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PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method), _PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 10:16:49
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PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method),

 ******* 环境:Apache2.2.8 ( 2.2.17 ) + PHP5.2.6 ( 5.3.3 ) + MySQL5.0.51b ( 5.5.8 ) + jQuery-1.8<br /> ******* 其它组件:jQuery-1.8.3.min.js + Smarty 3.1.18 + TinyMCE 4.1.6
 ******* Date:2014-10-20
 ******* Author:小dee
 ******* Blog:http://www.cnblogs.com/dee0912/
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Written in front:

1. Whether it is list paging or article paging, the key point is how to handle the offset before and after the current page, that is, to consider (which page number elements should be displayed and which should not be displayed in different situations) and calculation (how many page numbers are displayed), these key methods are written into the paging class file when the url is paginated, and written into the js file during the ajax paging;

2. When using ajax paging, use the live() method to enable elements dynamically added by jQuery to be bound to event handling functions (ajax_arc.js file)

The main files of this functional module include two files: arc_page.class.php for long article paging and ajax_arc.js for ajax article paging. The functions included are:

1. The article content can be paginated using url, and the url parameter after pagination is p;

2. The article content can be paginated using ajax to display page numbers;

3. Like the list paging class, you can change the "previous page" and "next page" text

Others: The paging function of this module allows the editor to manually insert page breaks for paging.

This module is used with the TinyMCE (4.1.6) editor

TinyMCE editor download address: http://www.tinymce.com/download/download.php, unzip the folder tinymce and place it in the root directory;

Language pack download address: http://www.tinymce.com/i18n/index.php, select Chinese (China), unzip and put zh_CN.js in the langs folder into the tinymce/langs directory;

Introduce the tinymce/tinymce.min.js file into the template;

For other usage methods, please refer to the blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/nkxyf/p/3883586.html


url pagination

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

ajax pagination

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Module file structure diagram:

│ └─conn.php

├─libs -- smarty library

│ │
│ ├─add_article.html -- Add article template
│ ├─view_article.html -- Front-end article page template
│ ├─list.html -- Front-end list page template
│ ├─success .html -- Display the template when the operation is successful
│ ├─error.html -- Display the template when the operation fails
│ │
│ ├─css
│ │
│ ├─images
│ │ └─loading.gif -- The loading image before receiving the request data during ajax paging
│ │
│ └─js
│ │
│ ├─jquery-1.8.3 .min.js
│ │
│ ├─showTime.js -- Countdown jump file when the operation succeeds or fails
│ │
│ ├─ajax_arc.js -- When the paging method is js
│ │
│ └─ajax.js loaded by the article page template view_article.html when using ajax -- js

├ loaded by the list page template list.html when the paging mode is ajax ─templates_c

├─tinymce -- Editor

├─init.inc.php -- smarty configuration file

├─list_page.class.php - - List paging class

├─arc_page.class.php -- Article paging class

├─list.php -- List page

├─view_article. php -- Article page

├─ajaxarc.php -- PHP file that accepts requests during ajax pagination on article pages

├─ajaxpage.php -- Accepts requests during ajax pagination on list pages php file

└─ins.php -- add article php file

Main code:

Add article (templates/add_article.html, add_article.php, ins.php)


PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method), _PHP tutorial 1 DOCTYPE html> 2 <html> 3 <head> 4 <meta charset="utf-8"> 5 <title>PHP文章分页类title> 6 <link href="<{$Template_Dir}>/css/style_control.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"> 7 <script src="<{$Template_Dir}>/js/jquery-1.8.3.min.js">script> 8 9 10 <script src="<{$ROOT_URL}>tinymce/tinymce.min.js">script> 11 <script> 12 13 tinymce.init({ 14 15 selector:'#content', //编辑区域 16 theme: "modern", //主题 17 language: "zh_cn", //语言(中文需要到官网下载) 18 19 width:800, //编辑框宽 20 height: 300, //编辑框高 21 22 plugins: [ 23 24 "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak", 25 "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen", 26 "insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality", 27 "emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern" 28 ], 29 30 //第一行工具栏 31 toolbar1: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image", 32 33 //第二行工具栏 34 toolbar2: "print preview media | forecolor backcolor emoticons", 35 36 image_advtab: true, 37 38 //初始时提供的默认格式 39 style_formats: [ 40 {title: 'Bold text', inline: 'b'}, 41 {title: 'Red text', inline: 'span', styles: {color: '#ff0000'}}, 42 {title: 'Red header', block: 'h1', styles: {color: '#ff0000'}}, 43 {title: 'Example 1', inline: 'span', classes: 'example1'}, 44 {title: 'Example 2', inline: 'span', classes: 'example2'}, 45 {title: 'Table styles'}, 46 {title: 'Table row 1', selector: 'tr', classes: 'tablerow1'} 47 ] 48 }); 49 50 script> 51 head> 52 <body> 53 54 <form id="arc_form" action="ins.php" method="post"> 55 56 标题:<br /> 57 <input type="text" id="title" name="title" autocomplete="off" /><br /><br /> 58 内容:<br /> 59 <textarea id="content" name="content">textarea><br /> 60 <input type="button" id="sub" value="提交" /> 61 62 form> 63 64 body> 65 <script> 66 67 $(function(){ 68 69 $("#sub").click(function(){ 70 71 if($("#title").val() != ""){ 72 73 $("#arc_form").submit(); 74 }else{ 75 76 alert("标题不能为空"); 77 } 78 }); 79 }); 80 script> 81 html> View Code




PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method), _PHP tutorial1 php
2 3 require 'init.inc.php'; 4 5 $smarty->assign("ROOT",ROOT); 6 $smarty->assign("ROOT_URL",ROOT_URL); 7 $smarty->assign("Template_Dir",Template_Dir); 8 9 $smarty->display("add_article.html"); View Code



PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method), _PHP tutorial 1 php
2 3 require 'conn/conn.php'; 4 require 'init.inc.php'; 5 6 if(isset($_POST['title']) && !empty($_POST['title'])){ 7 8 if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ 9 10 $title = trim($_POST['title']); 11 12 }else{ 13 14 $title = addslashes(trim($_POST['title'])); 15 } 16 } 17 18 if(isset($_POST['content']) && !empty($_POST['content'])){ 19 20 $content = htmlspecialchars($_POST['content']); 21 } 22 23 function check_input($value){ 24 25 // 如果不是数字则加引号 26 if (!is_numeric($value)){ 27 28 $value = mysql_real_escape_string($value); 29 } 30 return $value; 31 } 32 33 $title = check_input($title); 34 35 36 //插入数据 37 $sql = "insert into archives (title,content,pubdate)values('".$title."','".$content."','".time()."')"; 38 39 40 if($conne->uidRst($sql) == 1){ 41 42 //当前时间存入session 43 $_SESSION['t'] = $t; 44 45 $smarty->assign("Template_Dir",Template_Dir); 46 $smarty->assign("ROOT_URL",$ROOT_URL); 47 48 //跳转参数 49 $smarty->assign("do","添加"); 50 $smarty->assign("addr","列表页"); 51 $smarty->assign("url","list.php"); 52 53 $smarty->display("success.html"); 54 }else{ 55 56 $smarty->assign("Template_Dir",Template_Dir); 57 $smarty->assign("ROOT_URL",$ROOT_URL); 58 59 //跳转参数 60 $smarty->assign("do","添加"); 61 $smarty->assign("addr","添加页"); 62 $smarty->assign("url","add_article.php"); 63 64 $smarty->display("error.html"); 65 } View Code






分页( arc_page.class.php , templates/js/ajax_arc.js , ajaxarc.php )


PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method), _PHP tutorial 1 php
2 3 class MyArcPage{ 4 5 private $content; 6 private $pagebreak; 7 private $url; //The url of the current parameter p 8 9 //Page number display 10 private $prePage; //Offset before page number 11 private $floPage; //Offset after page number 12 private $pageNow; //Current page number 13 private $totalPage; 14 15 private $page_act; //Page turning style 0:url 1:ajax 16 17 //Page number text 18 private $firstFonts = "Home"; 19 private $lastFonts = "Last Page"; 20 21 private $nextFonts = "Next page >"; 22 private $preFonts = "< Previous Page"; 23 24 //Show page number 25 private $pageShow = ""; 26 27 28 //Parameters: article content, html code of page break, paging method, p parameter of current url 29 function __construct($content,$pagebreak,$page_act,$p,$prePage,$floPage){ 30 31 $this->content = $content; 32 $this->pagebreak = $pagebreak; 33 $this->floPage = $floPage; 34 $this->prePage = $prePage; 35 36 $this->page_act = $page_act; 37 38 $this->p = $p; 39 } 40 41 /*******************************Check whether there is a page break** **********************/ 42 public function check(){ 43 44 //Detect whether there is a page break 45 if(strpos($this->content,$this->pagebreak) = == false){ 46 47 //does not contain page breaks 48 return $this->content; 49 }else{ 50 51 //contains page breaks 52 $contentArr = explode($this->pagebreak,$this->content); 53 return $contentArr; 54 } 55 } 56 57 /*************Get the current page number, receive $_GET['p']*******/ 58 public function getPageNow(){ 59 60 if(!isset($this->p)){ 61 62 $this->pageNow = 1; 63 }else if($this->p>0){ 64 65 $this->pageNow = $this->p; 66 }else{ 67 68 die("page number error"); 69 } 70 71 return $this->pageNow; 72 } 73 74 /*******************************Set current page link*** *************************/ 75 public function getUrl(){ 76 77 $url = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; 78 79 //Determine whether there are parameters 80 if(strpos($url,"?") === false){ //Without parameters 81 82 return $this->url = $url."?"; 83 }else{ //with parameters 84 85 $url = explode("?",$url); 86 //Parameters 87 $param = $url[1]; 88 89 //Determine whether there are multiple parameters 90 if(strpos($param,"&") === false){ //Only one parameter 91 92 //Determine whether the parameter is p 93 if(strpos($param,"p=") === false){ // does not contain parameter p 94 95 //Merge url 96 $url = implode("?",$url); 97 98 return $this->url = $url."&"; 99 100 }else{ 101 102 //Remove parameter p 103 $url = $url[0]; 104 105 return $this->url = $url."?"; 106 } 107 108 }else{ //Multiple parameters 109 110 $param = explode("&",$param); 111 112 //Traverse the parameter array 113 foreach($param as $k=>$v){ 114 115 if(strpos($v,"p=") === false ){ 116 117 continue; 118 }else{ 119 120 //When parameter p is included, delete it from the array 121 unset($param[$k]); 122 } 123 } 124 125 //Combine the array after deleting parameter p 126 $param = implode("&",$param); 127 $url[1] = $param; 128 $url = implode("?",$url); 129 130 return $this->url = $url."&"; 131 } 132 } 133 }134 135 /*******************************Pre-offset processing *******************************/ 136 public function preOffset($preFonts){ 137 138 $this->getPageNow(); 139 $this->getUrl(); 140 $this->getPreFonts($preFonts); 141 142 //Previous offset processing 143 if($this->pageNow!=1 && ($this->pageNow - $this ->prePage -1 <= 1)){ 144 145 //Previous page 146 $this->pageShow .= "$this
-> ;url."p=".($this->pageNow-1)."">".($preFonts == ""?$this ->preFonts:$preFonts).""; 147 148 149 //Page number 150 for($i=1;$i<=$this->pageNow- 1;$i++){ 151 152 //ajax mode does not display 153 //if($this->page_act != 1){ 154 155 $this->pageShow .= "$this
->url."p =".$i."">".$i.""; 156 //} 157 } 158 159 }else if($this->pageNow - $this->prePage -1 > 1){ //"1..." will appear only when pageNow is at least greater than 2 160 161 //Homepage 162 $this->pageShow .= "$this
