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Use PHP to implement some common functions in games_PHP tutorial

Release: 2016-07-13 10:33:50
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Simple Dice Roller

Dice are required for many games and gaming systems. Let's start with the easy part: rolling a six-sided die. Essentially, rolling a six-sided die is simply choosing a random number between 1 and 6. In PHP, this is very simple: echo rand(1,6);.

In many cases, this is basically simple. But when dealing with games of chance, we need some better implementation. PHP provides a better random number generator: mt_rand(). Without delving too deeply into the differences between the two, mt_rand can be thought of as a faster and better random number generator: echo mt_rand(1,6);. It would be even better if you put this random number generator into a function.

1. Use mt_rand() random number generator function:

function roll () {
	return mt_rand(1,6);
echo roll();
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You can then pass the type of dice to be rolled as a parameter to the function.

2. Pass the dice type as a parameter:

function roll ($sides) {
	return mt_rand(1,$sides);
echo roll(6);  // roll a six-sided die
echo roll(10);  // roll a ten-sided die
echo roll(20);  // roll a twenty-sided die
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From here, we can continue to roll multiple dice at once as needed and return an array of results; we can also roll multiple dice of different types at once. But most tasks can be done using this simple script.

Random Name Generator

If you're running a game, writing a story, or creating a large number of characters all at once, it can sometimes be overwhelming to deal with the constant stream of new names. Let's take a look at a simple random name generator that can be used to solve this problem. First, let's create two simple arrays—one for first names and one for last names.

3. Two simple arrays of first name and last name:

$male = array(
$last = array(
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You can then select a random element from each array: echo $male[array_rand($male)] . ' ' . $last[array_rand($last)];. To extract multiple names at once, just mix the arrays and extract as needed.

4. Mixed name array

for ($i = 0; $i <= 3; $i++) {
	echo $male[$i] . ' ' . $last[$i];
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Based on this basic concept, we can create a text file that holds first and last names. If you store a name on each line of a text file, you can easily separate the file contents with newlines to build an array of source code.

5. Create a text file of name

$male = explode('n', file_get_contents('names.female.txt'));
$last = explode('n', file_get_contents('names.last.txt'));
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Build or find some good name files (some are included in the code archive) and we'll never have to worry about names again.

Scene Generator

Using the same basic principles we used to build the name generator, we can build the scene generator. This generator is useful not only in role-playing games, but also in situations where you need to use a collection of pseudo-random environments (which can be used for role-playing, improvisation, writing, etc.). One of my favorite games, Paranoia, includes a "mission blender" in its GM Pack. The Mission Mixer can be used to combine complete missions while rolling the dice quickly. Let's put together our own scene generator.

Consider the following scenario: You wake up and find yourself lost in the jungle. You know you have to get to New York, but you don’t know why. You can hear dogs barking nearby and the distinct sounds of enemy seekers. You're cold, shaking, and unarmed. Each sentence in the scene introduces a specific aspect of the scene:

  • "You wake up and find yourself lost in the jungle" — This sentence will establish the setting.
  • "You know you have to get to New York" — This sentence will describe the goal.
  • "You can hear the dogs barking" — This sentence will introduce the enemy.
  • "You're cold, shaking, and unarmed" — This sentence will add complexity.

Just like you created the text files for First Name and Last Name, first create separate text files for Settings, Objectives, Enemies, and Complexity. Sample files are included in the code archive. Once you have these files, the code to generate the scene is basically the same as the code to generate the name.

6. Generate scene

$settings = explode("n", file_get_contents('scenario.settings.txt'));
$objectives = explode("n", file_get_contents('scenario.objectives.txt'));
$antagonists = explode("n", file_get_contents('scenario.antagonists.txt'));
$complicati**** = explode("n", file_get_contents('scenario.complicati****.txt'));
echo $settings[0] . ' ' . $objectives[0] . ' ' . $antagonists[0] . ' '
. $complicati****[0] . "<br />n";
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We can add elements to the scene by adding new text files, and we may wish to add multiple levels of complexity. The more content you add to the basic text file, the more the scene changes over time.

