xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <vip> <id>23</id> <username>开心的路飞</username> <sex>男</sex> <face>face/43.jpg</face> <email>123@qq.com</email> <qq>1212121212</qq> </vip>
PHP parses XML to get the value in the tag
/* * _get_xml 获取的XML文件 * @access public 表示函数对外公开 * @param $_xmlfile xml文件 * $_html 从XML中取出的数据数组 * */ function _get_xml($_xmlfile){ $_html = array(); if(file_exists($_xmlfile)){ $_xml = file_get_contents($_xmlfile); preg_match_all('/<vip>(.*)<\/vip>/', $_xml,$_dom); foreach($_dom[1] as $_value){ preg_match_all('/<id>(.*)<\/id>/', $_value,$_id); preg_match_all('/<username>(.*)<\/username>/', $_value,$_username); preg_match_all('/<sex>(.*)<\/sex>/', $_value,$_sex); preg_match_all('/<face>(.*)<\/face>/', $_value,$_face); preg_match_all('/<email>(.*)<\/email>/', $_value,$_email); preg_match_all('/<qq>(.*)<\/qq>/', $_value,$_qq); $_html['id'] = $_id[1][0]; $_html['username'] = $_username[1][0]; $_html['sex'] = $_sex[1][0]; $_html['face'] = $_face[1][0]; $_html['email'] = $_email[1][0]; $_html['qq'] = $_qq[1][0]; } }else{ _alert_back("文件不存在"); } return $_html; }
php writes data to XML file
/* * _set_xml将信息写入XML文件 * @access public 表示函数对外公开 * @param $_xmlfile xml文件 * @param $_clean 要写入的信息的数组 * */ function _set_xml($_xmlfile,$_clean){ $_fp = @fopen('newuser.xml','w'); if(!$_fp){ exit('系统错误,文件不存在!'); } flock($_fp,LOCK_EX); $_string = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "<vip>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<id>{$_clean['id']}</id>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<username>{$_clean['username']}</username>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<sex>{$_clean['sex']}</sex>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<face>{$_clean['face']}</face>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<email>{$_clean['email']}</email>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "\t<qq>{$_clean['url']}</qq>\r\t"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); $_string = "</vip>"; fwrite($_fp, $_string,strlen($_string)); flock($_fp,LOCK_UN); fclose($_fp); }
I hope some information found on the Internet can help you introduce the related functions of xml reading in php: Quote:---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------Object XML parsing function description
Element xml_set_element_handler() The beginning and end of the element
Character data xml_set_character_data_handler() The beginning of character data
External entity xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler() The external entity appears
Unparsed external entity xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler() The occurrence of unresolved external entity
The occurrence of processing instruction xml_set_processing_instruction_handler() The occurrence of processing instruction
The occurrence of notation declaration xml_set_notation_decl_handler() The occurrence of notation declaration
Default xml_set_default_handler() Others are not specified Handling function events------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Let me give you a small example to read using the parser function. xml data: $parser = xml_parser_create(); //Create a parser editor
xml_set_element_handler($parser, "startElement", "endElement");//Set the corresponding function when the tag is triggered Here are startElement and endElenment respectively
xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, "characterData");//Set up the corresponding function when reading data
$xml_file="1.xml";//Specify the xml file to be read , can be url
$filehandler = fopen($xml_file, "r");//Open file
while ($data = fread($filehandler, 4096))
xml_parse($ parser, $data, feof($filehandler));
}//Take out 4096 bytes each time for processing fclose($filehandler);
xml_parser_free($parser);//Close and release the parser parser
function startElement($parser_instance, $element_name, $attrs) //Function of start tag event
global $name, $position;
echo "name:";
echo...the rest of the text>>
My idea is to use dynamic xml directly and let flash read the document, so that there is no need to generate xml files in real time. Of course, this xml file is in .php format, so you must change the read file address to php in flash, just like you write a php page. The difference is that the content output by this php file is in an xml format. text.
For example, if you now create the file xml.php
echo "
//If there is dynamic information here, call it as needed
< ;items>";
//Loop your image data here
$data = ??
while( $data ) {
echo "
echo '?>