-> ;url."p=1">".$this->firstFonts.""; 163 164 //Previous page 165 $this->pageShow .= "$this
-> ;url."p=".($this->pageNow-1)."">".($preFonts == ""?$this ->preFonts:$preFonts).""; 166 167 for($i=$this->prePage;$i>=1; $i--){ 168 169 //The page number between the current page and '...' is not displayed in ajax mode 170 //if($this->page_act != 1){ 171 172 $this->pageShow .= "$this
->url." p=".($this->pageNow-$i)."">".($this->pageNow-$i).""; 173 //} 174 } 175 } 176 }177 178 /*************************Page number and back offset processing**** *************************/ 179 public function floOffset($nextFonts){ 180 181 $this->getPageNow(); 182 $this->getTotalPage(); 183 $this->getUrl(); 184 $this->getNextFonts($nextFonts); 185 186 if($this->totalPage > $this->floPage){ //When the total number of pages is greater than the back offset 187 188 for($i=0;$i<=$this->floPage; $i++){ 189 190 $page = $this->pageNow+$i; 191 192 if($page<=$this->totalPage){ 193 194 //Page number, ajax mode does not display 195 //if($this->page_act != 1){ 196 197 $this->pageShow .= "$this
->url." p=".$page."">".$page.""; 198 //} 199 } 200 } 201 202 if($this->pageNow < $this->totalPage){ 203 204 $this->pageShow .= "$this
-> ;url."p=".($this->pageNow+1)."">".($nextFonts == ""?$this ->nextFonts:$nextFonts).""; //When the text passed by the user when instantiating the object is empty, then Call the class's default "next page", otherwise output the value passed by the user 205 206 if(($this->pageNow+$this->floPage+1)<$this ->totalPage){ 207 208 $this->pageShow .= "$this
-> ;url."p=".$this->totalPage."">Last page"; 209 } 210 211 }else if($this->pageNow > $this->totalPage){ 212 213 die("Out of page range"); 214 } 215 }else{ //When the total number of pages is less than the back offset 216 217 if($this->pageNow < $this->totalPage){ //When the current page is less than the total number of pages 218 219 for($i=0;$i<$this->totalPage;$i++){ 220 221 $page = $this->pageNow+$i; 222 223 if($page < $this->totalPage){ 224 225 //if($this->page_act != 1){ 226 227 //Border after page number 228 $this->pageShow .= "$this->url." p=".$page."">".$page.""; 229 //} 230 231 }else if($page == $this->totalPage){ 232 233 //if($this->page_act != 1){ 234 235 $this->pageShow .= "$this->url."p=".$page."">".$page.""; 236 //} 237 }else if($this->pageNow > $this->totalPage){ 238 239 die("超出页码范围"); 240 } 241 } 242 243 $this->pageShow .= "$this->url."p=".($this->pageNow+1)."">".$this->nextFonts.""; 244 }else if($this->pageNow > $this->totalPage){ 245 246 die("超出页码范围"); 247 }else{ //当前页等于总页数 248 249 //if($this->page_act != 1){ 250 251 $this->pageShow .= "$this->url."p=".$this->totalPage."">".$this->totalPage.""; 252 //} 253 } 254 } 255 } 256 257 /********************其它页面信息***********************/ 258 public function getOtherInfo(){ 259 260 $this->pageShow .= " 当前第".$this->pageNow."页"; 261 $this->pageShow .= "/共".$this->totalPage."页"; 262 263 return $this->pageShow; 264 } 265 266 /* ********************获取上一页、下一页文字******************* */ 267 public function getPreFonts($preFonts){ 268 269 return $this->preFonts = ($preFonts=="")?$this->preFonts:$preFonts; 270 } 271 272 public function getNextFonts($nextFonts){ 273 274 return $this->nextFonts = ($nextFonts=="")?$this->nextFonts:$nextFonts; 275 } 276 277 278 279 /******************************获得总页数页**********************************/ 280 public function getTotalPage(){ 281 282 //检测content是否为数组 283 if(is_array($this->check())){ //content含分页符才分页 284 285 //总页数 286 return $this->totalPage = count($this->check()); 287 }else{ 288 289 return $this->totalPage = 1; 290 }291 } 292 293 /************************************* Pagination*******************************************/ 294 public function page(){ 295 296 //Articles generally don’t have many paginations, so I just use style2 in list_page.class.php as the paging style. 297 //Return to page number 298 return $this->preOffset($preFonts,$this->prePage). $this->floOffset($nextFonts,$this->floPage).$this-> getOtherInfo(); 299 } 300 } View Code

