Let’s introduce two methods. First, please save the following code as safe.php in the root directory of the website, and then add include("/safe.php"); in front of each php file:
php anti-injection code method one:
<?php //要过滤的非法字符 $ArrFiltrate=array("‘",";","union"); //出错后要跳转的url,不填则默认前一页 $StrGoUrl=""; //是否存在数组中的值 function FunStringExist($StrFiltrate,$ArrFiltrate) { foreach ($ArrFiltrate as $key=>$value) { if (eregi($value,$StrFiltrate)) { return true; } } return false; } //合并$_POST 和 $_GET if(function_exists(array_merge)) { $ArrPostAndGet=array_merge($HTTP_POST_VARS,$HTTP_GET_VARS); } else { foreach($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key=>$value) { $ArrPostAndGet[]=$value; } foreach($HTTP_GET_VARS as $key=>$value) { $ArrPostAndGet[]=$value; } } //验证开始 foreach($ArrPostAndGet as $key=>$value) { if (FunStringExist($value,$ArrFiltrate)) { echo "<script language="javascript">alert("非法字符");</script>"; if (emptyempty($StrGoUrl)) { echo "<script language="javascript">history.go(-1);</script>"; } else { echo "<script language="javascript">window.location="".$StrGoUrl."";</script>"; } exit; } } ?>
php anti-injection code method two:
<?php /* 过滤所有GET过来变量 */ foreach ($_GET as $get_key=>$get_var) { if (is_numeric($get_var)) { $get[strtolower($get_key)] = get_int($get_var); } else { $get[strtolower($get_key)] = get_str($get_var); } } /* 过滤所有POST过来的变量 */ foreach ($_POST as $post_key=>$post_var) { if (is_numeric($post_var)) { $post[strtolower($post_key)] = get_int($post_var); } else { $post[strtolower($post_key)] = get_str($post_var); } } /* 过滤函数 */ //整型过滤函数 function get_int($number) { return intval($number); } //字符串型过滤函数 function get_str($string) { if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return addslashes($string); } return $string; } ?>