This article describes ThinkPHP template replacement and system constants and applications. It is the basic knowledge of ThinkPHP project development and must be firmly mastered. The details are as follows:
Default template replacement rules:
../Public: will be replaced by the public template directory of the current project, usually / project directory /Tpl/default/Public/
__PUBLIC__: will be replaced by the public directory of the current website, usually /Public/
__TMPL__: Will be replaced by the project’s template directory, usually /project directory/Tpl/default/
__ROOT__: will be replaced with the address of the current website (excluding domain name)
__APP__: will be replaced by the URL address of the current project (excluding domain name)
__URL__: will be replaced by the URL address of the current module (excluding domain name)
__ACTION__: Will be replaced by the URL address of the current operation (excluding domain name)
__SELF__: Will be replaced by the current page URL
You can also customize the replacement rules by configuring the value of TMPL_PARSE_STRING in the project configuration file, such as:
TMPL_PARSE_STRING => array( '__PUBLIC__' => '/Common' , // 更改默认的 __PUBLIC__ 替换规则 '__UPLOAD__' => '/Public/Uploads/' , // 增加新的上传路径替换规则 )
File path: /Home/Tpl/default/User/index.html, the code is as follows:
<p>__ROOT__代表当前网站的网址</p> <p>__URL__代表当前模块的URL地址/index.php/User</p> <p>../Public代表/aoli/Tpl/default/Public</p> <p>__PUBLIC__代表项目公共文件目录/Public</p> <p>__TMPL__代表当前项目的模板目录/aoli/Tpl/default/</p> <p>__APP__代表当前项目的入口文件地址/index.php</p> <p>__ACTION__代表当前的操作地址/index.php/User/index</p> <p>__SELF__代表当前URL地址/index.php/User/</p> <p>__UPLOAD__</p> <form action="__URL__/add" method="post"> <input type="text" name="username" /> <input type="submit" value="注册" /> </form>
File path: /Home/Lib/Action/UserAction.class.php, the code is as follows:
<?php class UserAction extends Action { function index(){ $this->display(); } function add(){ dump($_POST); } } ?>
Access path: http://localhost/index.php/User/index Enter the content, click the registration button and jump to http://localhost/index.php/User/add and execute the add method under the User module , output the submitted content.
I hope this article will be helpful to everyone’s ThinkPHP programming design.
Can be redefined in the configuration file (config.php),
'__APP__' => 'New path',
Please refer to ThinkPHP for details [7.4 Template Replacement] in Complete Development Manual 3.0
Use original php output
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