php form sensitive character filtering class, php form filtering
The example in this article describes the PHP form sensitive character filtering class and its usage. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows:
Copy code The code is as follows:
* Form generation verification file */
$_form = new formHtmlFind();
class formHtmlFind{
* Output form function
* $formKey form key
* $infoArray The original information array when updated
Public function formHtml($array,$infoArray='')
// Detect whether the array exists
If(emptyempty($array))return false;
$newform = null;
// Information array (update information)
$this->infoArray = !emptyempty($infoArray)?$infoArray:array();
$this->array['class'] = get_class_methods(get_class());
foreach ($array as $key =>$arr)
// Convert key value to pure English
$key = preg_replace("/[^a-z]/i",'',$key);
// Generate form
$newform .= $this->outputForm($arr,$key);
// Output form
return $newform.$this->jsError();
* Generate form function
private function outputForm($arr,$key)
$value = null;
If(emptyempty($arr))return false;
// input Type
$type = $key;
// input NAME
out outps out out out out out way to being's type to be so conveniently like
$value = (!emptyempty($this->infoArray[$name]))? trim($this->infoArray[$name]):trim($arr[1]);
$value = emptyempty($this->post[$name])? $value :trim($this->post[$name]);
// input Title
$title = trim($arr[2]);
// Style
$style = trim($arr[3]); If($key!=="hidden")
$dt = "
// js error message
$dd = "
Return (!preg_match("/checkbox|select|radio/i",$key))?
$this->formSelect($type,$name,$arr[1],$title,$style); // Multiple selection class
* Submit data for testing
Public function postForm($array)
// Detect whether the array exists
If(emptyempty($array)||emptyempty($_POST))return false;
$this->post = $_POST;
$this->array['class'] = get_class_methods(get_class());
foreach ($array as $key =>$arr)
// Convert key value to pure English
$key = preg_replace("/[^a-z]/i",'',$key);
// Detect logout file form
If (!emptyempty($arr)&&'file' != $key)$newData[trim($arr[0])] = $this->postFind($arr,$key);
// Output form
return false;
else return $newData;
* Generate form
private function newInput($type,$name,$value,$style,$title)
switch ($type)
case 'text':
// Single line of text
Return "";
case 'password':
//Password input
Return "";
case '':
//Multiple lines of text
Return "{$value}";
case 'hidden':
Return "";
case 'file':
Return "";
case 'submit':
Return ""; break;
return "{$type}类型错误!!!";
* Submit information for testing
* Error returns error
private function postFind($arr,$key)
if(emptyempty($arr))return false;
$name = $title =$error =$find =$standard =null;
// input NAME
$name = trim($arr[0]);
// input Title
$title = trim($arr[2]);
// 错误提示
$error = trim($arr[4]);
// 检测类型 Y N
$find = trim($arr[5]);
// 检测标准
$standard = trim($arr[6]);
if(!emptyempty($standard))$this->error .=$this->ck_split($standard,$name,$title,$find,$error);
// 转换为字符串
if(is_array($this->post[$name]))$this->post[$name] = implode(",",$this->post[$name]);
// 转义或其他转化
$KKarray = array();
$KKarray = split("_", $find);
// 转义或过滤
$escape_filter = (!emptyempty($KKarray[1]))?'ck_'.$KKarray[1]:'';
// 输出通过检测的合法数据 $data
// Output new data
return $data;
* Multi-select form generation
private function formSelect($type,$name,$value,$title,$style)
$outform = null;
// Initial when triggering update and commit actions
$nowvalue = (!emptyempty($this->post[$name]))?$this->post[$name]:$this->infoarray[$name];
// Compatible with multi-select recognition, converted to array
If(!emptyempty($nowvalue))$valueArray = explode(",",$nowvalue);
// Option title
$titarray = array_values($title);
}else $titarray = explode("|",$title);
// Option value
$valarray = array_keys($value);
If(emptyempty($title))$titarray = array_values($value);
else $valarray = explode("|",$value);
// Cancel the initial default value of the form
If(!emptyempty($this->post)&&!emptyempty($this->infoArray))$value = preg_replace("/Y_/i",'',$value);
* Form validation and all ck_ class functions
