* Declares attribute labels.
public function attributeLabels()
return array(
'password'=>'密 码',
//'rememberMe'=>'Remember me next time',
接下来创建登陆模型对象(controllers 控制登录模块)
$user_login=new LoginForm();
$this ->render('login',array(''=>$user_login));//绿色部分和前台代码$user_login 要一致
beginWidget('CActiveForm'); ?>
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////
Next, create the verification of the form data
It has two methods, one is the save method and the other is the validate method
The form data validation save() method can verify the data at the same time. If the verification is successful, the data can be stored in save(). There will be a step later that will execute the rules() method of the model, which is to verify the form
We are now using to implement the verification of the login form. We can call validate(). This method verifies the information we entered. This saves the save step, and the rules method will also be executed later
Configure verification prompt information (in model--->loginForm)
public function rules() ), > // Remembermene to be a Boolean ////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////// Use UerIdentity component for user verification
Username required'),
// Array ('Rememberme ",' Boolean '), // Password Needs to be authenticated
Array (' Password ', 'Authenticate '),
Then add an error message to the front-end login interface
error($user_login,'password'); ?>