The example in this article describes the CSS update class implemented in PHP and its usage, which is very practical. Share it with everyone for your reference. The details are as follows:
CSSUpdate.class.php class file is as follows:
<?php /** css 更新类,更新css文件内图片的版本 * Date: 2013-02-05 * Author: fdipzone * Ver: 1.1 * * Func: * update(); * * Ver: 1.1 增加search_child参数,可遍历子文件夹 */ class CSSUpdate{ private $csstmpl_path = null; private $css_path = null; private $replacetags = array(); private $search_child = false; private $convert_num = 0; private $is_ready = 0; /** 初始化 * @param String $csstmpl_path css模版路径 * @param String $css_path css目标路径 * @param Array $replacetags 需要替换的图片类型 * @param boolean $search_child 是否遍历子文件夹,默认false */ public function __construct($csstmpl_path, $css_path, $replacetags=array(), $search_child=false){ if(!is_dir($csstmpl_path) || !is_dir($css_path) || !$replacetags){ $this->is_ready = 0; }else{ $this->csstmpl_path = $csstmpl_path; $this->css_path = $css_path; $this->replacetags = $replacetags; $this->search_child = $search_child; $this->is_ready = 1; } } /** 更新css文件 */ public function update(){ if($this->is_ready==0){ $this->response('csstmpl or csspath or replacetags error'); return ''; } $this->traversing($this->csstmpl_path); $this->response('covert num:'.$this->convert_num); } /** 遍历文件夹 * @param String $path 文件路径 */ private function traversing($path){ $handle = opendir($path); while(($file=readdir($handle))!==false){ if($file!='..' && $file!='.'){ $curfile = $path.'/'.$file; if(is_dir($curfile)){ // folder if($this->search_child){ // 需要遍历子文件夹 $this->traversing($curfile); } }elseif($this->checkExt($curfile)){ // css file $dfile = str_replace($this->csstmpl_path, $this->css_path, $curfile); $this->create($curfile, $dfile); $this->response($curfile.' convert to '.$dfile.' success'); $this->convert_num ++; } } } closedir($handle); } /** 检查文件后缀 */ private function checkExt($file){ $name = basename($file); $namefrag = explode('.', $name); if(count($namefrag)>=2){ if(strtolower($namefrag[count($namefrag)-1])=='css'){ // css文件 return true; } } return false; } /** 替换模版内容,写入csspath * @param String $tmplfile 模版文件 * @param String $dfile 目标文件 */ private function create($tmplfile, $dfile){ $css_content = file_get_contents($tmplfile); foreach($this->replacetags as $tag){ $css_content = str_replace($tag, $tag."?".date('YmdHis'), $css_content); } if(!is_dir(dirname($dfile))){ // 生成目标路径 mkdir(dirname($dfile), 0755, true); } file_put_contents($dfile, $css_content, true); } /** 输出 */ private function response($content){ echo $content."<br>"; } } ?>
The demo sample program is as follows:
<?php require_once "CSSUpdate.class.php"; define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__)); $css_path = ROOT_PATH.'/css'; $csstmpl_path = ROOT_PATH.'/csstmpl'; $replacetags = array('.png', '.jpg', '.gif'); $cssobj = new CSSUpdate($csstmpl_path, $css_path, $replacetags); $cssobj->update(); ?>
Click here to download the complete source code.
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s learning of PHP programming.
I completed it with javascript
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