1. Enable and use smarty cache
To enable smarty's cache, just set caching to true in the smarty setting parameters and specify cache_dir. At the same time, set the cache_lefetime parameter to specify the cache lifetime (in seconds). If you want to generate multiple different caches for the same page, you can add the second parameter cache_id in display or fetch, such as:
The code is as follows: $smarty->display('index.tpl',$my_cache_id);
This feature can be used to cache different $_GETs differently.
2. Clear smarty cache
There are generally several ways to clear smarty cache:
The code is as follows:
clear_all_cache();//Clear all caches
clear_cache('index.tpl');//Clear the cache of the specified template index.tpl
clear_cache('index.tpl',cache_id);//Clear the cache of the specified template with the specified id
3. Global Cache
Global caching is to generate cache pages for all pages of the entire website. To set the global cache, first we need to operate the smarty configuration file, enable the cache, specify the cache file directory, and set the cache survival time. The setting parameters are as follows:
The code is as follows:
$smarty->cache_dir='./cache/'; //Set the folder to store cache files
$smarty->caching=1;//Enable caching 0, FALSE means off | Non-0 number, TRUE means on
$smarty->cache_lifetime=3600//The unit is seconds (if you fill in -1, it will never expire)
Next we need to go to the specific php page to set the name of the specific cache file corresponding to it. In the php page, it can be written as follows:
The code is as follows: $smarty->display('list2.html',md5($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));//Encrypt the URL of the current page (including all parameters after ?) with md5 and then Set cache file name
Things to note are:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
$smarty->display('corresponding template file name', 'supplementary part of cache file name') this method.
The second parameter is not required. If not written, the cache file name is the encrypted file of the template file name. But this will encounter a more difficult problem, such as:
The code is as follows:
These two URLs correspond to different contents, but the generated cache file names are the result of article encryption. This will cause the user to query different content but access the same cache file. Therefore, it is recommended to add an auxiliary parameter. It is a more reliable method to encrypt the access URL (including all parameters after ?) md5.
4. Partial caching
Partial caching means specifying some files to generate cache files, not all files on the website. The essence of partial caching is actually partial non-caching, which means that it is not to specify which files should be cached, but to specify specific files not to be cached. Now assume there are 3 files:
The code is as follows:
http://www.jb51.net/index.php //Requires caching
http://www.jb51.net/cate.php //Requires caching
http://www.jb51.net/article.php //No caching required
You still need to write the sentence $smarty->display('the corresponding template file name', 'the supplementary part of the cache file name') in the php files of the first two files.
But in the third file, we need to specifically indicate that no cache is required. The specific method is to write the following code before displaying the specified template:
The code is as follows:
$smarty->clear_cache('corresponding template file name');//In fact, it can be written before or after $smarty->display('corresponding template file name')
Of course $smarty->display('corresponding template file name') still needs to be written. I don't want to generate a cache, so the second parameter is not needed.
Note: The parameters of $smarty->clear_cache() and $smarty->display() must be written consistently
5. Partial caching
Partial caching is to specify certain local places under the same page to generate cache. In fact, it does not specify which parts generate cache, but which parts do not generate cache (this is similar to the operation idea of partial cache). Let’s first look at the following example:
Part of the article.php file is as follows:
The code is as follows:
function insert_timeget(){
return time();
Part of the code corresponding to the template file article.html is as follows:
The code is as follows:
{insert name='timeget'}
Here is an explanation of the above example: In PHP, we only need to define a custom function named insert_ (note the underscore) with a custom supplementary name. The value returned does not need to be passed by the assign() method. It can be called directly in the template page as {insert name='custom supplementary name'}. At the same time, it will not be affected by the cache and refreshed in real time.
Another addition is that if you feel that using Smarty cache is not satisfying enough, you can also use custom cache. How to use custom cache?
Here you need to set cache_handler_func to use a custom function to handle the cache, such as:
The code is as follows:
function myCache($action,&$smarty_obj,&$cache_content,$tpl_file=null,$cache_id=null,$compile_id=null){
case "read"://read cache content
case "write"://write cache
case "clear"://clear