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PHP reading large file example sharing (file operation class)_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 10:32:51
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Copy code The code is as follows:

class Lib_File2
//File directory
private $root = '/data/wwwroot/kkpromo/data/';

//File suffix
private $suffix = '.log';

//File handle
private $handle=null;

//Maximum size of file read at one time Number of records
private $limit=40000;

//The length of bytes read in each line
private $length=1024;

//Start time
private $startTime=0;

//Memory usage benchmark
private static $startMemory=0;

private $conn=null;

private static $init=null;

public static function instance()
self::$startMemory = memory_get_usage(true);

if( self::$init && is_object(self::$init))
return self::$init;

self::$init = new self();

return self::$init;

private function __construct(){}

public function setRoot($root)
if(!is_dir($root)) die($root.' ROOT DOES NOT EXIST');
$this->root = $root;

public function setSuffix($ suffix)
$this->suffix = $suffix;

public function setLimit($limit)
if(!is_numeric($limit )) die($limit.' SHOULD BE NUMBERIC');
if(intval($limit) > 1000000) die($limit.' SHOULD BE LOWER THAN 1000000');
$this-> limit = intval($limit);

public function _getFile($date, $appid, $op)
$filename = rtrim($this->root, '/').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$date.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$appid.'.'.$op.$this->suffix;
die( $filename.' FILE DOES NOT EXISTS!');

die($filename.' FILE DOES NOT EXISTS!' );

die($filename.' FILE ACCESS DENY!');

return $filename;

public function closeFile($date=null, $appid=null, $op=null)
if($op && $ date && $appid)
if(is_object($this->handle[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op]) || $this->conn[ $date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op])
unset($this->handle[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op ]);

$this->conn[ $date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op]=null;
else {
if(is_array($this- >handle) && $this->handle)
foreach ($this->handle as $key=>$val){
unset($this->handle[$ key]);
          $this->conn[$key]=null; >
return true;

private function _openFile($date, $appid, $op)
$this->startTime = microtime(true );
if(isset($this->conn[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op]) && $this->conn[$date.'_'.$ appid.'_'.$op])
return $this->handle[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op];

   $filename = self::_getFile($date , $appid , $op);
   if(($this->handle[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op] = new SplFileObject($filename , 'r'))!=null)
    $this->conn[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op] = true;
    return $this->handle[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op];
   else {
    die('FILE OPEN FAILED!');

   * 功能:解析数据
   * 格式:  array('timestamp','mid','data');
   * @param string $data
   * @return boolean|array
  private  function _parseData($data , $jsonFlag=true)
   if(empty($data) || !is_string($data)) return false;
   $result = array(

   $data = explode('|', $data);
   if(count($data) < 3 || !is_array($data)) return false;
$result['timestamp'] = $data[0];
$result['mid'] = $data[1];
$result['data'] = @json_decode($data[2] , true);
if(empty($result['timestamp']) || empty($result['mid'])) return false;

return $result;

* TODO:读取单一文件
* @param string $date: 如(20140327)
* @param int $appid: 如(1000,9000)
* @param string $op:如(show,login , index)
* @param number $startNum 默认从第一行开始
* @param number $length 默认到$this->limit 读取的行数
   * @param array $condition:array('mid'=>arrray() , 'ip'=>array() , ...)  过滤条件
   * @param bool $jsonFlag:默认为true, 则保留jsondata字段;设为false,则去掉false字段
   * @return array(count , diffTime , memory , data)
  public  function readFile($date , $appid , $op , $startNum=0 , $length=0 , $jsonFlag=false ,  $condition=array())
   $data['data'] = "";
   $data['count'] = 0;
   $index = $startNum;
   $startNum = empty($startNum) ? 0 : $startNum;
   $length = empty($length) ? $this->limit : $length;

   $handle = self::_openFile($date , $appid , $op );

    while (intval($line_number) - intval($startNum) < intval($length)-1)
$tmp = $handle->current();
     if(empty($tmp)) continue;     
     $tmp = self::_parseData($tmp , $jsonFlag);
     $line_number = $handle->key();
     !$jsonFlag && $condition= array();        
     if(isset($condition) && $condition)
      $key = array_keys($condition);
      if(in_array($tmp['data'][$key[0]], $condition[$key[0]]))
       $data['data'][$line_number] = $tmp;
      $data['data'][$line_number] = $tmp;

     if(intval($line_number) - intval($startNum) >= intval($length)-1) break;
    unset($tmp , $length , $line_number , $condition);

