(1) Introduction
This article mainly introduces the CakePHP architecture and how to install and configure it to get started with development.
(2) Requirements (1) Understand basic PHP code. (2) The development environment of Apache+MySQL+PHP has been configured.
(3) Text (1) Introduction to CakePHP
CakePHP is a free and open source MVC framework based on PHP. It is simpler than some other PHP frameworks (such as zend framework), allowing users to create network applications faster and without losing flexibility. Therefore, it is easy for ordinary beginners to get started.
CakePHP has the following features:
Having a friendly and active community
Flexible MIT License
Compatible with PHP4 and PHP5
Database interaction uses CRUD
Application scaffolding
Automatic code generation (code generator)
MVC architecture
Clear, clean highly customizable URLs and routing request dispatcher
Built-in validation
Fast and flexible template mechanism (PHP syntax, with helpers)
With AJAX, JavaScript, HTML forms and more view assistant tools
Mail, cookies, security, session, and request processing components
Flexible ACL access control mechanism
Data cleaning
Flexible view caching
Can work in any subdirectory with little or no need to change any Apache related configuration
(2) Configuration development
Download CakePHP from http://cakephp.org/, the latest version is:
After downloading, extract it to the root directory of the server, such as: /wwwRoot/First_App. At the same time, you can change the root directory to point directly to First_AppAppWebRoot, such as: DocumentRoot "D:PHPwwwRootFirst_Appappwebroot"
Restart the Apache service. Browse: http://localhost/
If you see the same page as this, it means your Apache service is configured correctly. At the same time, you can see 4 prompt messages on the page. The yellow ones are the ones you must configure.
Configuration is as follows:
1. Find Configure::write('Security.salt', 'DYhG93b0qyJfIxfs2guVoUubWwvniR2G0FgaC9mi') in First_AppappconfigCore.php;
Just change the following keys to any string of about 40 characters.
2. Change the file name of the file First_Appappconfigdatabase.php.default to: database.php, change the database connection inside, and delete the test configuration. The final configuration is as follows:
var $default = array(
'driver' => 'mysql',
'persistent' => false,
'host' => 'localhost',
'login' => 'root',
'password' => '123',
'database' => 'cake',
'prefix' => '',
3. If First_Appapptmp is not writable, you need to change it to writable.
Save the changes and browse http://localhost/ again. You will find that all the yellow tips above turn to green.
4. Routing configuration, this is the key to the entire configuration and ensures that the following can be done correctly.
Routing is used to map URLs and controller actions
Default route for URL style:
Modify httpd.conf to enable mod_rewrite
1 Remove the # before #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
2At the same time, change AllowOverride none to AllowOverride all
For example:
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride all
The above is to set all website directories to Allowoverride all. If it is all, the apache service will use .htaccess to control routing. If it is set to none, the routing in .htaccess in the directory will not be processed
You can specify a separate directory for routing, and you need to add the directory to be specified in
AllowOverride all
After changing httpd.conf, you need to restart the Apache service.
(3) Usage structure
If the configuration is correct, you can add your own code.
3.1 Create database table
id int (11) unsigned auto_increment,
name varchar(200),
text varchar(200),
CreateTime timestamp default current_timeStamp,
primary key (id)
insert into Items(name,text) values('Item1','Item1content');
3.2 Create Model:First_AppappmodelsItem.php
var $name = 'Item';
3.3 Create Controller:First_AppappcontrollersItems_Controller.php
class ItemsController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Items';
var $scaffold;
3.4 Browse: http://localhost/Items, the results are as follows: