Solve the problem of phpcms replacing javascript slide code to call pictures, phpcmsjavascript
Today I found a js to be placed on phpcms! But his code is like this
Copy code The code is as follows:
var titles = 'Top 1|Top 2|Top 3|Top 4';
var imgs='{APP_PATH}cdstyle/images/image1.jpg|{APP_PATH}cdstyle/images/image2.jpg|{APP_PATH}cdstyle/images/image3.jpg|{APP_PATH}cdstyle/images/image4.jpg';
var urls='|||';
You can only recognize this kind of problem. Today we will solve this problem. Here are my thoughts and code
Copy code The code is as follows:
var title = new Array(); //Declare the array first and load everything into the array
var img = new Array();
var url = new Array();
{pc:content action="position" posid="1" order="listorder DESC" thumb="1" num="5"}
{php $a=1;}
{loop $data $r}
title[{$a}] = "{$r['title']}"; //title[1]='heloo'
img[{$a}] ="{thumb($r['thumb'],295,225)}";
url[{$a}] ="{$r['url']}";
{php $a++;}
var files = "";
var links = "";
var texts = "";
if(files=="") files = img[i]; //If files=empty, assign files == img[1] and then +| +img[2] Finally, the above format will be output
else files += "|"+img[i];
if(links=="") links = url[i];
else links += "|"+url[i];
if(texts=="") texts = title[i];
else texts += "|"+title[i];
var titles = texts; //Assignment
var imgs= files;
var urls=links;
This is actually very simple, mainly a matter of thinking. // solve the problem of phpcms replacing javascript slide code to call images, phpcmsjavascript today found a js to be placed on phpcms! But his code is like this. Copy the code. The code is like...