   $data['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $data['memory'] = doubleval((doubleval(memory_get_usage(true)) -  doubleval(self::$startMemory))/1024/1024) . ' M';

   return $data;

   * TODO:命令行下获取文件总记录数*
   * @param string $date
   * @param int $appid
   * @param string $op
   * @return array
  public  function total_lineFile($date, $appid, $op)
   $this->_openFile($date, $appid, $op);
   $file = escapeshellarg($this->_getFile($date, $appid, $op)); // 对命令行参数进行安全转义
   $line = `wc -l  $file`;
   if(preg_match("/(\d{1,})/", $line , $ret)){
   $data['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $data['memory'] = doubleval((doubleval(memory_get_usage(true)) -  doubleval(self::$startMemory))/1024/1024) . ' M';
   return $data;

   * TODO:统计{$data}.{$op}.log记录数
   * @param string $date
   * @param int $appid
   * @param string $op
   * @param array $condition
   * @return array
  public function countFile($date , $appid , $op ,$condition=array())
   $data['count'] = 0;
   $handle = self::_openFile($date , $appid , $op );  
    while (!$handle->eof())
     $tmp = $handle->current();
     if(empty($tmp)) continue;
     $tmp = self::_parseData($tmp);
     if($condition && is_array($condition) )
      $key = array_keys($condition);
      if(isset($tmp['data'][$key[0]]) && $tmp['data'][$key[0]] && in_array($tmp['data'][$key[0]], $condition[$key[0]]))

   unset($handle , $condition , $tmp , $key , $val);
   self::closeFile($date , $appid , $op );

   $data['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $data['memory'] = doubleval((doubleval(memory_get_usage(true)) -  doubleval(self::$startMemory))/1024/1024) . ' M';

   return $data;


   * TODO:统计用户数
   * @param string $date
   * @param int $appid
   * @param string $op
   * @param bool $midflag :默认为false 则 mid返回空数组;如设为true,则mid数组不为空
   * * @param bool $jsonFlag:默认为true, 则保留jsondata字段;设为false,则去掉jsondata字段
   * @param array $condition
   * @return : array:形如({"mid":[],"count":2181,"diffTime":0.0397667884827,"memory":"3.75 M"})
  public function countFileMID($date , $appid , $op  ,  $midflag=false , $jsonFlag=false,  $condition=array())
   //$count = self::total_lineFile($date , $appid , $op );
   $count = self::countFile($date , $appid , $op );
   $index = ceil($count['count'] / $this->limit);
   $result = array('mid'=>array() , 'count'=>0 , 'diffTime'=>0 , 'memory'=>0);

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$index ; $i++)
$startNum = $this->limit*$i;
    $endNum = $this->limit;
    $data = self::readFile($date , $appid , $op  ,  $startNum , $endNum , $jsonFlag);

    if($data['data'] && is_array($data['data']))
     foreach ($data['data'] as $arr)
      if($condition && is_array($condition))
       $key = array_keys($condition);
       if(isset($arr['data'][$key[0]])  && (in_array($arr['data'][$key[0]] , $condition[$key]) || empty($condition[$key[0]])))
        $result['mid'][$arr["mid"]] =1;
        $result['mid'][$arr["mid"]] =1; 
   unset($index , $count , $condition , $data  , $arr);
   self::closeFile($date , $appid , $op);

   $result['mid'] = array_keys($result['mid']);  
   if(empty($midflag)) unset($result['mid']); 

   $result['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $result['memory'] = (memory_get_usage(true) - self::$startMemory)/1024/1024 . ' M';
   return $result;

* TODO: Statistics of participating $op user data across time periods
* @param string $date
* @param int $appid
* @param string $op
* @param number $ day
* @param bool $midflag: The default is false, then mid returns an empty array; if set to true, the mid array is not empty
* @return array is in the form of ("20140326":{"mid": [],"count":4571,"diffTime":0.0806441307068,"memory":"3.75 M"},
* "20140325":{"mid":[],"count":2181,"diffTime" :0.0397667884827,"memory":"3.75 M"})
  public function getReturnUser($date , $appid , $op , $day=1 , $midflag=false)
   for ($i =0; $i<$day ; $i++){
    $date_i = date('Ymd' , strtotime($date)-$i*86400);
    $result[$date_i] = self::countFileMID($date_i , $appid , $op , $midflag); 
   unset($date , $date_i , $appid , $op  , $day);

   return $result;


复制代码 代码如下:

class Lib_File1
private $root = '/data/wwwroot/kkpromo/data/';

private $suffix = '.log';

private $hander=null;

private $limit=40000;

private $length=1024;

private $startTime=0;

private static $startMemory=0;

private $conn=null;

private static $init=null;

public static function instance()
self::$startMemory = memory_get_usage(true);

if(self::$init && is_object(self::$init))
return self::$init;

self::$init = new self();

return self::$init;

private function __construct(){}

public function setRoot($root)
if(!is_dir($root)) die($root.' ROOT DOES NOT EXIST');
$this->root = $root;

  public function setSuffix($suffix)
   $this->suffix = $suffix;

  public function setLimit($limit)
   if(!is_numeric($limit)) die($limit.' SHOULD BE NUMBERIC');
   if(intval($limit) > 1000000) die($limit.' SHOULD BE LOWER THAN 1000000');
   $this->limit = intval($limit);

  private function _getFile($date , $appid , $op)
   $filename = rtrim($this->root , '/').DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$date.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$appid.'.'.$op.$this->suffix;
    die($filename.' FILE DOES NOT EXISTS!');

    die($filename.' FILE DOES NOT EXIST!');

    die($filename.'  FILE ACCESS DENY!');

   return $filename;

  public function closeFile($date=null , $appid=null , $op=null)
   if($op && $date && $appid)
    if(is_object($this->hander[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op]) || $this->conn[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op])

   else {
    if(is_array($this->hander) && $this->hander)
     foreach ($this->hander as $key=>$val){

   return true;

  private function _openFile($date , $appid , $op)
   $this->startTime = microtime(true);
   if(isset($this->conn[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op])  && $this->conn[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op])
    return $this->hander[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op];

   $filename = self::_getFile($date , $appid , $op);
   if(($this->hander[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op] = fopen($filename, 'r'))!=null)
    $this->conn[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op] = true;
    return $this->hander[$date.'_'.$appid.'_'.$op];
   else {
    die('FILE OPEN FAILED!');

   * 功能:解析数据
   * 格式:  array('timestamp','mid','data');
   * @param string $data
   * @return boolean|array
  private  function _parseData($data)
   if(empty($data) || !is_string($data)) return false;
   $result = array(

   $data = explode('|', $data);
   if(count($data) < 3 || !is_array($data)) return false;
$result['timestamp'] = $data[0];
$result['mid'] = $data[1];
$result['data'] = @json_decode($data[2] , true);
if(empty($result['timestamp']) || empty($result['mid'])) return false;

return $result;

* TODO:读取单一文件
* @param string $date: 如(20140327)
* @param int $appid: 如(1000,9000)
* @param string $op:如(show,login , index)
* @param number $startNum 默认从第一行开始
* @param number $endNum 默认到$this->limit结束
   * @param array $condition:array('mid'=>arrray() , 'ip'=>array() , ...)  过滤条件
   * @param bool $jsonFlag:默认为true, 则保留jsondata字段;设为false,则去掉false字段
   * @return array(count , diffTime , memory , data)
  public  function readFile($date , $appid , $op ,$startNum=0 , $endNum=0 , $jsonFlag=false ,  $condition=array())
   $data['data'] = "";
   $data['count'] = 0;
   $index = $startNum;
   $startNum = empty($startNum) ? 0 : $startNum;
   $endNum = empty($endNum) ? $this->limit : $endNum;

   $hander = self::_openFile($date , $appid , $op );

    while ($tmpindex < $endNum)
$tmp = fgets($hander , $this->length);
     if(empty($tmp)) continue;
     if($tmpindex < $endNum && $tmpindex >=$startNum)
      $tmp = self::_parseData($tmp);    
      if(empty($tmp)) continue;
       if(!$jsonFlag) { unset($tmp[2]);  $condition= array();  }
      if($condition && is_array($condition) )
       foreach ($condition as $key=>$val){
        if(in_array($tmp['data'][$key], $condition[$key]))
         unset($key , $val); 
         $data['data'][$index] = $tmp;
       $data['data'][$index] = $tmp;
     if($tmpindex >= $endNum) break;
    fseek($hander ,  SEEK_END);

   $data['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $data['memory'] = doubleval((doubleval(memory_get_usage(true)) -  doubleval(self::$startMemory))/1024/1024) . ' M';

   return $data;

