cookie_path = '/': Cookie saving path
session.cookie_domain = '': Generally no need to change
session.cookie_lifetime = 0: long storage time
session.save_handler = files: Use files to save session information, change to user
session.save_handler=memcache: If it is memcache, then save_path=tcp://localhost:11211
1. First, change the value of session.save_handler to user (originally files) in the configuration file, and change the session data saving path to the D drive
2. Create relevant files in the root directory
session.php is a public header file, one.php is a session registration event file, two.php is a test file, and three.php is a logout file
<!--?php include "session.php"; $_SESSION["isLogin3"]=1; $_SESSION["username"]="admin"; $_SESSION["uid"]=333; echo session_name().'='.session_id()."<br-->";
<!--?php include "session.php"; print_r($_SESSION); echo '<br-->'; echo session_name().'='.session_id()." ";
<!--?php include "session.php"; $_SESSION=array(); if(isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])){ setCookie(session_name(),'',time()-100,'/'); } session_destroy(); echo session_name().'='.session_id()."<br-->";
session.php To use the session_set_save_handler() function, check the manual for the parameters used, and then open the session
session_set_save_handler("open","close","read","write","destroy","gc"); session_start();
//在运行session_start()是调用,读取session到$_SESSION中 function open($save_path, $session_name){ global $sess_save_path; //将保存路径设置为全局变量 $sess_save_path=$save_path; //读取的路径给保存路径 return true; }
//session_wirte_close()和session_destroy() function close(){ return true; }
//session_start(),$_SESSION //自动把session_id传进来 function read($id){ global $sess_save_path; $sess_file=$sess_save_path."/kf_".$id; return (string)@file_get_contents($sess_file); }
//脚本结束时和使用session_write_close()强制提交SESSION数据时 //直接调用$_SESSION[]="aaa"; function write($id, $sess_data){ global $sess_save_path; //定义保存文件及文件名 $sess_file=$sess_save_path."/kf_".$id; if($fp=@fopen($sess_file, "w")){ $return=fwrite($fp, $sess_data); fclose($fp); return $return; }else{ return false; } }
//session_destroy()时 function destroy($id){ global $sess_save_path; $sess_file=$sess_save_path."/kf_".$id; //删除路径对象的文件 return @unlink($sess_file); } //session.gc_probability和session.gc_divisor决定的,在open()和read()读数据时, function gc($maxlifetime){ global $sess_save_path; //所有过期的都要删除 //glob遍历出所有以"/kf"的文件作为每一个文件 foreach(glob($sess_save_path."/kf_*") as $filename){ if(filetime($filename)+$maxlifetime < time()){ @unlink($filename); echo $filename; } } return true; }