Deck builder and shuffler

If you're going to play poker and you're going to be dealing with card-related scripts, we need to put together a deck builder with the tools in the rig. First, let's build a standard deck of cards. Two arrays need to be constructed - one to hold the group of cards of the same suit, and another to hold the face of the card. This gives you great flexibility if you need to add new decks or card types later.

7. Construct a standard deck of playing cards

$suits = array (
	"Spades", "Hearts", "Clubs", "Diamonds"
$faces = array (
	"Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight",
	"Nine", "Ten", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace"
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Then build a deck array to hold all card values. This can be done simply using a pair of foreach loops.

8. Construct a deck of card arrays

$deck = array();
foreach ($suits as $suit) {
	foreach ($faces as $face) {
		$deck[] = array ("face"=>$face, "suit"=>$suit);
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After constructing an array of playing cards, we can easily shuffle the deck and randomly draw a card.

9. Shuffle the cards and randomly draw a card

$card = array_shift($deck);
echo $card['face'] . ' of ' . $card['suit'];
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现在,我们就获得了抽取多副牌或构建多层牌盒(multideck shoe)的捷径。



10. 每只手抽出五张牌

$hands = array(1 => array(), 2=>array());
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
	$hands[1][] = implode(" of ", array_shift($deck));
	$hands[2][] = implode(" of ", array_shift($deck));
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然后可以查看这副牌,看看剩余多少张牌以及抽到特定牌的机率是多少。查看剩余的牌数十分简单。只需要计算 $deck 数组中包含的元素数。


11. 计算抽到特定牌的几率

function calculate_odds($draw, $deck) {
$remaining = count($deck);
$odds = 0;
foreach ($deck as $card) {
if (  ($draw['face'] == $card['face'] && $draw['suit'] ==
$card['suit'] ) ||
($draw['face'] == '' && $draw['suit'] == $card['suit'] ) ||
($draw['face'] == $card['face'] && $draw['suit'] == '' ) ) {
return $odds . ' in ' $remaining;
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12. 查找指定的一张牌

$draw = array('face' => 'Ace', 'suit' => 'Spades');
echo implode(" of ", $draw) . ' : ' . calculate_odds($draw, $deck);
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13. 查找指定牌面或花色的牌

$draw = array('face' => '', 'suit' => 'Spades');
$draw = array('face' => 'Ace', 'suit' => '');
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14. 使用复选框表示要替换的牌

foreach ($hand as $index =>$card) {
echo "<input type='checkbox' name='card[" . $index . "]'>
" . $card['face'] . ' of ' . $card['suit'] . "<br />";
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然后,计算输入 array $_POST['card'],查看哪些牌已被选择用于替换。

15. 计算输入

$i = 0;
while ($i < 5) {
if (isset($_POST['card'][$i])) {
$hand[$i] = array_shift($deck);
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Hangman 游戏

Hangman 实质上是一款猜字游戏。给定单词的长度,我们使用有限的几次机会猜这个单词。如果猜出了出现在该单词中的一个字母,则填充该字母出现的所有位置。在猜错若干次(通常为六次)后,您就输了比赛。要构建一个简陋的 hangman 游戏,我们需要从单词列表开始。现在,让我们把单词列表制作成一个简单的数组。

16. 创建单词列表

$words = array (
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17. 构建保存字母和猜测结果的数组

$letters = array('a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o',
$right = array_fill_keys($letters, '.');
$wrong = array();
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18. 评估猜测并显示进度

if (stristr($word, $guess)) {
$show = '';
$right[$guess] = $guess;
$wordletters = str_split($word);
foreach ($wordletters as $letter) {
$show .= $right[$letter];
} else {
$show = '';
$wrong[$guess] = $guess;
if (count($wrong) == 6) {
$show = $word;
} else {
foreach ($wordletters as $letter) {
$show .= $right[$letter];
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在源代码归档 中,可以看到如何序列化猜测数组并将该数组从一次猜测传递到另一次猜测中。


