This article mainly introduces the example of using the Db class select query join linked list of the zf framework. Friends in need can refer to it
Example of using zend framework's query join() linked list The code is as follows: '' , 'username' => 'root' , 'password' => '111' , 'dbname' => 'test', 'profiler' => "true" ); //Tell the Zend_Db class the database and database configuration information operated by $Db = Zend_Db::factory('PDO_Mysql' , $Config); //Execute encoding statement $Db -> query("set names utf8"); //-------------------------------------------------- $Select = $Db ->select(); $Select -> from('sanguo','*'); $Select -> join('dengji','sanguo.s_dengji = dengji.d_id'); $Select -> order('s_dengji asc'); $Reslut = $Db -> fetchAll($Select); echo "" . $value2 . " | "; } echo "