After the basic preparation, routing and MVC design in the first three articles, we have obtained a PHP micro-framework with a relatively complete MVC architecture, but there is still one thing missing from a framework that can actually be used: database encapsulation. This article will describe how to integrate an ORM Composer package.
This article is the last article in this series. Next, I may share some experiences and insights with the series title Let’s Open and Open the Composer Package, which will be mainly published on this site.
We choose Laravel’s illuminate/database as our ORM package. I tried several famous ORMs and found that Laravel's Eloquent is the best! The ORM that makes us happy is opened again and again! :-D
In this series of tutorials, each Composer package must meet the following basic requirements:
Natively relies on Composer for management
Try to be as simple as possible on the basis of ease of use (such as our super simple routing package)
Be as up-to-date as possible and use the new features of PHP
Speaking of the new features of PHP, there is a digression. PHP5.3 introduced namespaces, which is a function planned in PHP6, so PHP5.3 is actually PHP6 to a certain extent. The next version of PHP is PHP7, which will be released soon. The main contributor is the famous Bird Brother @Laruence . In addition, our frontline reporter (that’s me) just reported from Weibo that Brother Niao is stepping up his game to create the legendary PHP7 on JIT. The historical wheel of my big PHP is unstoppable, hahaha! :-P
Install illuminate/database
Add a require item to composer.json:
"illuminate/database": "*"
Run composer update and wait for the installation to complete.
Using Eloquent
Modify public/index.php to:
use IlluminateDatabaseCapsuleManager as Capsule;
// Autoload automatically loads
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
// Eloquent ORM
$capsule = new Capsule;
$capsule->addConnection(require '../config/database.php');
// Routing configuration
require '../config/routes.php';
Add config/database.php (note to replace the database password):
'driver' => 'mysql',
'host' => 'localhost',
'database' => 'mffc',
'username' => 'root',
'password' => 'password',
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'prefix' => ''
Modify models/Article.php:
* Article Model
class Article extends IlluminateDatabaseEloquentModel
public $timestamps = false;
controllers/HomeController.php requires no changes.
Refresh, the page remains:
Congratulations! Successful use of Eloquent!
More ways to use Eloquent
Eloquent is extremely powerful and can be said to be the most special and valuable part of Laravel.
Like Article::first() called in HomeController, it used more than a dozen lines of code before, but now you don’t need to do anything, just inherit a class.
For more usage of Eloquent, please see: Eloquent ORM Chinese Documentation
Other famous ORMs
There are also many famous ORM and Datamapping (database migration, etc.) packages, see: ORM and Datamapping
ORM can greatly improve development efficiency, and Eloquent is truly a magic tool!
Although various language camps in the web world are constantly launching new so-called rapid development frameworks, they are still becoming more and more like Rails. Eloquent is almost the ORM most similar to Rails on the surface, but it cannot be compared with Rails. Ruby's super object-oriented features are not blind. Laravel author Taylor Otwell said in an interview that Eloquent is the most difficult part to implement in Laravel. When I was debugging, I also found that the file MFFC/vendor/illuminate/database/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php has more than 3,000 lines...
The current work of building a full and usable PHP framework is basically completed. Next, I will continue to improve the MFFC framework to make it richer and easier to use!
In the future, there may be content such as template engine, form validation, sending emails, permission system management, asynchronous queues, video and audio processing (instant:-D), etc. Please pay attention to the yet-to-be-released Composer that we have opened again and again. Package series of articles.
Thank you everyone for reading and accompanying me! goodbye!
Question 1: Why must we use manager as capsule
Because the name is too long, so rename it to make it easier to use
Question 2: What is the function of autoload.php under vendor , let alone automatic loading, I want to know how to load it
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
The code of this file cannot be seen, so I don’t know What is he doing
Question 3: What is the function of bootEloquent()
I didn’t see where this function is defined, so I can’t judge its function
Yes, the domestic full image has
built by the laravel framework project team. There is also a proxy: This proxy cannot use composer’s search and notice methods