Error as shown:
1. Create a folder tmp in the php directory. This has permission issues. If it is an ntfs partition, you must add evryone control permissions, otherwise it will be useless.
2. Find the session.save_path line in php.ini, set it to session.save_path = "C:/php/tmp" and remove the previous comment semicolon.
3. Change the value of session.auto_start in php.ini to 1 (start), the default is 0 (disabled), (optional)
4. Found in phpmyadmin, .php, change to, find
Add a combination of numbers and letters to the subsequent assignment. After all modifications are completed, restart iis or apach, and you will see the familiar phpmyadmin login interface. (optional)
The person who asked the question, you said that you have changed it to extension=php_mbsting.dll, but you still get an error! Because your file is not pure! In fact, this is the real situation! Your file name is wrong! Correct is extension=php_mbstring.dll