After we install the DESTOON system, for the sake of website security, we need to make some security settings for the system so that the system is not easily hacked! DESTOON's system usually has the following steps for safe operation.
1. Founder password security settings
The founder of the system has the highest administrative authority, so he needs to set a complex password, such as a combination of numbers, letters, and special symbols. Do not use weak passwords such as 123456 to avoid being guessed.
2.Backend login address
The background login address defaults to your domain name/admin.php. You can modify the website root directory/admin.php file name through FTP or on the server, for example, change it to xxx.php, and then use your domain name/xxx.php to manage the website.
3.Backend security
Website settings, the security center can set the IP and date allowed for background login, and the security center can choose whether to enable background management logs.
4. Template security
If you make the template yourself, in order to prevent it from being downloaded, you can set a secret directory name, such as template/aaabbb, and select the default template as aaabbb in the website settings.
5. Database security
If it is an independent server, the database server is generally set to localhost access, and remote access is prohibited. Do not use weak passwords such as 123456 to avoid being guessed.
Doing the above is like adding a firewall to your website, so you don’t have to worry too much about security issues.