Share an example of PHP paging function code. It is very good to use this function to implement paging code.
Code, php paging function.
<?php /* * Created on 2011-07-28 * Author : LKK , * 使用方法: require_once('mypage.php'); $result=mysql_query("select * from mytable", $myconn); $total=mysql_num_rows($result); //取得信息总数 pageDivide($total,10); //调用分页函数 //数据库操作 $result=mysql_query("select * from mytable limit $sqlfirst,$shownu", $myconn); while($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ...您的操作 } echo $pagecon; //输出分页导航内容 */ if(!function_exists("pageDivide")){ #$total 信息总数 #$shownu 显示数量,默认20 #$url 本页链接 function pageDivide($total,$shownu=20,$url=''){ #$page 当前页码 #$sqlfirst mysql数据库起始项 #$pagecon 分页导航内容 global $page,$sqlfirst,$pagecon,$_SERVER; $GLOBALS["shownu"]=$shownu; if(isset($_GET['page'])){ $page=$_GET['page']; }else $page=1; #如果$url使用默认,即空值,则赋值为本页URL if(!$url){ $url=$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];} #URL分析 $parse_url=parse_url($url); @$url_query=$parse_url["query"]; //取出在问号?之后内容 if($url_query){ $url_query=preg_replace("/(&?)(page=$page)/","",$url_query); $url = str_replace($parse_url["query"],$url_query,$url); if($url_query){ $url .= "&page"; }else $url .= "page"; }else $url .= "?page"; #页码计算 $lastpg=ceil($total/$shownu); //最后页,总页数 $page=min($lastpg,$page); $prepg=$page-1; //上一页 $nextpg=($page==$lastpg ? 0 : $page+1); //下一页 $sqlfirst=($page-1)*$shownu; #开始分页导航内容 $pagecon = "显示第 ".($total?($sqlfirst+1):0)."-".min($sqlfirst+$shownu,$total)." 条记录,共 <B>$total</B> 条记录"; if($lastpg<=1) return false; //如果只有一页则跳出 if($page!=1) $pagecon .=" <a href='$url=1'>首页</a> "; else $pagecon .=" 首页 "; if($prepg) $pagecon .=" <a href='$url=$prepg'>前页</a> "; else $pagecon .=" 前页 "; if($nextpg) $pagecon .=" <a href='$url=$nextpg'>后页</a> "; else $pagecon .=" 后页 "; if($page!=$lastpg) $pagecon.=" <a href='$url=$lastpg'>尾页</a> "; else $pagecon .=" 尾页 "; #下拉跳转列表,循环列出所有页码 $pagecon .=" 到第 <select name='topage' size='1' onchange='window.location=\"$url=\"+this.value'>\n"; for($i=1;$i<=$lastpg;$i++){ if($i==$page) $pagecon .="<option value='$i' selected>$i</option>\n"; else $pagecon .="<option value='$i'>$i</option>\n"; } $pagecon .="</select> 页,共 $lastpg 页"; } }else die('pageDivide()同名函数已经存在!'); ?>
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Let me give you a class, it’s very simple,
//Paging function
class pg{
function genpage(&$sql,$page_size=2)
global $prepage,$nextpage,$pages,$sums; //out param
$page = $_GET["page"];
$eachpage = $page_size;
$ pagesql = strstr($sql," from ");
$pagesql = "select count(*) as ids ".$pagesql;
$result = mysql_query($pagesql) or die(mysql_error());
if($rs = mysql_fetch_array($result)) $sums = $rs[0];
$pages = ceil(($sums-0.5)/$eachpage)-1;
$pages = $pages>=0?$pages:0;
$prepage = ($page>0)?$page-1:0;
$nextpage = ($page<$pages)?$page+1: $pages;
$startpos = $page*$eachpage;
$sql .=" limit $startpos,$eachpage ";
function showpage()
global $page,$pages,$prepage,$nextpage,$queryString;
}else {
$shownum =10/2;
$startpage = ($page>=$shownum)?$page-$shownum:0;
$endpage = ($page+$shownum<=$pages)?$page+$shownum:$pages;
$xs.="Total".($pages+1)."Pages: ";
if($page>0)$xs.= "Homepage";
$xs.=" ... ?......The rest of the full text>>
$perNumber=10; //The number of records displayed on each page
$page=$_GET['page']; / /Get the current page value
$count=mysql_query("select count(*) from user"); //Get the total number of records
$totalNumber=$rs [0];
$totalPage=ceil($totalNumber/$perNumber); //Calculate the total number of pages
if (!isset($page)) {
} //If there is no value, assign the value 1
$startCount=($page-1)*$perNumber; //Paging starts, calculate the starting record according to this method
$result=mysql_query("select * from user limit $startCount,$perNumber"); //Calculate the starting record and number of records based on the previous calculation
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
echo "user_id:".$row [0]."
echo "username:".$row[1]."
"; //Display the contents of the database
if ($page != 1) { //The number of pages is not equal to 1
Up One page
for ($i=1;$i<=$totalPage;$i++ ) { //Loop through the page
if ($page<$totalPage) { //If page is less than the total number of pages, display the next page link
? >
Next page
This It's very simple... and I also wrote comments... I don't know if it suits your taste...