Chinese explanation of imagick function in PHP, _PHP tutorial
Jul 13, 2016 am 10:09 AMChinese explanation of imagick function in PHP,
imagick::adaptiveBlurImage - Adds adaptive blur filter to image
imagick::adaptiveResizeImage - Adaptively adjust image data dependency triangle
imagick::adaptiveSharpenImage - Adaptively sharpen images
imagick::adaptiveThresholdImage - Choose a threshold based on the intensity range on each pixel
imagick::addImage - Add a new image to the imagick object image list
imagick::addNoiseImage - Add random noise to an image
imagick::affineTransformImage - transform image
imagick::animateImages - Animation of one or more images
imagick::annotateImage - annotate an image with text
imagick::appendImages - append a set of images
imagick::averageImages - average of a set of images
imagick::blackThresholdImage - Forces all pixels below the threshold to black
imagick::blurImage - blur image filter
imagick::borderImage - the border around the image
imagick::charcoalImage - simulates charcoal drawing
imagick::chopImage - Remove an area of an image and trim it
imagick::clear - Clears all resources associated with the imagick object
imagick::clipImage - Clip along first path from 8BIM profile
imagick::clipPathImage - Clip along the path named from the 8BIM configuration file
imagick::clone - makes an exact copy of an imagick object
imagick::clutImage - Replace colors in an image
imagick::coalesceImages - A set of images of composite materials
imagick::colorFloodfillImage - Changes the color value of any pixel to match the target
imagick::colorizeImage - blend fill colors with images
imagick::combineImages - combines one or more images into a single image
imagick::commentImage - add a comment to your image
imagick::compareImageChannels - Returns the differences in one or more images
imagick::compareImageLayers - Returns the maximum border area between images
imagick::compareImages – Reconstruct images to compare images
imagick::compositeImage - Composite image into another
imagick::__construct - , imagick's constructor
imagick::contrastImage - Change the contrast of an image
imagick::contrastStretchImage - Enhanced contrast color image
imagick::convolveImage - Apply a custom convolution kernel to an image
imagick::cropImage - extracted image area
imagick::cropThumbnailImage - Create a crop thumbnail
imagick::current - Returns a reference to the current Imagick object
imagick::cycleColormapImage - replaces the color map of an image
imagick::decipherImage - decrypt image
imagick::deconstructImages - Returns the difference between certain pixel images
Imagick::deleteImageArtifact - Delete image artifact
deskew from image imagick::deskewImage - remove
imagick::despeckleImage - Reduce speckle noise in images
imagick::destroy - Destroy the imagick object
imagick::displayImage - display image
imagick::displayImages - Display images or image sequences
imagick::distortImage - Distort an image, using various distortion methods
imagick::drawImage method - renders an ImagickDraw object against the current image
imagick::edgeImage - Enhances edges within an image.
imagick::embossImage - Returns a grayscale image with a 3D effect
imagick::encipherImage - plaintext encrypted image
imagick::enhanceImage - Improve the quality of noisy images
imagick::equalizeImage - Histogram equalization of images
imagick::evaluateImage - Apply image expressions
imagick::exportImagePixels - Export raw image pixels
imagick::extentImage - Set the size of the image
imagick::flattenImages - merged image sequence
imagick::flipImage - Create a vertical mirror
imagick::floodFillPaintImage - Changes the color value of any pixel to match the target
imagick::flopImage - Create a horizontal image
imagick::frameImage - Places a simulated 3D boundary
imagick::functionImage - Apply a function on an image
imagick::fxImage - Computes an expression for each pixel in an image
imagick::gammaImage - Gamma corrected image
imagick::gaussianBlurImage - Blurred image
imagick::getColorspace - Get the color space
Imagick::getCompression - Gets the compression type of an object
Imagick::getCompressionQuality - Gets the compression quality of an object
imagick::getCopyright - Returns the ImageMagick API copyright as a string
Imagick::getFileName - associated filename with image sequence
imagick::GETFONT - Get font
imagick::getFormat - Returns the format of the imagick object
Imagick::getGravity - Get gravity
imagick::getHomeURL - Returns the ImageMagick homepage URL
imagick::getImage - Returns a new imagick object
Imagick::getImageAlphaChannel - Get image alpha channel
Imagick::getImageArtifact - Get image artifact
imagick::getImageBackgroundColor - Returns the background color of the image
imagick::getImageBlob - Returns the image sequence as a blob
imagick::getImageBluePrimary - Returns the chromaticy blue primary color point
imagick::getImageBorderColor - Returns the image border color
imagick::getImageChannelDepth - Get the depth for a specific image channel
compare imagick::getImageChannelDistortion - the image channel of the image that reconstructs the image
imagick::getImageChannelDistortions - Get channel distortions
imagick::getImageChannelExtrema - Get the extreme value of one or more image channels
imagick::getImageChannelKurtosis - getImageChannelKurtosis purpose
imagick::getImageChannelMean - Get the mean and standard deviation
imagick::getImageChannelRange - Get channel range
imagick::getImageChannelStatistics - Returns statistics for each channel in the image
imagick::getImageClipMask - Get image clip mask
imagick::getImageColormapColor - Returns the color at the specified colormap index
imagick::getImageColors - Get some unique colors in an image
imagick::getImageColorspace - Get the color of an image
imagick::getImageCompose - Returns the compound operation associated with the image
Imagick::getImageCompression - Gets the compression type of the current image
Imagick::getImageCompressionQuality - Gets the compression quality of the current image
imagick::getImageDelay - Get image delay
imagick::getImageDepth - Get image depth
imagick::getImageDispose - Get image processing method
Compare Imagick::getImageDistortion - Image reconstruction image
imagick::getImageExtrema - Get the extreme value of an image
Imagick::getImageFilename - Returns a specific image filename in a sequence
imagick::getImageFormat - Returns a specific image format in a sequence
imagick::getImageGamma - Get the gamma of an image
imagick::getImageGeometry - Gets the width and height as an associative array
Imagick::getImageGravity - Get the gravity of an image
imagick::getImageGreenPrimary - Returns the chromaticy green primary color point
imagick::getImageHeight - Returns the height of the image
Imagick::getImageHistogram - Get the histogram of an image
imagick::getImageIndex - Get the index of the currently active image
imagick::getImageInterlaceScheme - Gets the interlace scheme of an image
imagick::getImageInterpolateMethod - Returns the interpolation method
imagick::getImageIterations - Get image iterations
imagick::getImageLength - Returns the length of the image in bytes
Imagick::getImageMagickLicense - Returns a string containing ImageMagick's license
If the image has a mask channel imagick::getImageMatte - returns
imagick::getImageMatteColor - Returns the matte color of an image
Imagick::getImageOrientation - Get the orientation of the image
imagick::getImagePage - Returns the page geometry
imagick::getImagePixelColor - Returns the color of the specified pixel
imagick::getImageProfile - Returns a named image profile
imagick::getImageProfiles - Returns image profiles
imagick::getImageProperties - Returns image properties
imagick::getImageProperty - Returns a named image property
imagick::getImageRedPrimary - Returns the chromaticity point of the red primary color
imagick::getImageRegion - the extracted image region
imagick::getImageRenderingIntent - Get the image rendering intent
Imagick::getImageResolution - Get the X and Y resolution of an image
imagick::getImagesBlob - Returns a sequence of all images in a blob
imagick::getImageScene - Get the image scene
imagick::getImageSignature - Generate SHA-256 message digest
imagick::andgetimagesize - Returns the length of the image in bytes
imagick::getImageTicksPerSecond - Get image ticks per second
Imagick::getImageTotalInkDensity - Get the total ink density of the image
imagick::getImageType - Gets the underlying image type
imagick::getImageUnits - Get image resolution units
imagick::getImageVirtualPixelMethod - Method that returns virtual pixels
imagick::getImageWhitePoint - Returns the chroma white point
imagick::getImageWidth - Returns the width of the image
imagick::getInterlaceScheme - Get object interlace scheme
imagick::getIteratorIndex - Get the index of the currently active image
imagick::getNumberImages - Returns the number of images in the object
Imagick::getOption - Returns the value associated with the specified key
imagick::getPackageName - Returns the ImageMagick package name
imagick::GETPAGE - Return page geometry
imagick::getPixelIterator - Returns MagickPixelIterator,
Imagick::getPixelRegionIterator - Get the image part of ImagickPixelIterator
imagick::getPointSize - Get point size
imagick::getQuantumDepth - Get quantum depth
imagick::getQuantumRange - Returns the quantum range of imagick
imagick::getReleaseDate - Returns the ImageMagick release date
imagick::getResource - Returns the memory usage of the specified resource
imagick::getResourceLimit - Returns the specified resource limit
imagick::getSamplingFactors - Get the horizontal and vertical sampling factors
imagick::getSize - Returns an imagick object with associated size
imagick::getSizeOffset - Returns the offset size
imagick::getVersion - Returns the ImageMagick API version
imagick::haldClutImage - Replace color in image
imagick::hasNextImage - Checks if an object has more images
imagick::hasPreviousImage - Checks that the object has a previous image
imagick::identifyImage - identifies the image and gets the attributes
imagick::implodeImage - Create a new image as a copy
imagick::importImagePixels - Import image pixels
imagick::labelImage - Add a label to an image
imagick::levelImage - Adjust the level of an image
imagick::linearStretchImage - Saturated image intensity stretch
imagick::liquidRescaleImage - animated image or image
imagick::magnifyImage - resize image 2x
imagick::mapImage - Replaces the color of an image with the reference image's closest color.
