Note: The article comes from Li Yanhui’s PHP video tutorial. This article is for communication only and may not be used for commercial purposes, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.
Learning points:
1. String formatting
2. Substring operations
3. String comparison
4. Find and replace strings
5. Processing Chinese characters
In daily programming work, processing, adjusting and finally controlling strings is an important part. It is generally believed that
this is the basis of all programming languages. Unlike other languages, PHP doesn't bother using data types to handle strings. This way, string manipulation in PHP couldn't be easier.
1. String formatting
The first step to clean up a string is to clean up the extra spaces in the string. Although this operation is not required, it is useful if is saving the string to a file or database, or comparing it to other strings.
The chop() function removes excess whitespace after the string, including new lines.
The ltrim() function removes excess white space at the beginning of the string.
The rtrim() function removes excess whitespace after the string, including new lines. This function is an alias of chop().
The trim() function removes excess whitespace on both sides of a string.
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span trim</span>(' PHP '<span ); </span>?>
. The
nl2br() function takes a string as an input parameter and replaces the newline character in the string with the
tag in XHTML.
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span nl2br</span>("This is a Teacher!\nThis is a Student!"<span ); </span>?>
If you want to remove HTML from a string, you can use the strip_tags() function
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span htmlentities</span>('<strong>我是吴祁!</strong>'); <span //</span><span 转换所有字符</span> <span echo</span> <span htmlspecialchars</span>('<strong>我是吴祁!</strong>') <span //</span><span 转换特殊字符</span> <span echo</span> <span strip_tags</span>('<strong>我是吴祁!</strong>') <span //</span><span 去掉了<strong></span> ?>
may cause some problems because the database will interpret these characters as control characters. These problematic characters are quotation marks (single quotation mark
and double quotation mark), backslash () and NULL characters.
PHP provides two functions specifically for escaping strings. Before writing any strings to the database, they should
be reformatted using addslashes().
After calling addslashes(), all quotes have slashes added and stripslashes() function removes them. these slashes.
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span addslashes</span>('This is \a" Teacher! '<span ); </span>?>
strtoupper() function converts the string to uppercase
strtolower() function converts the string to lowercase
ucfirst() function converts the first letter to uppercase
ucwords() function converts each letter to uppercase Convert the first letter of words to uppercase
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strtoupper</span>(''<span ); </span>?>
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span str_pad</span>('Salad',10).'is good.'<span ; </span>?>
2. Manipulate substrings
Often, we want to look at individual parts of a string. For example, look at words in a sentence, or split a domain name or email address into its component parts. PHP provides several string functions to achieve this functionality.Use the functions explode(), implode() and join()
To implement this functionality, the first function we will use is explode().
Use the implode() or join() function to achieve the opposite effect of the function explode(). The effects of these two functions are
<?<span php </span><span $email</span> = ''<span ; </span><span $email_array</span> = <span explode</span>('@',<span $email</span><span ); </span>?>
word from a string at a time, the strtok() function works better than the explode() function.
<?<span php </span><span $str</span> = "I,"<span ; </span><span $tok</span> = <span strtok</span>(<span $str</span>,",.#"<span ); </span><span while</span>(<span $tok</span><span ) { </span><span echo</span> "<span $tok</span><br \>"<span ; </span><span $tok</span> = <span strtok</span>(",.#"<span ); } </span>?>
Decompose the string: str_split() returns an array, where each array element is a character
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span substr</span>("abcdef", 1, 3<span ); </span>?>
Reverse a string: strrev() can reverse a string.
<?<span php </span><span print_r</span>(<span str_split</span>('This is a Teacher!'<span )); </span>?>
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strrev</span>('This is a Teacher!'<span ); </span>?>
So far, we have used the "==" sign to compare two strings for equality. Some more complex comparisons can be performed using PHP. These comparisons fall into two categories: partial matches and other cases. String sorting: strcmp(), strcasecmp() and strnatcmp()
This function requires two parameter strings for comparison. This function returns 0 if the two strings are equal, a positive number if is lexicographically behind str1 and str2 (greater than str2), and a negative
number if str1 is less than str2. This function is case-sensitive.
The function strcasecmp() is the same as strcmp() except that it is not case sensitive.
The function strnatcmp() and the corresponding case-insensitive strnatcasecmp() function are new in PHP4.
These two functions compare strings according to "natural sorting". The so-called natural sorting is to sort in the order that people are accustomed to.
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strcmp</span>('a','b'<span ); </span>?>
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strspn</span>('gmail',''<span ); </span>?>
字符串的长度。例如, strlen("hello") 将返回5.
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strlen</span>('This is a Teacher!'<span ); </span>?>
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span substr_count</span>('','c'<span ); </span>?>
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strstr</span>('','@'<span ); </span>?>
符串needle 在字符串haystack 中的位置。更有趣的是,现在的PHP 手册建议使用strpos()
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span strrpos</span>('','c'<span ); </span>?>
<?<span php </span><span echo</span> <span str_replace</span>('@','#',''<span ); </span><span echo</span> <span substr_replace</span>('','###',0,5<span ); </span>?>
对于以上的字符串函数,有些可以用于中文,但有些却不适用中文。所以,PHP 提供
mb_strlen() 对应的函数为strlen() 求字符串的长度
mb_strstr() 对应的函数为strstr() 求某字符串到结尾的字符
mb_strpos() 对应的函数为strpos() 求出字符最先出现处
mb_substr() 对应的函数为substr() 取出指定的字符串
mb_substr_count() 对应函数为substr_str() 返回字符串出现的次数