Error 1: org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: E155004: There are unfinished work items in 'D:xampphtdocshaodaihaodaisvn'; run 'svn cleanup' first:
Do cleanup: run 'svn cleanup'
Error 2: org.apache.subversion.javahl.ClientException: E155032: Pristine text not found
Method found accidentally:
johnpm 2013-05-20 18:40:31 UTC
I don’t know how the error happened. The solution is just to do it. I don’t understand the principle. It needs to be solved...
Clean up first and take a look. If it still doesn’t work, back up the uncommitted files, delete the drawable-hdpi folder, copy the backup files and commit after updating again.
The path is wrong: The reasons are 1. Case (it is not case-sensitive when you checkout, but an error will be reported when uploading and submitting) 2. The path is to the folder level, not to the file.