private function ck_split($standard,$name,$title,$find,$error)
// 非必填缺省跳过
if(eregi('N',$find) && emptyempty($this->post[$name]))return false;
// 必填缺省检测
if(eregi('Y',$find) && emptyempty($this->post[$name]))return "["J{$name}","$error"],";
$t_error = null;
// 多项检测
$arr = explode(',',$standard);
// POST数据检测
if(!emptyempty($arr))foreach ($arr as $var)
switch ($this->post)
{ case is_array($this->post[$name]):
// 数组类的检测
foreach ($this->post[$name] as $_var)
$t_error.= ($this->ck_open($_var,trim($var)))?"":$error;
$t_error.= ($this->ck_open($this->post[$name],trim($var)))?"":$error;
return ($t_error)? "["J{$name}","$t_error"],":"";
// 函数调用
private function ck_open($string,$str)
$functi = $this->ck_detected($str);
return ($this->$functi($string,$str))? true:false;
// 类型判断 private function ck_detected($str)
$detect = (eregi("^[a-zA-Z]*$",$str))? "{$str}Detect":'lengthDetect';
location('index.php',$ck,' Lack of function !!!');
return $detect;
//----------------------------------------The following detection functions can be called externally
// Length
public function lengthDetect($string,$str){
$len = split('-',trim($str));
Return (strlen($string) > ($len[0]-1) && strlen($string) < ($len[1]+1))? true:false;
// Price
public function moneyDetect($str){
return preg_match("/^(-|+)?d+(.d+)?$/",$str);
// Email
public function emailDetect($str){
return preg_match("/^w+([-+.]w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*$/", $str);
// URL
Public function urlDetect($str){
return preg_match("/^http://[A-Za-z0-9]+.[A-Za-z0-9]+[/=?%-&_~`@[]':+!]*( [^<>"])*$/", $str);
// Numeric type
public function numDetect($str){
return is_numeric($str);
// Chinese
public function cnDetect($str){
return preg_match("/^[x7f-xff]+$/", $str);
// Letter
public function enDetect($str){
return preg_match("/^[A-Za-z]+$/", $str);
// Mix of numbers and letters
public function numenDetect($str){
return preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z0-9_-])+$/",$str);
// Phone number
public function telDetect($str){
return ereg("^[+]?[0-9]+([xX-][0-9]+)*$", $str);
// Sensitive words
public function keyDetect($str){
return (!preg_match("/$badkey/i",$str));
//------------------------------------------------ -----Output // Character replacement
Public function ck_filter($str){
$str=(is_array($str))? implode(",",$str):$str;
$str=nl2br($str); //Replace the carriage return with
$str=htmlspecialchars($str); //Convert special characters into HTML format.
//$str=str_replace(array(" ",' '),array(" ",'< ?'),$str); //Replace spaces with
Return $str;
// escape
Function ck_escape($str)
If (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())return addslashes($str);
return $str;
// MD5 encryption
Public function ck_md5($str){
Return MD5($str);
// base64 encryption
Public function ck_base64($str){
Return base64_encode($str);
// time
function ck_time($str){
// time_r() comes in the public function file
Return time_r($str);
else return $str;
// Conditional cancellation (number)
public function ck_cancel($str){
Return (!is_numeric($str))? $str:"";
// Unconditional logout
Public function ck_delete(){
return null;
// js error message
private function jsError()
If(emptyempty($this->error))return false;
return "
& Lt; script language = javascript & gt; rn var error = new array (". Trim ($ this- & gt; error, ',').");
rn for (i=0; i < error.length; i++){
// Form submission validation
$past = $_form->postForm($form['login']);
$dd = array('title'=>'Title','categories'=>'Category');
// $dd is existing information (such as information output during update). Internal processing of POST data bits has priority
echo "
"; <br>
print_r($past); <br>
echo "
echo '';
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s PHP programming design. // form sensitive character filtering class, php form filtering This article describes the php form sensitive character filtering class and its usage. Share it with everyone for your reference. The specific analysis is as follows: Copy the code...
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