   * TODO:命令行下获取文件总记录数*
   * @param string $date
   * @param int $appid
   * @param string $op
   * @return array
  public  function total_lineFile($date, $appid, $op)
   $this->_openFile($date, $appid, $op);
   $file = escapeshellarg($this->_getFile($date, $appid, $op)); // 对命令行参数进行安全转义
   $line = `wc -l  $file`;
   if(preg_match("/(\d{1,})/", $line , $ret)){
   $data['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $data['memory'] = doubleval((doubleval(memory_get_usage(true)) -  doubleval(self::$startMemory))/1024/1024) . ' M';
   return $data;

   * TODO:统计{$data}.{$op}.log记录数
   * @param string $date
   * @param int $appid
   * @param string $op
   * @param array $condition
   * @return array
  public function countFile($date , $appid , $op ,$condition=array())
   $data['count'] = 0;
   $hander = self::_openFile($date , $appid , $op );  
    while (!feof($hander))
     $tmp = fgets($hander , $this->length);
     $tmp = self::_parseData($tmp);
     if(empty($tmp)) continue;
     if($condition && is_array($condition) )
      foreach ($condition as $key=>$val){
       if(isset($tmp['data'][$key]) && $tmp['data'][$key] && in_array($tmp['data'][$key], $condition[$key])){
        unset($key , $val); 
    fseek($hander , SEEK_END);
   $data['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $data['memory'] = doubleval((doubleval(memory_get_usage(true)) -  doubleval(self::$startMemory))/1024/1024) . ' M';

   return $data;


   * TODO:统计用户数
   * @param string $date
   * @param int $appid
   * @param string $op
   * @param bool $midflag :默认为false 则 mid返回空数组;如设为true,则mid数组不为空
   * * @param bool $jsonFlag:默认为true, 则保留jsondata字段;设为false,则去掉jsondata字段
   * @param array $condition
   * @return : array:形如({"mid":[],"count":2181,"diffTime":0.0397667884827,"memory":"3.75 M"})
  public function countFileMID($date , $appid , $op  ,  $midflag=false , $jsonFlag=false,  $condition=array())
   $count = self::total_lineFile($date , $appid , $op );
   $index = ceil($count['count'] / $this->limit);
   $result = array('mid'=>array() , 'count'=>0 , 'diffTime'=>0 , 'memory'=>0);

   for ($i=0 ; $i<$index ; $i++)
    $startNum = $this->limit*$i;
    $endNum = $this->limit*($i+1);
    $data = self::readFile($date , $appid , $op  ,  $startNum , $endNum , $jsonFlag);
    if($data['data'] && is_array($data['data']))
     foreach ($data['data'] as $arr)
      if($condition && is_array($condition)){
       foreach ($condition as $key=>$val){ 
        if(isset($arr['data'][$key])  && (in_array($arr['data'][$key] , $condition[$key]) || empty($condition[$key]))){
         if(!isset($result['mid'][$arr['mid']]))  { $result['mid'][$arr["mid"]] =1; $result['count']++; }
      else {
       if(!isset($result['mid'][$arr['mid']]))  { $result['mid'][$arr["mid"]] =1; $result['count']++;   }
    unset($data['data'] , $data);
   unset($index , $count , $condition , $data  , $arr);
   self::closeFile($date , $appid , $op);

    $result['mid'] = array_keys($result['mid']);
    //$result['count'] = count($result['mid']);   
    if(empty($midflag)) unset($result['mid']); 

   $result['diffTime'] = doubleval(microtime(true)) - doubleval($this->startTime);
   $result['memory'] = (memory_get_usage(true) - self::$startMemory)/1024/1024 . ' M';
   return $result;

* TODO: Statistics of participating $op user data across time periods
* @param string $date
* @param int $appid
* @param string $op
* @param number $ day
* @param bool $midflag: The default is false, then mid returns an empty array; if set to true, the mid array is not empty
* @return array is in the form of ("20140326":{"mid": [],"count":4571,"diffTime":0.0806441307068,"memory":"3.75 M"},
* "20140325":{"mid":[],"count":2181,"diffTime" :0.0397667884827,"memory":"3.75 M"})
  public function getReturnUser($date , $appid , $op , $day=1 , $midflag=false)
   for ($i =0; $i<$day ; $i++){
    $date_i = date('Ymd' , strtotime($date)-$i*86400);
    $result[$date_i] = self::countFileMID($date_i , $appid , $op , $midflag); 
   unset($date , $date_i , $appid , $op  , $day);

   return $result;

www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/754035.htmlTechArticleLib_File2.php 复制代码 代码如下: ?php class Lib_File2 { //文件目录 private $root = '/data/wwwroot/kkpromo/data/'; //文件后缀 private $suffix = '.log'; //文件句柄...
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