function chineseFirst($str)
$str= iconv( "UTF-8", "gb2312", $str); // If the program is gbk, this line must be commented out
// Determine whether the strings are all Chinese
if (preg_match( "/^[x7f-xff]/", $str))
if($fchar>=ord("A") and $fchar<=ord("z") )return strtoupper($str{0});
$a = $str; $val=ord($a{0})*256+ord($ a{1})-65536;
if($val>=-20319 and $val<=-20284)return "A";
if($val>=-20283 and $val<=-19776 )return "B";
if($val>=-19775 and $val<=-19219)return "C";
if($val>=-19218 and $val<=-18711)return "D";
if($val>=-18710 and $val<=-18527)return "E";
if($val>=-18526 and $val<=-18240)return "F ";
if($val>=-18239 and $val<=-17923)return "G";
if($val>=-17922 and $val<=-17418)return "H";
if($val>=-17417 and $val<=-16475)return "J";
if($val>=-16474 and $val<=-16213)return "K";
if($val>=-16212 and $val<=-15641)return "L";
if ($val>=-15165 and $val<=-14923)return "N"; If($ val>=-14914 and $val<=-14631)return "P"; If($val> =-14149 and $val<=-14091)return "R"; val>=- 13318 and $val<=-12839)return "T"; >=-12556 and $val<=-11848)return "X"; 1055 and $val< ;=-10247)return "Z";
} else
return false;
} // the code as follows: function chineseFirst($str) { $str= iconv("UTF-8"," gb2312", $str); //If the program is gbk, this line must be commented out //Determine whether the strings are all Chinese...