imagick::matteFloodfillImage - Change the transparency value of a color
imagick::medianFilterImage - applies digital filters
imagick::mergeImageLayers - merge image layers
imagick::minifyImage - Resize an image to half its size
imagick::modulateImage - Control brightness, saturation, hue
imagick::montageImage - Create a composite image
imagick::morphImages - Method to morph a set of images
imagick::mosaicImages - forms a mosaic from images
imagick::motionBlurImage - simulate motion blur
imagick::negateImage - Negate the color in the reference image
imagick::newImage - Create a new image
imagick::newPseudoImage - Create a new image
imagick::Nextimage Software - Move to next image
imagick::normalizeImage - Enhanced contrast for color images
imagick::oilPaintImage - simulate oil painting
imagick::opaquePaintImage - Changes the color value of any pixel to match the target
imagick::optimizeImageLayers - Image optimization that removes duplicate parts
imagick::orderedPosterizeImage - performs ordered dithering
imagick::paintFloodfillImage - Changes the color value of any pixel to match the target
imagick::paintOpaqueImage - Change any pixel that matches the color
imagick::paintTransparentImage - Fill in the defined color to match the color of any pixel changed
imagick::pingImage - Get basic properties about an image
Imagick::pingImageBlob - Get attributes quickly
imagick::pingImageFile - A lightweight way to get basic image properties
imagick::poloidImage - Simulated Polaroid image
imagick::posterizeImage - Reduces a limited number of image color gradations
imagick::previewImages - Fast image processing pinpointing appropriate parameters
imagick::previousImage - Move the object to the previous image
imagick::profileImage - Add or remove profile from image
imagick::quantizeImage - Analyzes colors within a reference image
imagick::quantizeImages - Analyzes colors in a sequence of images
imagick::queryFontMetrics - Returns an array representing the font metrics
imagick::queryFonts - Returns the configured fonts
imagick::queryFormats - Returns the formats supported by imagick
imagick::radialBlurImage - Radially blurred image
imagick::raiseImage - Creates a simulated 3D button-like effect
imagick::randomThresholdImage - Create high-contrast, colorful images
imagick::readImage - Read image filename
imagick::readImageBlob - Read an image from a binary string
imagick::readImageFile - Read an image from an open file handle
imagick::recolorImage - Recolors images
imagick::reduceNoiseImage - Smooth the contours of an image
imagick::remapImage - Remap image colors
imagick::removeImage - Remove an image from the image list
imagick::removeImageProfile - Removes the named image profile and returns it
imagick::render - renders all preceding drawing commands
imagick::resampleImage - Resize an image to the desired resolution
imagick::resetImagePage - reset image page
imagick::resizeImage - resize image
imagick::rollImage - offset image
imagick::rotateImage - Rotate an image
imagick::roundCorners - bright red and purple image corners
imagick::sampleImage - scaled image pixel sampling
imagick::scaleImage - Scale the size of an image
imagick::segmentImage - segmented image
separateImagick::separateImageChannel - a channel from an image
imagick::sepiaToneImage - sepia tone image
imagick::setBackgroundColor - Set the default background color of an object
imagick::setColorspace - set color
Imagick::setCompression - Set the default compression type of an object
Imagick::setCompressionQuality - Object that sets the default compression quality
Imagick::setFileName - Sets the filename before the image you read or write
SetImagick::setFirstIterator - the first image of imagick's iterator
imagick::setFont - Set font
imagick::Set Format - imagick's object set format
Imagick::setGravity - Set gravity
imagick::setImage - Replaces an image in an object
imagick::setImageAlphaChannel - Set image alpha channel
Imagick::setImageArtifact - Sets the image artifact
imagick::setImageBackgroundColor - Set the background color of the image
imagick::setImageBias - Set image bias for any convolution image method
imagick::setImageBluePrimary - Set the three primary color points of image chroma blue
imagick::setImageBorderColor - Set image border color
imagick::setImageChannelDepth - Sets the depth of a specific image channel
imagick::setImageClipMask - Set image clip mask
imagick::setImageColormapColor - Sets the color for the specified colormap index
imagick::setImageColorspace - Set the color of an image
