PHP generates image thumbnails:
To use PHP to generate image thumbnails, make sure your PHP server has the GD2 graphics library installed
Use a class to generate thumbnails of images. See the source code of the class below
Call the method of this class:
resizeimage = new resizeimage("image source file address", "200", "100", "0", "thumbnail address");
//Just use the above sentence to generate a thumbnail. The source file and thumbnail addresses can be the same, 200 and 100 represent the width and height respectively
//Use the following class to generate image thumbnails,
class resizeimage
//Image type
var type;
//Actual width
var width;
//Actual height
var height;
//Changed width
var resize_width;
//Height after change
var resize_height;
//Whether to crop the image
var cut;
//Source image
var srcimg;
//Target image address
var dstimg;
//Temporarily created image
var im;
Function resizeimage(img, wid, hei,c,dstpath)
this->srcimg = img;
this->resize_width = wid;
this->resize_height = hei;
this->cut = c;
//Type of image
this->type = strtolower(substr(strrchr(this->srcimg,"."),1));
//Initialize image
//Target image address
this -> dst_img(dstpath);
this->width = imagesx(this->im);
this->height = imagesy(this->im);
//Generate image
ImageDestroy (this->im);
Function newimg()
//The proportion of the changed image
resize_ratio = (this->resize_width)/(this->resize_height);
//Proportion of actual image
ratio = (this->width)/(this->height);
//Cut image
// High priority
newimg = imagecreatetruecolor(this->resize_width,this->resize_height);
Imagecopyresampled(newimg, this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, this->resize_width,this->resize_height, ((this->height)*resize_ratio), this->height );
ImageJpeg (newimg,this->dstimg);
//Breadth priority
newimg = imagecreatetruecolor(this->resize_width,this->resize_height);
imagecopyresampled(newimg, this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, this->resize_width, this->resize_height, this->width, ((this->width)/resize_ratio) );
ImageJpeg (newimg,this->dstimg);
//No cropping
newimg = imagecreatetruecolor(this->resize_width,(this->resize_width)/ratio);
Imagecopyresampled(newimg, this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, this->resize_width, (this->resize_width)/ratio, this->width, this->height);
ImageJpeg (newimg,this->dstimg);
newimg = imagecreatetruecolor((this->resize_height)*ratio,this->resize_height);
Imagecopyresampled(newimg, this->im, 0, 0, 0, 0, (this->resize_height)*ratio, this->resize_height, this->width, this->height);
ImageJpeg (newimg,this->dstimg);
//Initialize image
Function initi_img()
This->im = imagecreatefromjpeg(this->srcimg);
this->im = imagecreatefromgif(this->srcimg);
this->im = imagecreatefrompng(this->srcimg);
//Image target address
Function dst_img(dstpath)
full_length = strlen(this->srcimg);
type_length = strlen(this->type);
name_length = full_length-type_length;
name = substr(this->srcimg,0,name_length-1);
this->dstimg = dstpath;
//echo this->dstimg;