This file contains a method to detect whether page breaks are included. If page breaks are included, the incoming content will be split according to page breaks and an array will be returned. Otherwise, a string will be returned.


PHP+jQuery long article paging class (supports url / ajax paging method), _PHP tutorial 1 $(function(){ 2 3 //Initially display "next page", "last page" 4 showFloPage(); 5 6 //Delete the original li and insert gif 7 function ajaxpre(){ 8 9 //Insert gif image 10 $loading = $(""); 11 12 $("#content").html($loading); 13 } 14 15 //Hide page turning information 16 function infoAct(){ 17 18 //When the current page reaches the last page, "next page" and "last page" 19 if(parseInt($("#pageNow").val()) == parseInt($("#totalPage").val())){ 20 21 $("#flo_page").hide(); 22 $("#last_page").hide(); 23 24 $("#pre_page").show(); 25 $("#first_page").show(); 26 27 }else if(parseInt($("#pageNow").val()) == 1){ // Hide "Home" and "Previous Page" when the current page arrives 28 29 $("#pre_page").hide(); 30 $("#first_page").hide(); 31 32 $("#flo_page").show(); 33 $("#last_page").show(); 34 35 }else{ 36 37 $("#pre_page").show(); 38 $("#first_page").show(); 39 40 $("#flo_page").show(); 41 $("#last_page").show(); 42 } 43 } 44 45 //When you click "Next Page" and "Last Page", "Home" and "Previous Page" will appear 46 function showPage(){ 47 48 //Home 49 $firstPage = $("Homepage"); 50 51 if($("#first_page").length == 0){ 52 $firstPage.insertBefore($(".ajaxpage:first")); 53 } 54 55 //Previous page 56 $pre_page = $(""+$preFonts+""); 57 58 if($("#pre_page").length == 0){ 59 $pre_page.insertBefore($(".ajaxpage:first")); 60 } 61 } 62 63 //When you click "Previous Page" and "Home Page", "Next Page" and "Last Page" will appear 64 function showFloPage(){ 65 66 //Next page 67 $flo_page = $(""+$preFonts+""); 68 69 if($("#flo_page").length == 0){ 70 $flo_page.insertAfter($(".ajaxpage:last")); 71 } 72 73 //Last page 74 $lastPage = $("last page"); 75 76 if($("#last_page").length == 0){ 77 $lastPage.insertAfter($("#flo_page")); 78 } 79 } 80 81 //ajax request data 82 function ajaxpost(){ 83 84 $.post("ajaxarc.php",{ 85 86 pageNow : parseInt($("#pageNow").val()), 87 id : parseInt($("#id").val()), 88 pagebreak : $("#pagebreak").val() 89 },function(data,textStatus){ 90 91 //Delete gif 92 $(".loading").remove(); 93 94 $("#content").html(data); 95 }); 96 } 97 98 99 //Initial value=1 100 apagenow = parseInt($("#pageNow").val()); 101 102 //ajax "Homepage" Because "Homepage" and "Previous Page" do not appear at the beginning, they only appear after "Next Page" and "End Page" Call the "Home" and "Previous Page" functions in the click function of "Page" 103 function firstPageAct(){ 104 105 if($("#first_page").is(":visible")){ 106 107 $("#first_page").live('click',function(){ 108 109 //Delete the before update 110 ajaxpre(); 111 112 //pageNow is set to 1 113 $("#pageNow").val(1); 114 apagenow = parseInt($("#pageNow").val()); 115 116 //Modify page number information 117 $("#pagenow_info").html("  Current page 1"); 118 119 //Post offset pagination 120 flopage($("#pageNow").val()); 121 122 //ajax request data 123 ajaxpost(); 124 125 //Hide "Home" and "Previous Page" after reaching "Home" 126 infoAct(); 127 128 //Add style to page number 129 selpage(); 130 }); 131 } 132 } 133 134 function lastPageAct(){ 135 136 if($("#last_page").is(":visible")){ 137 138 $("#last_page").live('click',function(){ 139 140 //Delete the before update 141 ajaxpre(); 142 143 //pageNow is set to 1 144 $("#pageNow").val($("#totalPage").val()); 145 apagenow = parseInt($("#pageNow").val()); 146 147 //Modify page number information 148 $("#pagenow_info").html("  The current page "+apagenow+""); 149 150 //Post offset pagination 151 flopage($("#pageNow").val()); 152 153 if($("#first_page").is(":hidden") || $("#first_page").length == 0){ 154 155 //"Home" and "Next Page" appear 156 showPage(); 157 showFloPage(); 158 firstPageAct(); 159 lastPageAct(); 160 prePageAct(); 161 }162 163 //ajax request data 164 ajaxpost(); 165 166 //Hide "Home" and "Previous Page" after reaching "Home" 167 infoAct(); 168 169 //Add style to page number 170 selpage(); 171 }); 172 } 173 } 174 175 //ajax "Previous page" 176 function prePageAct(){ 177 178 if($("#pre_page").is(":visible")){ 179 180 $("#pre_page").click(function(){ 181 182 //Delete the before update 183 ajaxpre(); 184 185 //Every time you click "Previous Page", the hidden field value is -1 186 if(parseInt(apagenow) != 1){ 187 188 apagenow = parseInt(apagenow) - parseInt(1); 189 } 190 191 $("#pageNow").val(apagenow); 192 193 //Front and back offset paging 194 flopage($("#pageNow").val()); 195 196 //When the page number value of the hidden field is greater than 1 197 if(parseInt($("#pageNow").val()) > parseInt(1)){ 198 199 //Modify page number information 200 $("#pagenow_info").html("  The current page "+$("#pageNow").val()+"page"); 201 } 202 203 //ajax request data 204 ajaxpost(); 205 206 if($("#first_page").is(":hidden") || $("#first_page").length == 0){ 207 208 //"Home" and "Next Page" appear 209 showPage(); 210 showFloPage(); 211 firstPageAct(); 212 lastPageAct(); 213 prePageAct(); 214 } 215 216 //Hide "Home" and "Previous Page" on the first page 217 infoAct(); 218 219 //Add style to page number 220 selpage(); 221 }); 222 223 } 224 }225 226 //ajax "Next page" 227 if($("#flo_page").length>0){ 228 229 //Remove the href attribute of a 230 $("#flo_page").removeAttr("href"); 231 232 $("#flo_page").live('click',function(){ 233 234 ajaxpre(); 235 236 //Every time you click "Next", the hidden field value +1 237 apagenow = parseInt(apagenow) + parseInt(1); 238 239 $("#pageNow").val(apagenow); 240 241 //Post offset paging 242 flopage($("#pageNow").val()); 243 244 //When the page number value of the hidden field is less than the total page number 245 if(parseInt($("#pageNow").val()) <= parseInt($("#totalPage").val())) { 246 247 //Modify page number information 248 $("#pagenow_info").html(" The current page "+$("#pageNow").val()+"page"); 249 250 //ajax request data 251 ajaxpost(); 252 } 253 254 //After clicking "Next Page", the "Home Page" will appear 255 if($("#first_page").is(":hidden") || $("#first_page").length == 0){ 256 257 //"Home" and "Next Page" appear 258 showPage(); 259 showFloPage(); 260 firstPageAct(); 261 lastPageAct(); 262 prePageAct(); 263 } 264 265 //Hide "next page" and "last page" 266 infoAct(); 267 268 //Add style to page number 269 selpage(); 270 271 return false; //Cancel click to turn page 272 }); 273 } 274 275 //ajax "last page" 276 if($("#last_page").length>0){ 277 278 //Remove the href attribute of a 279 $("#last_page").removeAttr("href"); 280 281 $("#last_page").live('click',function(){ 282 283 ajaxpre(); 284 285 //Modify the current page information of the hidden domain 286 apagenow = parseInt($("#totalPage").val()); 287 $("#pageNow").val(apagenow); 288 289 //Modify page number information 290 $("#pagenow_info").html("  The current page "+$("#totalPage").val()+""); 291 292 //Post offset paging 293 flopage($("#pageNow").val()); 294 295 //ajax request data 296 ajaxpost(); 297 298 //After clicking "Last Page", "Home Page" will appear 299 300 if($("#first_page").length == 0){ 301 302 showPage(); 303 showFloPage(); 304 firstPageAct(); 305 lastPageAct(); 306 prePageAct(); 307 }308 309 infoAct(); 310 311 //Add style to page number 312 selpage(); 313 314 return false; 315 }); 316 } 317 318 //Cancel a tag jump 319 $("#first_page").live('click',function(){ 320 321 return false; 322 }); 323 324 $("#pre_page").live('click',function(){ 325 326 return false; 327 }); 328 329 //Delete the href of the specific page number 330 $(".ajaxpage").removeAttr("href"); 331 332 333 //live() allows elements dynamically added by jQuery to also be bound to event handlers 334 $(".ajaxpage").live('click', function(){ 335 336 ajaxpre(); 337 338 //Every time you click "Next", the hidden field value changes to the page number displayed by the current a tag 339 apagenow = $(this).text(); 340 341 $("#pageNow").val(apagenow); 342 343 //Post offset paging 344 flopage($("#pageNow").val()); 345 346 //Modify page number information 347 $("#pagenow_info").html("  The current page "+$("#pageNow").val()+"page"); 348 349 $(".ajaxpage").removeClass("selected"); 350 351 $(this).each(function(){ 352 353 if($(this).text() == $("#pageNow").val()){ 354 355 $(this).addClass("selected"); 356 } 357 }) 358 359 if($("#first_page").is(":hidden") || $("#first_page").length == 0){ 360 361 //"Home" and "Next Page" appear 362 showPage(); 363 showFloPage(); 364 firstPageAct(); 365 lastPageAct(); 366 prePageAct(); 367 } 368 369 infoAct(); 370 371 //Add style to page number 372 selpage(); 373 374 ajaxpost(); 375 }); 376 377 //"Previous page", "Next page" add style to the page number 378 function selpage(){ 379 380 //Add style to page number 381 $(".ajaxpage").removeClass("selected"); 382 $(".ajaxpage").each(function(){ 383 384 if($(this).text() == $("#pageNow").val()){ 385 386 $(this).addClass("selected"); 387 } 388 }) 389
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