imagick::setImageCompose - Set image composition algorithm
Imagick::setImageCompression - Compress an image
Imagick::setImageCompressionQuality - Set image compression quality
imagick::setImageDelay - Set image delay
imagick::setImageDepth - Set image depth
imagick::setImageDispose - Set the image processing method
Imagick::setImageExtent - Set the size of the image
Imagick::setImageFilename - Set a specific image file name
imagick::setImageFormat - Set a specific image format
imagick::setImageGamma - Set the gamma of an image
Imagick::setImageGravity - Set the gravity of an image
imagick::setImageGreenPrimary - Set the image chromaticity green primary color point
imagick::setImageIndex - Sets the iterator position
imagick::setImageInterlaceScheme - Compress images
imagick::setImageInterpolateMethod - Method for setting image interpolation pixels
imagick::setImageIterations - Set image iterations
imagick::setImageMatte - Set image mask channel
imagick::setImageMatteColor - Set image matte color
imagick::setImageOpacity - Set the transparency level of an image
SetImagick::setImageOrientation - the orientation of the image
imagick::setImagePage - Sets the image geometry of the page
imagick::setImageProfile - Imagick object adds a profile named profile
imagick::setImageProperty - Set image properties
imagick::setImageRedPrimary - Set the image chroma red primary color point
imagick::setImageRenderingIntent - Sets the image rendering intent
Imagick::setImageResolution - Set image resolution
imagick::setImageScene - Set image scene
imagick::setImageTicksPerSecond - Set image ticks per second
imagick::setImageType - Set image type
imagick::setImageUnits - Set image resolution units
imagick::setImageVirtualPixelMethod - Method to set the virtual pixels of an image
imagick::setImageWhitePoint - Set the image chroma white point
imagick::setInterlaceScheme - Compress images
imagick::setIteratorIndex - Sets the position of the iterator
SetImagick::setLastIterator - imagick's iterator for the last image
Imagick::setOption - Set an option
imagick::setPage - an imagick object that sets the page geometry
imagick::setPointSize - Set the size of a point
Imagick::setResolution - Set image resolution
imagick::setResourceLimit - Set the limit in megabytes for a specific resource
imagick::setSamplingFactors - Set image sampling factors
imagick::setSize - Set the size of imagick object
imagick::setSizeOffset - Sets the size and offset of an imagick object
imagick::setType - Set image type attribute
imagick::shadeImage - Create a 3D effect
imagick::shadowImage - simulates image shadows
imagick::sharpenImage - Sharpen an image
imagick::shaveImage - shave pixels from the edges of an image
imagick::shearImage - Create a parallelogram
imagick::sigmoidalContrastImage - Adjust the contrast of an image
imagick::sketchImage - simulate pencil sketch
imagick::solarizeImage - Apply exposure effects to an image
imagick::sparseColorImage - interpolated color
imagick::spliceImage - image splicing solid color
imagick::spreadImage - Randomly displace each pixel in a block
imagick::steganoImage - Hidden digital watermark in images
imagick::stereoImage - composite of two images
imagick::stripImage - Strips all profiles and annotations from an image
imagick::swirlImage - The pixel of the image at the center of the swirl
imagick::textureImage - Texture image for repeating tiles
imagick::thresholdImage - changes the value of a single pixel based on a threshold
imagick::thumbnailImage - Change the size of an image
imagick::tintImage - A color vector applied to each pixel in the image
imagick::transformImage - Convenience method for setting crop size and image geometry
imagick::transparentPaintImage - Paint pixels transparently
imagick::transposeImage - Create a vertical mirror
imagick::transverseImage - Create a horizontal mirror
imagick::trimImage - Remove edges from an image
imagick::uniqueImageColors - drop all but one of the colors of any pixel
imagick::unsharpMaskImage - Sharpen an image
imagick::valid - Check if the current product is valid
imagick::vignetteImage - Add a vignette filter to an image
imagick::waveImage - Apply a filter to an image
imagick::whiteThresholdImage - Forces all pixels above the threshold to turn white
imagick::writeImage - writes an image to the specified filename
imagick::writeImageFile - Write an image to a file handle
imagick::writeImages - writes images or image sequences
imagick::writeImagesFile - Write frames to a file handle

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