The example in this article describes how PHP obtains the number of occurrences of each character in a string. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific implementation method is as follows:
<?php //获取字符串是哪一个字符出现的字数最多 $str = "sdfhletlsflahlajgfd;lsje;r;wj;ralajfe149253573"; //方法一 $arr = str_split($str); //字符串分隔到数组中 $arr = array_count_values($arr); //用于统计数组中所有值出现的次数,返回一个数组 //键名为原数组的键值,键值为出数 arsort($arr);//按键值倒序 echo "<pre class="brush:php;toolbar:false">"; print_r($arr); //方法二 $arr = str_split($str); $con = array(); foreach ($arr as $v){ if(!@$con[$v]){ $con[$v]=1; }else{ $con[$v]++; } } arsort($con); print_r($con); //方法三 $arr = str_split($str); $unique = array_unique($arr); //移除数组中重复的值,并返回结果数组(键名不变); print_r($unique); foreach($unique as $v){ $arr2[$v] = substr_count($str,$v); //substr_count():计算某字符在字符串中出现的次数 } arsort($arr2); print_r($arr2); ?>
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming design.