php implementation uses regular expressions to convert URLs in text into link tags,
Copy code The code is as follows:
function text2links($str='') {
If($str=='' or !preg_match('/(http|www.|@)/i', $str)) { return $str; }
$lines = explode("n", $str); $new_text = '';
While (list($k,$l) = each($lines)) {
// replace links:
$l = preg_replace("/([ t]|^)www./i", "\1http://www.", $l);
$l = preg_replace("/([ t]|^)ftp./i", "\1ftp://ftp.", $l);
$l = preg_replace("/(http://[^ )rn!]+)/i",
\1", $l);
$l = preg_replace("/(https://[^ )rn!]+)/i",
\1", $l);
$l = preg_replace("/(ftp://[^ )rn!]+)/i",
\1", $l);
$l = preg_replace(
"/([-a-z0-9_]+(.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@([a-z0-9-]+(.[a-z0-9-]+)+) )/i",
\1", $l);
$new_text .= $l."n";
Return $new_text;
} // implements using regular expressions to convert URLs in text into link tags. Copy the code as follows: function text2links($str ='') { if($str=='' or !preg_match('/(http|www.|@)/i', $str))...