我知道这样做不合适,但是有时在玩纵横拼字谜时,您不得不费劲地找出以 C 开头并以 T 结尾、包含五个字母的单词。使用为 Hangman 游戏构建的相同单词列表,我们可以轻松地搜索符合某个模式的单词。首先,找到一种传输单词的方法。为了简单起见,用句点替换缺少的字母:$guess = "c...t";。由于正则表达式将把句点处理为单个字符,因此我们可以轻松地遍历单词列表以查找匹配。

19. 遍历单词列表

foreach ($words as $word) {
if (preg_match("/^" . $_POST['guess'] . "$/",$word)) {
echo $word . "<br />n";
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根据单词列表的质量及猜测的准确度,我们应当能够得到合理的单词列表以用于可能的匹配。您必须自己决定 "表示 '不按规则玩' 的由五个字母组成的单词" 的谜底是 "chest" 还是 "cheat"。


米德里比斯是一款文字游戏,玩家在游戏中得到一个简短的故事并用同一类型的不同单词替换主要类型的单词,从而创建同一个故事的更无聊的新版本。阅读以下文本:"I was walking in the park when I found a lake. I jumped in and swallowed too much water. I had to go to the hospital." 开始用其他单词标记替换单词类型。开始和结束标记带有下划线用于阻止意外的字符串匹配。

20. 用单词标记替换单词类型

$text = "I was _VERB_ing in the _PLACE_ when I found a _NOUN_.
I _VERB_ed in, and _VERB_ed too much _NOUN_.  I had to go to the _PLACE_.";
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21. 创建几个基本单词列表

$verbs = array('pump', 'jump', 'walk', 'swallow', 'crawl', 'wail', 'roll');
$places = array('park', 'hospital', 'arctic', 'ocean', 'grocery', 'basement',
'attic', 'sewer');
$nouns = array('water', 'lake', 'spit', 'foot', 'worm',
'dirt', 'river', 'wankel rotary engine');
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22. 评估文本

while (preg_match("/(_VERB_)|(_PLACE_)|(_NOUN_)/", $text, $matches)) {
switch ($matches[0]) {
case '_VERB_' :
$text = preg_replace($matches[0], current($verbs), $text, 1);
case '_PLACE_' :
$text = preg_replace($matches[0], current($places), $text, 1);
case '_NOUN_' :
$text = preg_replace($matches[0], current($nouns), $text, 1);
echo $text;
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全部选中乐透的六个正确号码 —— 退一步说 —— 在统计学上是不可能的。不过,许多人仍然花钱去玩,而且如果您喜欢号码,则查看趋势图可能很有趣。让我们构建一个脚本,该脚本将允许跟踪赢奖号码并在列表中提供选择次数最少的 6 个号码。(免责声明:这不会帮助您中乐透奖,因此请不要花钱购买奖券。这只是为了娱乐)。

把赢奖的乐透选择保存到文本文件中。用逗号分隔各个号码并把每组号码放在单独一行中。使用换行符分隔文件内容并使用逗号分隔行后,可以得到类似清单 23 的内容。

23. 把选择的赢奖乐透保存到文本文件中

$picks = array(
array('6', '10', '18', '21', '34', '40'),
array('2', '8', '13', '22', '30', '39'),
array('3', '9', '14', '25', '31', '35'),
array('11', '12', '16', '24', '36', '37'),
array('4', '7', '17', '26', '32', '33')
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设置一个基本数组以保存选择范围。例如,如果选择 1 到 40 之间(例如,$numbers = array_fill(1,40,0);)的号码,则遍历我们的选择,递增相应的匹配值。

24. 遍历选择

foreach ($picks as $pick) {
foreach ($pick as $number) {
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25. 根据值将号码排序

$pick = array_slice($numbers,0,6,true);
echo implode(',', array_keys($pick));
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www.bkjia.comtruehttp://www.bkjia.com/PHPjc/752403.htmlTechArticle简单的掷骰器 许多游戏和游戏系统都需要骰子。让我们先从简单的部分入手:掷一个六面骰子。实际上,滚动一个六面骰子就是从 1 到 6...
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