PR value is one of the important criteria for Google to measure websites. Get the PR value based on the results provided by Google, such as: :&
*Function: Encode URL
*Parameter description: $web_url Website URL, does not contain "http://"
function HashURL($url)
$SEED = "Mining PageRank is AGAINST GOOGLE'S TERMS OF SERVICE. Yes, I'm talking to you, scammer.";
$Result = 0x01020345;
for ($i=0; $i
$Result ^= ord($SEED{$i%87}) ^ ord($url{$i});
$Result = (($Result >> 23) & 0x1FF) | $Result << 9;
return sprintf("8%x", $Result);
*Function: Get pagerank according to the PR query interface provided by Google
*Parameter description: $domain website domain name, excluding "http://"
function pagerank ($domain)
$StartURL = "";
$GoogleURL = $StartURL. $domain. '&ch='.HashURL($domain);
echo $GoogleURL.'
$fcontents = file_get_contents("$GoogleURL");
$pagerank = substr( $fcontents,9);
if (!$pagerank) return "0";else return $pagerank;
echo pagerank("");