So-called lazy loading usually means loading until user interaction. How to implement lazy loading?
Three aspects need to be clarified:
1. Which attribute of the html element requires lazy loading?
2. Which field of the data source needs to be lazy loaded?
3. What events trigger lazy loading?
The page performance of the customized Directive is roughly as follows:
<ul> <li ng-repeat="cust in customers" delay-bind="{{::cust.street}}" attribute="title" trigger="mouseenter"> <a delay-bind="{{::cust.url}}" attribute="href" trigger="mouseenter"> {{}} </a> </li> </ul> <div>Total Cusotmers: {{::customers.length}}</div>
● delay-bind represents a field value to be taken out from the data source
● The attribute table is the html element attribute, and the attribute is assigned a delayed value
● Trigger means triggering lazy loading through that event
Directive code is roughly as follows:
//interpolate的存在允许one-time一次性绑定 (function(){ var delayBindWithCompile = ['$interpolate', function($interpolate){ var compile = fucntion(tElem, tAttrs){ //delay-bind="{{::cust.street}}" //这里返回的是一个函数,也就相当于针对street属性的编译开始,相当于把编译的功能先缓存在这里 var interpolateFunc = $interpolate(tAttrs.delayBind); //重新设置delayBind的属性值,这时候DOM还没有加载呢 tAttrs.$set('delayBind', null); //相当于清除属性值 return { pre: function(scope, elem, attrs){ }, post: function(scope, elem, attrs){ //trigger="mouseenter" elem.on(attrs.trigger, function(event){ //attribute="title" 这里title是表示真正要延迟更新的属性 var attr = atts.attribute, val = interpolateFunc(scope); //编译真正执行 if(attr && !elem.attr(attr)){ elem.attr(attr, val); } }); } } }; return { restrict: 'A', compile: compile } }]; angular.module('directivesModule') .directive('delayBind', delayBindWithCompile); }());
Above, the $interpolate service is used in the compile method. The $interpolate service can first compile and cache the attribute value of a field in the data source through $interpolate(tAttrs.delayBind), in post-link, which is here In the post function, when the event that causes delayed loading is triggered, the $interpolate service starts to compile and assign the value to an attribute of the html element.
The above is related to implementing lazy loading for Directive in AngularJS. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.